martes, 12 de enero de 2021

1967: Cuchillo Bowie

Contenido de esta entrada

El primer álbum de David Bowie - Introducción


Estilo y temática


David Bowie tras el álbum


Lista de canciones


Entrada anterior de David Bowie: 1967: El gnomo sonriente

Entrada siguiente de David Bowie: 1967: Te amaré hasta el martes

Sitio oficial de David Bowie: David Bowie  

Facebook David Bowie: David Bowie | Facebook

Twitter David Bowie: David Bowie Official (@DavidBowieReal) / Twitter

El primer álbum de David Bowie - Introducción

David Bowie es el álbum debut homónimo del músico de rock David Bowie, lanzado en 1967 por Deram Records, una filial de Decca. El álbum contiene canciones que se parecen poco a lo que luego haría famoso a Bowie, como el folk rock de "Space Oddity" o el glam rock de The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Los críticos de NME Roy Carr y Charles Shaar Murray han dicho:

un oyente acostumbrado al Bowie de los años 1970, probablemente encuentre el álbum alarmante o simplemente pintoresco,

mientras que el biógrafo David Buckley lo describe como

el vinilo equivalente a The Madwoman in the Attic.

Portada del álbum "David Bowie"


Las influencias de Bowie en este punto de su carrera incluían melodías teatrales de Anthony Newley, actos de music hall como Tommy Steele, algunas de las más volubles obras del Reino Unido como material de Ray Davies de The Kinks, las primeras piezas de Syd Barrett para Pink Floyd o canciones de The Beatles como "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite". El deseo, del por aquel entonces mánager de Bowie, Ken Pitt, para que este se convirtiese en un "artista completo" más que una "estrella de rock" también ha sido citado como uno de los motivos del eclecticismo del cantante en aquel momento, que prácticamente evitaba todo lo que tuviera que ver con el rock and roll. Bowie ha dicho que su álbum debut:

parece tener sus raíces en todos lados, en el rock y vaudeville y music hall. No sabía si era Max Miller o Elvis Presley.

La fascinación de Bowie por lo bizarro se acrecentó cuando conoció al bailarín Lindsay Kemp: 

Vivía de emociones, fue una maravillosa influencia. Su vida diaria fue lo más teatral que he visto jamás. Era todo lo que yo podía imaginar que significaba ser bohemio. Me uní al circo.

Kemp, por su parte, recuerda:

No le enseñé realmente a ser un artista del mimo, sino a exteriorizarse más a sí mismo, [...] Yo le permití liberar su ángel y demonio interiores

Estudiando arte dramático con Kemp, desde teatro avant-garde y mímica hasta comedia del arte, Bowie se sumergió en la creación de personajes que poder mostrarle al mundo. 

Lindsay Kemp

David Bowie apareció en el corto de terror "The Image" de 1967: BOWIE ~ THE IMAGE 1967

Bowie - The Image

Estilo y temática

Compuesto totalmente por Bowie, los arreglos los hizo junto a Dek Fearnley, supuestamente aprendiendo después de leer Observer Book of Music

"Rubber Band" es una marcha con tuba como instrumento principal. 

"Little Bombardier" y "Maid of Bond Street" están en tempo de vals, y también usan instrumentos de metal y cuerda. 

"Love You Till Tuesday" y "Come and Buy My Toys" son de las pocas canciones del álbum con una guitarra acústica como instrumento principal, el último incluyendo también instrumentación de cuerda.

"Join the Gang" es una incursión en la cultura juvenil contemporánea, una dura mirada a las presiones de grupo y el abuso de drogas, que incluye un sitar en la instrumentación, así como una cita musical del reciente éxito de The Spencer Davis Group Gimme Some Lovin'.

 La última pista, "Please Mr. Gravedigger", es "un dueto macabro para voz y efectos de sonido", y ha sido descrito como

uno de los verdaderos momentos locos del pop.

A pesar de lo incongruente del álbum dentro de las obras de Bowie, algunos críticos han discernido temas embrionarios que ayudan a entender los posteriores trabajos del artista. 

"We Are Hungry Men" es contada por un "particular" mesías que aparece en diferentes formas en las canciones "Cygnet Committee" (del álbum Space Oddity), "Saviour Machine" (de The Man Who Sold the World) y "Oh! You Pretty Things" (de Hunky Dory), además de ser el protagonista de The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. La pista habla explícitamente sobre temas como el aborto, el infanticidio y el canibalismo. 

"There is a Happy Land" es una primera manifestación de la visión de Bowie del niño como carrera para apartarse de sus mayores, un tema tratado también en The Man Who Sold the World, Hunky Dory y Ziggy Stardust.

 "She's Got Medals" es una historia que contiene connotaciones gays y lésbicos que predecía The Man Who Sold the World y el carácter bisexual/andrógino de Ziggy Stardust.


David Bowie fue lanzado en el Reino Unido, tanto en mono como en estéreo, el 1 de junio de 1967, el mismo día que el Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band de The Beatles. Se lanzó en los Estados Unidos en agosto de 1967, menos "We Are Hungry Men" y "Maid of Bond Street". El álbum, que solo alcanzó el puesto 125 en las listas de álbumes del Reino Unido, y sus singles asociados fueron fracasos comerciales en ese momento, y Bowie no lanzó otro disco hasta David Bowie (Space Oddity), en 1969, dos años después. El fracaso del álbum le costó a Bowie su contrato discográfico con Deram Records, quien lo dejó en abril de 1968

Parte trasera del álbum "David Bowie"

David Bowie tras el álbum

Satirizando la vida en una prisión británica, Bowie compuso «Over the Wall We Go», canción que se convirtió en un sencillo de 1967 interpretado por Oscar.


 Al año siguiente, otra composición de Bowie, «Silly Boy Blue», fue lanzada por Billy Fury.

Billy Fury

Después de que Kemp asignase a Bowie con Hermione Farthingale para un minué poético, la pareja comenzó a salir; poco después se mudaron juntos a un apartamento de Londres. Formaron una banda juntos, el trío de folk rock Feathers, donde ella tocaba la guitarra acústica y John Hutchinson, el bajo; entre septiembre de 1968 y comienzos de 1969, cuando Bowie y Farthingale rompieron, el trío hizo unos pocos conciertos en los que combinaban folk, merseybeat, poesía y mímica

Bowie luego hizo una película llamada "Love You till Tuesday" en 1969 para venderse a una nuevo sello discográfico. La película  tomó su título de la canción del mismo nombre que había aparecido en en el álbum y fue lanzada en sencillo y además aparece en los créditos iniciales de la cinta. La película recicló muchas canciones del álbum debut, así como el entonces recién escrito "Space Oddity". Muchas canciones recicladas en el video contaron con nuevos arreglos orquestales y voces añadidas de su amigo John 'Hutch' Hutchinson y (en ese momento) su novia Hermione Farthingale.

David Bowie - When I'm Five. Fragmento de la película "Love You till Tuesday"

 Tema regrabado en el verano del 67 con violines adicionales. 
Es él número que cierra la película "Love You till Tuesday". 
Aparece con su novia Hermione Farthingale

Los tres aparecen en la porción del video "Sell Me a Coat". El video vio un lanzamiento público oficial en 1984:

David Bowie - Sell Me A Coat- Video restaurado Full HD

 El trío de folk rock Feathers grabó el tema "Ching-A-Ling" en los estudios Trident en 1968:

Ching A Ling (Full Version - Feat. David Bowie verse) - FEATHERS Featuring David Bowie


Las canciones del álbum debut y sus singles, además de obras posteriores de Deram, se han reciclado en una multitud de álbumes de recopilación, incluyendo The World of David Bowie (1970), Images 1966-1967 (1973), Another Face (1981), Rock Reflections (1990), y The Deram Anthology 1966-1968 (1997).

Portada del álbum recopilatorio "The World of David Bowie" de 1970

El álbum fue reeditado por Deram en CD en 1987. El libreto reproduce el original de Kenneth Pitt y un nuevo ensayo de 1988 de John Tracy. Además, en la contraportada vienen especificadas las diferentes versiones que se incluyen: "Rubber Band" (Versión 2), "When I Live My Dream" (Versión 1) y "Please Mr. Gravedigger" (Versión 2).

Imagen en el libreto incluido en el CD de la reedición de 1987

En 2010, el álbum fue lanzado en una edición de lujo por Deram en el Reino Unido y Universal Music en todo el mundo. Este presenta mezclas estéreo y mono del álbum, junto con mezclas estéreo inéditas de canciones no incluidas originalmente y, por primera vez como un lanzamiento oficial, la primera sesión de radio de la BBC. (Top Gear, 18 de diciembre de 1967)

Portada de la edición de lujo de 2010

Hoja del libreto de la edición de lujo. En la foto de Ray Stevenson se ve a John Hutchinson, Hermione Farthingale y David Bowie grabando las voces para el tema "Ching-A-Ling" en los estudios Trident en 1968. 

Hoja del libreto de la edición de lujo. En la foto de Ray Stevenson se ve a David Bowie dibujando en la habitación delantera del Tony Visconti's Earls Court en el verano de 1968

Hoja del libreto del álbum de lujo. Reproducción de un artículo de promoción del álbum "Disc and Music Echo"- 10 de junio de 1967

Lista de canciones

Todas las canciones escritas y compuestas por David Bowie.


1. «Uncle Arthur» 2:07

Uncle Arthur

David Bowie - Uncle Arthur

David Bowie - "Uncle Arthur" - 1967

Uncle Arthur | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - Uncle Arthur

    Mi opinión: Tema de aires folk.


Strikes the bell for 5 o'clock, Uncle Arthur closes shop
Screws the tops on all the bottles, turns the lights out, locks it up
Climbs across his bike and he's away
Cycles past the gasworks, past the river, down the high street
Back to mother, it's another empty day

Uncle Arthur likes his mommy
Uncle Arthur still reads comics
Uncle Arthur follows Batman

Round and round the rumours fly, how he ran away from Mum
On his 32nd birthday, told her that he'd found a chum Mother cried and raved and yelled and fussed
Arthur left her no illusion, brought the girl round, save confusion
Sally was the real thing, not just lust

Uncle Arthur vanished quickly
Uncle Arthur and his new bride
Uncle Arthur follows Sally
Round and round goes Arthur's head, hasn't eaten well for days
Little Sally may be lovely, but cooking leaves her in a maze

Uncle Arthur packed his bags and fled
Back to mother, all's forgiven, serving in the family shop

He gets his pocket money, he's well fed
Uncle Arthur past the gasworks
Uncle Arthur past the river
Uncle Arthur down the high street
Uncle Arthur follows mother

2. «Sell Me a Coat» 2:58

David Bowie - Sell Me a Coat

Sell Me A Coat

David Bowie - "Sell Me A Coat" - 1967

David Bowie - Sell Me A Coat

Sell Me A Coat | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - Sell Me a Coat (1969 remake)

   Mi opinión: Tema folk rock con las voces añadidas de su amigo John 'Hutch' Hutchinson y (en ese momento) su novia Hermione Farthingale, es decir más propio del trío Feathers que formaron.


La la la la la la, la la la la la la la
A winter's day, a bitter snowflake on my face
My summer girl takes little backward steps away

Jack Frost took her hand and left me, Jack Frost ain't so cool

Sell me a coat with buttons of silver
Sell me a coat that's red or gold
Sell me a coat with little patch pockets
Sell me a coat 'cause I feel cold

And when she smiles, the ice forgets to melt away

Not like before, her smile was warming yesterday
See the trees like silver candy, feel my icy hand

See my eyes, my window pane
See my tears like gentle rain
That's a memory of the summer day

[CHORUS (twice)]
La la la la la la [repeat]

3. «Rubber Band» 2:17 

Ya había aparecido en sencillo (Ver entrada anterior 1966: Goma elástica)

    Mi opinión: Banda desfilando con la tuba predominante.

4. «Love You Till Tuesday» 3:09 

Fue lanzada en sencillo posteriormente (Ver entrada siguiente 1967: Te amaré hasta el martes)

     Mi opinión: Tema de baile de la época.

5. «There Is a Happy Land» 3:11

David Bowie - There is a Happy Land

David Bowie - There Is A Happy Land

There Is A Happy Land

There Is a Happy Land | David Bowie + Lyrics

david bowie // there is a happy land (subtitulada)

  Mi opinión: Balada típica de la época pero con significación.


There is a happy land where only children live
They don't have the time to learn the ways Of you sir, Mr. Grownup
There's a special place in the rhubarb fields underneath the leaves
It's a secret place and adults aren't allowed there Mr. Grownup,
Go away sir
Charlie Brown got's half a crown, he's gonna buy a kite

Jimmy's ill with chicken pox, and Tommy's learned to ride his bike
Tiny Tim sings prayers and hymns, he's so small we don't notice him
He gets in the way but we always let him play with us

Mother calls, but we don't hear
There's lots more things to do
It's only 5 o'clock, and we're not tired yet
But we will be, very shortly
Sissy Steven plays with girls, someone made him cry

Tony climbed a tree and fell, trying hard to touch the sky

Tommy lit a fire one day, nearly burned the field away

Tommy's mum found out, but he put the blame on me and Ray

There is a happy land where only children live
You've had your chance and now the doors are closed sir, Mr. Grownup
Go away sir
Boo, de boo, de boo, de boo dup

6. «We Are Hungry Men» 2:58

We Are Hungry Men

David Bowie - "We Are Hungry Men" - 1967

David Bowie - We Are Hungry Men

We Are Hungry Men | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - We Are Hungry Men

    Mi opinión: Arenga de un particular Mesías.


Here is the news
According the latest world population survey
The figures have reached danger point, my god
London 15 million 75 thousand
New York 80 million
Paris 15 million and 30
China 1000 million
Billington-Spa: lots

My studies include suffragy
I formed my own society
To study the power of fecundity
The world will overpopulate
Unless you claim infertility
So who will buy a drink for me, your Messiah

We are not your friends
We don't give a damn for what you're saying
We're here to live our lives
I propose to give the pill
Free of charge to those that feel
That they are not infertible
The crops of few, the cattle gun
There's only one way to linger on
So who will buy a drink for me, your

Achtung, achtung, these are your orders
Anyone found guilty of consuming more than their
allotted amount of air
Will be slaughtered and cremated
One only cubic foot of air is :
I have prepared a document, legalising mass abortion
We will turn a blind eye to infanticide

You don't seem to hear me clear
Do I talk about your sphere?
Let me explain my project dear
Show you how I'll save the world
Or let it die within the year
Why do you look that way at me, your messiah

We are hungry men
We don't give a damn for what you're saying
We're here to eat you

7. «When I Live My Dream» 3:22

Bowie y su manager Ken Pitt pensaron que esta sería la canción que le llevaría al estrellato.

When I Live My Dream

David Bowie - "When I Live My Dream" - 1967

When I Live My Dream | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - When I Live My Dream | Traducción al español

David Bowie - When I Live My Dream

    Mi calificación: Balada con muchos violines.


When I live my dream, I'll take you with me
Riding on a golden horse
We'll live within my castle, with people there to serve you

Happy at the sound of your voice

Baby, I'll slay a dragon for you
Or banish wicked giants from the land
But you will find, that nothing in my dream can hurt you
We will only love each other as forever

When I live my dream
When I live my dream, I'll forgive the things you've told me

And the empty man you left behind
It's a broken heart that dreams, it's a broken heart you left me
Only love can live in my dream
I'll wish, and the thunder clouds will vanish

Wish, and the storm will fade away
Wish again, and you will stand before me while the sky will paint an ouverture
And trees will play the rhythm of my dream

When I live my dream, please be there to meet me

Let me be the one to understand
When I live my dream, I'll forget the hurt you gave
Then we can live in our new land
Till the day my dream cascades around me
I'm content to let you pass me by
Till that day, you'll run to many other men
But let them know it's just for now
Tell them that I've got a dream
And tell them you're the starring role
Tell them I'm a dreaming kind of guy
And I'm going to make my dream
Tell them I will live my dream
Tell them they can laugh at me
But don't forget your date with me
When I live my dream


1. «Little Bombardier» 3:23

David Bowie - Little Bombardier

Little Bombardier

David Bowie - Little Bombardier

Little Bombardier | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - "Little Bombardier" - 1967

     Mi opinión: Canción a ritmo de vals.


War made him a soldier
Little Frankie Mear
Peace left him a loser
The little bombardier
Lines of worry appeared with age
Unskilled hands that knew no trade

Spent his time in the picture house
The little bombardier
Frankie drank his money
The little that he made
Told his woes to no man
Friendless, lonely days
Then one day, in the ABC
Four bright eyes gazed longinly
At the ice-cream in the hand of
The little bombardier
Sunshine entered our Frankie's days

Gone his worries, his hopeless maze
His life was fun and his life was full of joy
Two young children had changed his aims
He gave them toffees and played their games
He brought them presents with every coins he made
Then two gentlemen called him
Asked him for his name
Why was he friends with the children
Were they just a game?
Leave them alone or we'll get sore
We've had blokes like you in the station before
The hand of authority said "no more" to
The little bombardier
Packed his bags, his heart in pain
Wiped a tear, caught a train
Not to be seen in the town again

2. «Silly Boy Blue» 4:36

David Bowie - Silly Boy Blue

David Bowie - Silly Boy Blue

Silly Boy Blue

Silly Boy Blue | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - Silly Boy Blue

     Mi opinión: Tema lento con elementos embrionarios del futuro Bowie.


Montains of Lhasa are feeling the rain
People are walking the Botella lanes
Preacher takes the school
One boy breaks a rule
Silly boy blue, silly boy blue

Yak butter statues that melt in sun
Cannot dissolve all the work you've not down
A chela likes to feel
That his overself pays the bill
Silly boy blue, silly boy blue

You wish and wish, and wish again
You've tried so hard to fly
You'll never leave your body now
You've got to wait to die
La la la la la la la la la la [x2]
La la la la la [x2]
Silly boy blue, silly boy blue
Child of the Tibet, you're a gift from the sun
Reincarnation of one better man
The homeward road is long
You've left your prayers and song
Silly boy blue, silly boy blue
Silly boy blue, silly boy blue

3. «Come and Buy My Toys» 2:07

Come And Buy My Toys

David Bowie - Come and Buy My Toys

Come and Buy My Toys | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - Come And Buy My Toys

Come and Buy My Toys - David Bowie [1967] - David Bowie

     Mi opinión: Recitación de Bowie acompañado de una guitarra acústica.


Smiling girls and rosy boys
Come and buy my little toys
Monkeys made of gingerbread
And sugar horses painted red
Rich men's children running past
Their fathers dressed in hose
Golden hair and mud of many acres on their shoes
Gazing eyes and running wild
Past the stocks and over stiles
Kiss the window merry child
But come and buy my toys
You've watched your father plough the field with a ram's horn
Sowed it wide with peppercorn and furrowed with a bramble thorn
Reaped it with a sharpened scyth, threshed it with a quill
The miller told your father that he'd work it with the greatest will
Now your watching's over you must play with girls and boys
Leave the parsley on the stalls
Come and buy my toys
You shall own a cambric shirt
You shall work your father's land
But now you shall play in the market square
Till you'll be a man
Smiling girls and rosy boys
Come and buy my little toys
Monkeys made of gingerbread
And sugar horses painted red

4. «Join the Gang» 2:17

Join The Gang

David Bowie - Join the Gang

David Bowie - "Join The Gang" - 1967

Join The Gang | David Bowie + Lyrics

Join the Gang - David Bowie [1967] - David Bowie

      Mi opinión: Ritmo acelerado incluyendo un sitar con letra interesante, propio del rock psicodélico.


Smiling girls and rosy boys
Come and buy my little toys
Monkeys made of gingerbread
And sugar horses painted red
Rich men's children running past
Their fathers dressed in hose
Golden hair and mud of many acres on their shoes
Gazing eyes and running wild
Past the stocks and over stiles
Kiss the window merry child
But come and buy my toys
You've watched your father plough the field with a ram's horn
Sowed it wide with peppercorn and furrowed with a bramble thorn
Reaped it with a sharpened scyth, threshed it with a quill
The miller told your father that he'd work it with the greatest will
Now your watching's over you must play with girls and boys
Leave the parsley on the stalls
Come and buy my toys
You shall own a cambric shirt
You shall work your father's land
But now you shall play in the market square
Till you'll be a man
Smiling girls and rosy boys
Come and buy my little toys
Monkeys made of gingerbread
And sugar horses painted red

5. «She's Got Medals» 2:23

She's Got Medals

David Bowie-She's Got Medals (with lyrics)

David Bowie - "She's Got Medals" - 1967

David Bowie - She's Got Medals

David Bowie - She's Got Medals

    Mi opinión: Himno LGBTI


She'd walk through the door and she'd set up the drinks
on the house
She played a good game of darts, and the men slapped
her back
And never took her out
She wore a trenchcoat khaki
Her hobnail boots were full of holes
She's got medals
Her mother called her Mary, she changed her name to Tommy,
she's a one, oh
She went and joined the army, passed the medical
Don't ask me how it's done
They sent her to the front line
Fighting for her country's name
She's got medals
She got very tired of picking up girls
Cleaning her gun and shaving her curls
Then the enemy dropped a bomb
Survivors there were none
People say that when the moon is full and all the stars have gone to bed
You can see her ghost but that's a lie because the naughty woman isn't dead
She deserted on the previous morning
Replaced her uniform with dresses silk and green
Called herself Eileen
Came to London town
Now she's settled down
She's got medals

6. «Maid of Bond Street» 1:43

David Bowie - Maid of Bond Street

Maid Of Bond Street

David Bowie - "Maid Of Bond Street" - 1967

Maid of bond street | David bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - Maid of Bond Street

     Mi opinión: Otra canción a ritmo de vals.


This girl is made of lipstick
Powder and paint
Sees the picture of herself
Every magazine on every shelf
This girl is maid of bond street
Hailing cabs, lunches with executives
Gleaming teeth sip aperitifs
This girl is a lonely girl
Takes the train from Paddington to Oxford Circus
Buys the Daily News
But passengers don't smile at her, don't smile at her
This girl is made of loneliness
A broken heart
For the boy she once knew
Doesn't want to know her any more
And this girl is a lonely girl
Everything she wants is hers
But she can't make it with the boy she really wants to be with
All the time, to love, all the time
This boy is made of envy
He doesn't have a limousine
Really wants to be a star himself
This girl, her world is made of flashlights and films

Her cares are scraps on the cutting room floor

And maids of bond street drive round in chauffered cars
Maids of Bond street picture clothes, eyes of star
Maids of Bond street shouldn't have worldly cares

Maids of Bond street shouldn't have love affairs

7. «Please Mr. Gravedigger» 2:35

David Bowie - Please Mr. Gravedigger

Please Mr. Gravedigger

David Bowie - Please Mr Grave Digger

Please Mr. Gravedigger | David Bowie + Lyrics

David Bowie - "Please Mr. Gravedigger" - 1967

      Mi opinión: Tema con muchos efectos de sonido que podemos considerar la primera incursión de David Bowie en la música electrónica.


There's a little churchyard just along the way
It used to be Lambeth's finest array
Of tombstones, epitaphs, wreaths, flowers all that jazz
Til the war come along and someone dropped a bomb on the lot

And in this little yard, there's a little old man
With a little shovel in his little bitty hand

He seems to spend all his days puffing fags and digging graves
He hates the reverend vicar and he lives all alone in his home
"Ah-choo, excuse me"
Please Mr. Gravedigger, don't feel ashamed
As you dig little holes for the dead and the maimed
Please Mr. Gravedigger, I couldn't care
If you found a golden locket full of some girl's hair

And you put it in your pocket
"God, it's pouring down"
Her mother doesn't know about your sentimental joy
She thinks it's down below with the rest of her toys
And Ma wouldn't understand, so I won't tell
So keep your golden locket all safely hid away in your pocket
Yes, Mr. GD, you see me every day
Standing in the same spot by a certain grave
Mary-Ann was only 10 and full of life and oh so gay

And I was the wicked man who took her life away
Very selfish, oh God
No, Mr. GD, you won't tell
And just to make sure that you keep it to yourself
I've started digging holes myself
And this one here's for you
"Lifted our girl, she apparently doesn't know of it
Hello misses, thought she'd be a little girl
Bloody obscene, catch pneumonia or something in this rain"

Comentario sobre el álbum:

Evidentemente, este álbum no tiene nada que ver con la música electrónica. Se incluye por el papel que iba a jugar David Bowie en el desarrollo de ésta como se verá más adelante.


David Bowie – voz, guitarra, saxofón, arreglos

Derek Boyes – órgano

Dek Fearnley – bajo

John Eager – batería

Mike Vernon – productor

Gus Dudgeon – ingeniero de sonido

Dek Fearnley – arreglista

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