
lunes, 3 de febrero de 2025

1977: El aumento del control de natalidad

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Séptimo álbum

Portada del séptimo álbum titulado Increase

Enlaces interesantes: 

En este artículo traemos el séptimo álbum de la banda alemana de krautrock, Birth Control.

La característica de su música son las piezas largas y los interludios solistas de los instrumentos individuales, especialmente los solos de batería. Es conocida por su sonido de hard rock progresivo y portadas de álbumes provocativos (como la de Two Eggs – Two Concerts que representa a una gallina cocinando huevos).

Anteriores artículos

En un anterior artículo trajimos los comienzos y primer álbum homónimo de la banda: 1970: Comienzos y primer álbum de Birth Control.

En un anterior artículo comentamos el segundo álbum de la banda, Operation1971: La operación de Birth Control

En un anterior artículo comentamos el tercer álbum de la banda, Hoodoo Man1972: Hoodoo Man y Birth Control.

En un anterior artículo comentamos el cuarto álbum de la banda, Rebirth1974: El renacimiento de Birth Control

En un anterior artículo comentamos el quinto álbum de la banda, Plastic People1975: Birth Control y la gente de plástico

En un anterior artículo comentamos su sexto álbum de estudio Backdoor Possibilities publicado en 1976:

Portada del álbum Backdoor Posibilities


A principios de 1977 se publicó el noveno sencillo "Fall Down / Laugh Or Cry" con dos temas que una vez más no fueron incluidos en ningún LP. Este sencillo fue grabado en estéreo 3-D en Delta-acustic Studio y tenía la intención de impulsar la exportación del álbum Backdoor Possibilities. El CD "Backdoor Possibilities", lanzado en 1997 por Repertoire Records, contiene estos títulos como bonus tracks.

Portada del sencillo Fall Down

B: Laugh Or Cry

Después de cuatro años de sin cambios en la formación, el bajista y cantante Peter Föller dejó la banda por motivos musicales. Fue reemplazado por el ex músico de Stuttgart Horst Stachelhaus, quien es considerado uno de los mejores bajistas y, por lo tanto, más solicitados en Alemania. 

La gira realizada durante la primavera del 1977 terminó prematuramente cuando  el baterista / vocalista principal / líder de la banda Bernd 'Nossi' Noske se cayó del escenario en Wettingen (Suiza) y cayó con su brazo derecho en una botella de cerveza rota. Horst Stachelhaus estuvo en el escenario en los últimos cinco conciertos de esa gira.

Horst Stachelhaus

La canción "Meta Ventilator" solo fue tocada en vivo en los últimos tres conciertos de esa gira, nunca fue lanzada pero fue grabada en cinta de audio por la propia banda el 1 de mayo en el Stadthalle Korbach. El tema restaurado en 1998 fue incluido como bonus tracks en algunas ediciones en CD del álbum Backdoor Possibilities.

En mayo de 1977, se les unió el baterista de Message, Manfred von Bohr, un maestro de su instrumento. Esto también marcó el comienzo de un nuevo capítulo para Nossi: ¡cantante principal! Pero no podía prescindir por completo de la batería. A partir de ese momento habría mucha más percusión en los conciertos.
Manfred von Bohr


Su séptimo álbum, Increase, fue grabado y mezclado durante los meses de julio y agosto de 1976. Fue grabado en Lerchenhof, Pohlhausen, Colonia, Alemania con el estudio móvil Delta-Studios Mobile Equipment. Fue mezclado en los Delta Studios, Wilster, Alemania, con el sistema 3D que ya habían utilizado en el sencillo. Actuaron como ingenieros David Hitchcock y Manfred Schunke asistidos por Horst Wenzel. El álbum fue producido por la banda y David Hitchock. El sistema 3D consiste en usar una cabeza artificial con micrófonos AKG.
El productor David Hitchock

El resultado es muy parecido a su anterior álbum pero es más rítmico y cohesivo. Sin embargo, también faltaban los elementos clásicos del rock que habían hecho que Birthcontrol fuera tan famoso y popular. 


El álbum fue lanzado en otoño de 1977 con Brain (60.066). La portada fue de  Jacques Alexandre  sobre una idea de la propia banda. El álbum fue publicado tan solo en Alemania, España y Japón.

Contraportada del álbum


En el otoño de 1977, hicieron una corta gira de promoción del álbum por Alemania. La asistencia a sus conciertos era cada vez menor. En la penúltima noche de la gira Increase, el coche de los roadies se estrelló cerca de Lüneburg.  Para los músicos, esta es una ocasión para replantearse su propia situación y disfrutar de una pausa de 12 meses después de ocho años de viajes ininterrumpidos.

Nossi en un concierto

Lista de temas

Lado 1

A1 Skate-Board Sue    3:55

A2 Domino's Hammock    4:52

A3 Fight For You    4:35

A4 Until The Night    6:25

Lado 2

B1 Get Up!    4:35

  • Bruno Frenzel / guitarras eléctricas y acústicas, armonías vocales
  • Zeus B. Held / Hammond C3, piano eléctrico Fender, clavinete Hohner D6, Mini-Moog, Polymoog, sintetizador de cuerdas, piano de cola, saxo alto, armonías vocales
  • Bernd Noske / voz principal, percusión, batería (4,7), vibráfono (4,6)
  • Horst Stachelhaus / bajo
  • Manfred von Bohr / batería, percusión (4), congas (5)
Imagen de la reedición de 1997


Fue reeditado en LP en Alemania en 1979 con una portada diferente.

Edición de 1979

Fue publicado en CD por primera vez (remasterizado) en Alemania en 1996 con Green Tree Records.

Contraportada de la edición de 1996

En 1997 fue publicado en Europa en CD con Repertoire.

Edición de 1997

Opinión personal

Es un álbum muy ecléctico, tiene algo de rock duro, algo de jazz-rock, algo de blues e incluso de funk.
El tono progresivo lo dan los teclados. Como el anterior suena menos duro que los primeros álbumes. El tema que más me gusta y que parece el punto culminante del álbum es el tema We All Thought We Knew You en el demuestran su maestría instrumental. El álbum cierra con Seems My Bike's Riding Me el otro tema largo que gustará a los amantes del prog. Otras que me gustan es la balada Until the Night y la animada Domino's Hammock que con el órgano me recuerda a Emerson, Lake & Palmer.


Skate-board Sue

Skate-Board Sue Had Nothing To Do
Bored To Tears
Couldn't Be Taught, Hated All Sport
For So Many Years
She Was Fat, Fat, Ugly and Bored
Until She Got A Skate-Board
She Felt Great, Just Couldn't Wait
Till She Was Best
What A Thrill, Sixty Downhill
Beat All The Rest
Now Beautiful And Never Bored
On A Daisy, Glazy Skate-Board
Look At That Girl On Her Skate-Board
(Her Magic Rolling Skate-Board)
She Rides Along Like A Queen
Down The Streets Of The Town
Ain't She Neat On Her Skate-Board
(Her Magic Rolling Skate-Board)
Snaking Along Through The Crowds
Never Slowing Down
She Can Roll Right Round The Pool
Reach The Top
Skate Board Queen Light As A Dream
She'll Never Stop
Beautiful and Never Bored
On A Daisy, Glazy Skate-Board
Look At That Girl On Her Skate-Board
(Her Magic Rolling Skate-Board)
She Rides Along Like A Queen
Down The Streets Of The Town
Ain't She Neat On Her Skate-Board
(Her Magic Rolling Skate-Board)
Snaking Along Through The Crowds
Never Slowing Down

Domino’s Hammock

Swinging between two trees
Hanging out in the chinook breeze
Lying in his hammock
Wondering if she'll really come

Today could be hammock play, a heavy date
But will she come to him and be his hammock mate

Lola Paloza's coming
On time lolling Lollabrigida
Dinky hips, great big brown eyes
Domino, a canvas Casanova

Sitting up in his hanging bed, she's in view
Now he knows that she is coming, he will too

I wanna do my homework with nobody but you
So join me in my hammock, hello Lola
Put some lead in my pencil and I'll draw you a smile
So come into my hammock
Hello Lola, kiss me, I swear, it's a heavy date

Like a tiger, she leaps in with him
French kiss, free style hammock ride
Touching clothes and legs akimbo
Sweating, getting high on love

Hear her laughing, sighing, boobs so bubbly
Hammock heaving, heavenly ecstasy

I wanna do my homework with nobody but you
So join me in my hammock, hello Lola
Put some lead in my pencil and I'll draw you a smile
So come into my hammock
Hello Lola, kiss me, I swear, it's a heavy date

Do you know-no-no-no-no-no-no

Doing zing, doing chi
(Swinging hammock)
Having fun, making love
(Hanging heaven)
Doing zing, doing chi
(Hammock swinging)
Having fun, making love
(Heaving haven)

Can't get enough of love games
Even when it starts to rain
They keep on swaying, playing
Between creaking, straining trees

Still she's laughing, sighing, boobs so bubbly
Hanging heaven, happiness is a hammock for two

Put more lead in my pencil and I'll draw you a smile
So please stay in my hammock
Come on Lola, tease me, ease me, be my hammock mate

Fight for You

Watch out, baby take care
What you do now, I'm in love with you
I know, I did you wrong
But that was so long ago

Don't play those silly games
Because I can't take 'em no more
I know I must prove myself
To get back into your heart

'Cause I know I'm gonna lose you soon
If I don't, hurry, get a move on
There's no time for me to mess around
If I'm to win back that lost love

Woman, this other guy
The next time I'll take him apart
If he so much as touches you
I'm gonna tear out his heart

'Cause I know he's a bloody liar
Saying that he really loves you
All he wants is your beautiful body
Then he'll leave you for a new love

I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses aAnd your spirit and your soul
I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses and your spirit and your soul

'Cause I know he's a bloody liar
Saying that he really loves you
All he wants is your beautiful body
Then he'll leave you for a new love

I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses and your spirit and your soul
I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses and your spirit and your soul

I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses and your spirit and your soul
I'll fight for you, darling, brown eyed beauty
I can't live without your kisses and your spirit and your soul

Until the Night

You told me it's all over
That you'd made up your mind to leave me for good
There was nothing I could do or say
That could change your mind, make you stay

I didn't realise how much I'd hurt you
How many painful lonely times I made you go through
Now I know and I feel like dying
But I'll take the pain and the lonely heartache
Hoping against hope you might come back

My heart cries out for you
Now that you've gone away
I lie alone at night, praying for the day
So I can numb the pain, pretend again
All is well, I'm alright until the night

Must have been deaf, dumb and blind
Not to see all the love that was before me
Now that you are gone
Even in a crowd I'm so alone

So incomplete, like half a man
Mmm, sit nursing my drink trying not to think
Turning away every now and again
So my friends won't see, won't see the pain
And tears in my eyes

The doors always open
To my house, to my heart
If you ever want to come back home

I'll try to hide the pain
To pretend yet again
All is well, I'm alright until the night, oh

Get Up!

(Get up)
Sleep all the day
That's all I do to earn my pay
(Get away!)
(Get up)
All I've to do
Is just to dance the whole night through
(Says you)
(Get up)
Down at a place
They call the foxy roxy club
(Hot club)
(Get up)
Beautiful girls get me to get up, dance and whirl

(Get up)
Seems to be
That they all want to dance with me
(Get up)
Can't be beat
Making a living with your feet
(Neat feat)
(Get up)
Dancing dance king
I always smile and start to sing
(Dance king)
(Get up)
I sing "get up", don't sit down, come on, get up

Come and see me dancing all night long
In the foxy roxy, get up, come on
Hear the music, feel the beat
I'm the man with the golden feet

(Get up)
Having a ball
Beautiful girls from wall to wall
(That all)
(Get up)
Everyone knows
I'm king Cresus with twinkling toes
(Get up)
Each night it seems
Wonderful girls straight from your dreams
(Creamed jeans)
(Get up)
Moving there lips
Saying get up and snake your hips

Come and see me dancing all night long
In the foxy roxy, get up, come on
Hear the music, feel the beat
I'm the man with the golden feet

He's king Cresus with the twinkling toes
The brightest star of all discos
Feel the music, hear the beat
He's the man with the golden feet
(Get up)

We All Thought We Knew You

When I heard that you had gone I couldn't move or talk, or think for grief
That you should have left us in such a way just wasn't you
Gave up the ghost of life without a word and didn't tell anyone
Did you never even have just one close friend you could talk to

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you now
That you have gone away, away

You played your rock'n'roll for so long in your own special way
And each and every song you wrote came straight from your heart
You always dreamed of living somewhere in the californian sun
Spent your short life daydreaming of a better reality

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away, away

Now that we do know you, we just want to say goodbye to you
Or maybe au revoir until some day some future far away
We all hope, you're content, at peace now
With your new point of view somewhere out in space
If you found what you were looking for, please, let us know

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away

We all thought we knew you but we were so wrong
We never did know you but we do know you
Now that you have gone away

Seems My Bike’s Riding Me

Times, I've got to be free
When life's too much for me
On my motor cycle
I get away from people
Off to the sandstone sea

'Cross the desert highway I will ride
Up to the heights, just me and my bike we will glide
So high, so free, just us, seems my bike's riding me

I'm a fonda-less hopper
Just me and my chopper
On the desert sand strip
Nearly break the hand grip
No, nothing can stop her

Heading for the mountains eagle-like
Up in the heights, I'm flying away on my bike
So high, so free, just us, seems my bike's riding me

Whenever I can't get satisfaction
If ever I can't get any action
Anytime I really want to let rip
Take main street like it was a drag strip

Turning on, burning up the freeway
Treating it just like a speedway
Don't care where, I'm a real easy rider
Anywhere, as free as a glider

Yeah, better than Charlie
I get off, off on my Harley, yeah

Like a hunting condor
See, she will swoop and soar
Racing down the mountains
Shooting up like fountains
Hear, hear her scream and roar

Flying round the mountains eagle-like
Up in the heights, I'm flying away on my bike
So high, so free, just us, seems my bike's riding me

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