domingo, 14 de agosto de 2022

1971: Frank Zappa y las madres en 200 moteles. 200 Motels, el álbum y la película

Contenido de esta entrada:


200 Motels - La película

200 Motels - La banda sonora

Anterior artículo de Frank Zappa: 1971: Zappa con The Mothers y Lennon & Ono en el Fillmore East en junio de 1971

Siguiente artículo de Frank Zappa:


Como comentamos en el anterior artículo, en 1970Zappa formó una nueva versión de The Mothers. Esta formación debutó en el tercer álbum en solitario de Zappa, Chunga's Revenge (1970).

El siguiente trabajo de Zappa con The Mothers fue la banda sonora del álbum doble de la película 200 Motels (1971), con The Mothers, la Royal Philharmonic OrchestraRingo StarrTheodore Bikel y Keith Moon. De ese álbum nos ocuparemos en este artículo.

Portada del álbum 200 motels

La película, codirigida por Zappa y Tony Palmer, fue filmada en una semana en Pinewood Studios en las afueras de Londres. Las tensiones entre Zappa y varios miembros del elenco y el equipo surgieron antes y durante el rodaje. La película trata libremente de la vida en la carretera como músico de rock. Fue el primer largometraje fotografiado en cinta de vídeo y transferido a película de 35 mm, un proceso que permitió efectos visuales novedosos. Fue lanzado con críticas mixtas. La partitura se basó ampliamente en la música orquestal, y la insatisfacción de Zappa con el mundo de la música clásica se intensificó cuando un concierto, programado en el Royal Albert Hall después de la filmación, fue cancelado porque un representante del lugar encontró algunas de las letras obscenas. En 1975, perdió una demanda contra el Royal Albert Hall por incumplimiento de contrato. Cuando se tocó "Penis Dimension" al juez, el juez Mocatta, él respondió: "¿Tengo que escuchar esto?". El estreno en el Reino Unido no fue hasta el 29 de octubre de 2013, casi 20 años después de la muerte de Zappa.

Enlaces interesantes sobre Frank Zappa:

200 Motels - La película


La película intenta retratar el estilo de vida impetuoso de los músicos de rock en gira, el film se compone de una serie de viñetas absurdas, inconexas e intercaladas con imágenes de conciertos de The Mothers of Invention. En un momento, mientras The Mothers of Invention están de gira se vuelven locos en la pequeña ciudad ficticia de Centerville ("un agradable lugar para criar a sus hijos"), pasean cuando en un bar unos vaqueros les propinan una paliza. En un interludio largo de dibujos animados, el bajista "Jeff" deja el grupo, al igual que su homólogo de la vida real, Jeff Simmons, quien fue despedido por insubordinación antes de la película. Simmons fue sustituido por Martin Lickert (chófer de Ringo) para la película. En 200 Motels hay varios efectos especiales en casi todas las escenas, en donde se incluye exposiciones dobles y triples, solarización, falso color y cambios de velocidad, estos efectos eran innovadores para 1971. 200 Motels ha sido denominada como un "documental surrealista".


Zappa comenzó a escribir una película para su nueva formación llamada 200 Motels, y la banda debutó en el álbum en solitario de Zappa titulado Chunga's Revenge (1970), que se produjo como un adelanto de la película y ya hemos comentado en un anterior artículo. Zappa también se reunió con el director de orquesta Zubin Mehta. Organizaron un concierto en mayo de 1970 donde Mehta dirigió la Filarmónica de Los Ángeles. Este material sirvió como un segundo preestreno de la película. Adjunto un link a ese concierto, que se ha editado en varios bootlegs:

Imagen de uno de los bootlegs que se han editado de ese concierto.

Contenido del concierto

De acuerdo con Zappa, la música fue escrita principalmente en habitaciones de motel durante una gira con The Mothers of Invention. Algunas de ellas están presentes en la película.​ Aunque el concierto fue un éxito, la experiencia de trabajar una orquesta sinfónica no fue lo suficientemente satisfactoria para Zappa. Su descontento se convirtió en un tema recurrente a lo largo de su carrera, a menudo sentía que la calidad del desempeño de las orquestas con su material compuesta no era acorde al dinero que invertía.

Poster de la película

Zappa lanzó la película para United Artists. Los estudio de cine dieron a Zappa 650.000 dólares para terminar el proyecto, que Zappa previó inicialmente estrenarla para la televisión holandesa antes de su próxima gira.


Fue el primer largometraje grabado en video y transferido a película de 35 mm utilizando una impresora de película Technicolor empleada por la BBC, un proceso que permitió añadir nuevos efectos visuales.​ 

En 2009, 200 Motels fue reeditada con un comentario de audio del director de la película Tony Palmer y actualmente está disponible en DVD.

Tony Palmer en el Sofia international Film Festival, marzo 2017.

De acuerdo a los comentarios de Palmer, todos los efectos de vídeo fueron creados en vivo, a través de un mezclador de vídeo y múltiples cámaras. No hubo efectos posproducción.

  • Frank Zappa como él mismo
  • The Mothers como ellas mismas
  • Theodore Bikel como Rance Muhammitz, el narrador / Maestro de Ceremonias (posiblemente el diablo mismo (o ella misma), él "es conocido por muchos nombres")
  • Ringo Starr como Larry el Enano, vestido como Frank Zappa
  • Keith Moon como la monja caliente
  • Howard Kaylan como él mismo
  • Mark Volman como él mismo
  • Ian Underwood como él mismo
  • Ruth Underwood como ella misma
  • Don Preston como él mismo
  • Jimmy Carl Black como lonesome Cowboy Burt
  • Euclid James 'Motorhead' Sherwood como él mismo (sin acreditar)
  • Aynsley Dunbar como él mismo
  • George Duke como él mismo
  • Jim Pons como él mismo (sin acreditar)
  • Pamela Des Barres como la entrevistadora
  • Martin Lickert como Jeff
  • Janet Neville-Ferguson como Groupie #1
  • Lucy Offerall como Groupie #2
  • Dick Barber como Chunga – La aspiradora
  • Judy Gridley como la líder del coro
  • Royal Philharmonic Orchestra como la orquesta desconcertada.
Imagen del libreto original del álbum


El equipo de prensa de United Artists para la película declaró: "Para el público que ya conoce y aprecia a THE MOTHERS, proporcionará una extensión lógica de nuestros conciertos y grabaciones". El estreno de la película se mostró en el Teatro Doheny Plaza en Hollywood, California, con críticas mixtas.  200 Motels actualmente tiene una calificación del 57% en Rotten Tomatoes basada en siete reseñas.  Roger Ebert le dio a la película tres estrellas de cuatro, diciendo que la película; "es un experimento alegre, fanático, un poco extraño en los usos del proceso de cinta de video en color", y también afirmando; "Asalta la mente con todo a mano"

Imagen del libreto original del álbum

200 Motels - La banda sonora

La banda sonora de 200 Motels fue lanzada en Estados Unidos por United Artists Records el 4 de octubre de 1971, y presenta una combinación de canciones de rock y jazz, música orquestal y diálogos hablados cómicos.

Imagen del libreto original

Al igual que la película, el álbum cubre una historia completa sobre The Mothers of Invention volviéndose loca en la pequeña ciudad de Centerville y el bajista Jeff dejando el grupo, al igual que su contraparte de la vida real, Jeff Simmons, quien dejó el grupo antes de que la película comenzara a filmarse y fue reemplazado por el actor Martin Lickert para la película.

Imagen del libreto original

El álbum alcanzó el puesto número 59 en el Billboard 200, aunque los críticos lo consideraron una parte secundaria del catálogo de ZappaRichie Unterberger de Allmusic criticó lo que él llamó la "creciente tendencia a desplegar el humor smutty y barato que pronto dominaría gran parte del trabajo de Zappa", pero dijo que "Aquellos a quienes les gusta su trabajo de finales de los 60 / principios de los 70 [...] probablemente le guste este castigo".

Música y letras

Las canciones de rock y comedia "Mystery Roach", "Lonesome Cowboy Burt", "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy", "What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning" y "Magic Fingers", y el final "Strictly Genteel", que mezcla elementos orquestales y de rock, fueron señalados como aspectos destacados del álbum por el crítico Richie Unterberger. François Couture, un crítico de Allmusic, dijo que "Mystery Roach" contiene múltiples significados, todos los cuales tienen una conexión con el tema lírico en la discografía de Zappa. Estos incluyen el pez de agua dulce, ya que el álbum en vivo de Mothers of Invention Fillmore East - june 1971 contenía una canción que se refería al tiburón de barro, una colilla de cigarrillo de cannabis, lo que hace que el personaje Jeff se vuelva loco dentro del contexto de la historia de la película, y un peinado con rizos, que conecta la canción líricamente con "Jelly Roll Gumdrop", una canción de Cruising with Ruben & the Jets. La versión que aparece en el álbum es diferente de la versión que aparece en la película, ya que le faltan pequeños solos de guitarra eléctrica de Zappa, y no fue guionizada como parte de la película en su arreglo eléctrico, ya que originalmente se escribió en tres arreglos acústicos separados y no utilizados orientados al blues. La canción no fue interpretada en vivo.

Imagen del libreto original

"Dance of the Rock & Roll Interviewers" es una pieza orquestal originalmente destinada a ser emparejada con "Touring Can Make You Crazy" como parte de una de las primeras escenas en la que la banda llega a Centerville y es recibida por periodistas musicales, pero solo una parte de la secuencia, que representa un maniquí de Zappa siendo destrozado por los periodistas, apareció en la película final, debido a restricciones de tiempo y presupuesto, y la secuencia "Touring Can Make You Crazy" no se filmó y no aparece en la película. Con respecto a "Touring", Couture escribe que "Las largas notas de contrabajo y la atmósfera oscura general y el tempo lento sugieren un viaje agotador"

Imagen del libreto original

El álbum cuenta con cinco segmentos que forman la suite "This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich": un prólogo, el "Tuna Fish Promenade", "Dance of the Just Plain Folks", una repetición de la melodía principal, y la conclusión "The Sealed Tuna Bolero". Solo el bolero final apareció en la película. La suite "Tuna Sandwich" fue escrita como continuada por la secuencia y composición "Centerville". "Would You Like A Snack?" es una versión vocal de la composición de Zappa "Holiday in Berlin", que reaparece a lo largo del álbum y la película en diferentes arreglos, incluida la "Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture". La letra de "Would You Like A Snack?" es similar a la pieza de teatro en el álbum en vivo de Zappa Ahead of Their Time. Zappa grabó anteriormente una canción no relacionada del mismo nombre, que cuenta con miembros de Mothers of Invention y la cantante de Jefferson Airplane, Grace Slick

Imagen del libreto original

"Redneck Eats" comienza y termina con un diálogo hablado con el personaje Lonesome Cowboy Burt (interpretado por Jimmy Carl Black) abucheando a la orquesta, que está interpretando una composición influenciada por Igor Stravinsky y Edgard Varese. "Janet's Big Dance Number" trata sobre uno de los dos personajes de groupie de la película y presenta "Acordes de piano lentos [...] tocado sobre notas de contrabajo sostenidas. El coro entra tarde en la pieza, recogiendo la melodía stravinskiana esbozada por los acordes". "Lucy's Seduction of a Bored Violinist", sigue al otro personaje de groupie, y presenta "una melodía suave, seguida de un descanso rítmico y un rollo tímpano" y una repetición más rápida de la melodía "Janet". El álbum combina "Lucy" con "Postlude" de la película, que aparece durante los créditos finales, y se toca en un clavicémbalo. 

La segunda mitad del álbum comienza con la suite "Dental Hygiene Dilemma", que comienza con "I'm Stealing The Towels", para la cual se guionizó la secuencia de película correspondiente y se filmó parcialmente, antes de que se determinara que el metraje era inutilizable y se cortara la secuencia.  La parte principal de la suite, "Dental Hygiene Dilemma", apareció en la película como una caricatura animada de Charles Swenson, quien más tarde dirigió la película Down and Dirty Duck con los miembros de la banda Mothers of Invention y las estrellas de 200 Motels Mark Volman y Howard Kaylan.

Imagen del libreto original

La parte principal de la suite, "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" incorpora elementos de banda de rock, orquesta y diálogo hablado, y representa a Jeff fumando un cigarrillo de marihuana que había sido sumergido en los "líquidos espumosos" de Don Preston e imaginando a Donovan apareciendo ante él en un televisor montado en la pared como su "buena conciencia" y pidiéndole que no robara las toallas. mientras que Studebacher Hoch se le aparece como su mala conciencia, "vestido como Jim Pons", y convence a Jeff de abandonar The Mothers of Invention, formar su propia banda de hard rock y tocar música como Grand Funk Railroad o Black Sabbath. En la vida real, Simmons comenzó su propia banda de blues rock después de dejar la banda de Zappa, y lanzó el álbum Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up para Straight Records, que Zappa produjo. 

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up

En "Dilemma", Volman exclama: "¡Tenemos que volver a la normalidad antes de que Zappa se entere y lo robe y lo haga hacerlo en la película!"

"A Nun Suit Painted on Some Old Boxes" es la primera parte de una suite para voz soprano, coro y orquesta llamada "I Have Seen the Plited Gazelle". La suite critica la religión organizada y hace referencia al hilo dental, conectando la suite con la canción posterior de Zappa "Montana", que aparece en el álbum Over-Nite Sensation. En la película, "A Nun Suit" precede a la caricatura "Dental Hygiene Dilemma", pero se coloca antes de la canción de rock "Magic Fingers" en este álbum, eliminando el contexto de la línea "¿Quieres ver una película de higiene dental?" La suite "Gazelle" continúa con "Motorhead's Midnight Ranch", "Dew on the Newts We Got" y "The Lad Searches the Night for His Newts", para las cuales la secuencia de la película correspondiente fue filmada solo parcialmente.

Imagen del libreto original


Después de 200 Motels, la banda se fue de gira; el álbum en vivo Just Another Band From L.A. incluyó la canción de 20 minutos "Billy the Mountain", la sátira de Zappa sobre la ópera rock ambientada en el sur de California. Esta canción fue representativa de las representaciones teatrales de la banda en las que las canciones se utilizaron para construir bocetos basados en escenas de 200 Motels, así como nuevas situaciones que a menudo retratan los encuentros sexuales de los miembros de la banda en la carretera. 

Portada del álbum Just Another Band From L.A.

Adjunto un enlace a una representación de 200 Motels hecha en Paris el 30 de septiembre de 2018, lo que demuestra el legado que nos ha dejado.

Lista de canciones 

Contraportada del álbum

Enlace al álbum completo: 

Frank Zappa - 200 Motels 1971 Soundtrack FULL ALBUM

Frank Zappa 1971 ( The Mothers Of Invention ) 200 Motels

Cara 1

"Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture" – 2:01

"Mystery Roach" – 2:32

"Dance of the Rock & Roll Interviewers" – 0:48

"This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)" – 0:55

"Tuna Fish Promenade" – 2:29

"Dance of the Just Plain Folks" – 4:40

"This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)" – 0:58

"The Sealed Tuna Bolero" – 1:40

"Lonesome Cowboy Burt" – 3:54

Cara 2

"Touring Can Make You Crazy" – 2:54

"Would You Like a Snack?" – 1:23

"Redneck Eats" – 3:02

"Centerville" – 2:31

"She Painted up Her Face" – 1:41

"Janet's Big Dance Number" – 1:18

"Half a Dozen Provocative Squats" – 1:57

"Mysterioso" – 0:48

"Shove It Right In" – 2:32

"Lucy's Seduction of a Bored Violinist & Postlude" – 4:01

Cara 3

"I'm Stealing the Towels" – 2:15

"Dental Hygiene Dilemma" – 5:11

"Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting to You?" – 2:59

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" – 3:11

"Penis Dimension" – 4:37

"What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning" – 3:29

Cara 4

"A Nun Suit Painted on Some Old Boxes" – 1:08

"Magic Fingers" – 3:53

"Motorhead's Midnight Ranch" – 1:28

"Dew on the Newts We Got" – 1:09

"The Lad Searches the Night for His Newts" – 0:41

"The Girl Wants to Fix Him Some Broth" – 1:10

"The Girl's Dream" – 0:54

"Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Corduroy Ponce" – 1:00

"Strictly Genteel (The Finale)" – 11:08

Interior de la carpeta del álbum

Cara 1

"Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture" – 2:01

[Theodore Bikel:]
Ladies and gentlemen!

200 motels

[Theodore Bikel:]
200 motels... Life on the road!

[Theodore Bikel:]
Ladies and gentlemen! and here is...


[Theodore Bikel:]
Larry the dwarf!
Larry likes to dress up funny
Tonight he's dressed up like Frank Zappa
Let's ask him "What's the deal?"


"Mystery Roach" – 2:32

Ow! Look out!
Ow! Look out!
Ow! Look out!

How long?
How long?
Till that mystery roach be arrivin' soon
Ya-ooo Ya-ooo Ya-ooo Ya-ooo

That mystery roach be approachin'
That mystery roach be approachin' me
La La La La La La La, Oof!

How long?
How long?
Till that mystery roach been gone

That mystery roach be approachin'
That mystery roach be approachin' me
La La La La La La La, Oof!
That mystery roach be approachin'
That mystery roach be approachin' me
La La La La La La La, Oof!

Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!

. . . once in a minute . . .

Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!
Mystery mystery mystery mystery
mystery mystery mystery roach!

Ah! Hold it!
Wait a minute!
Stop that music!
Hold it!
Wait a minute!
What are we SINGING about?
A mystery roach?
We must be... FLIPPING OUT!

"Dance of the Rock & Roll Interviewers" – 0:48


"This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)" – 0:55

This town
This town
This town we're in is just a
Sealed Tuna Sandwich with the wrapper glued
We get a few in every tour
I think we've played this one before.

"Tuna Fish Promenade" – 2:29

This town
This town
Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich
Sealed Tuna Sandwich
With the wrapper glued
It's by baloney on the rack
It goes for 40 cents a whack
It's just a place for us to play
To help us pay
The cost of the tickets back to L.A.
The cost of the tickets back to L.A.
The cost of the tickets back to L.A.

All the people in the Sandwich Town
Think the place is great
What if part of it's crumbling down?
Most of them prob'ly won't be 'round...

They'll either be dead
Or moved to San Francisco
(Where everybody thinks they're Heavy Business...
But it's just a Tuna Sandwich from another catering service...)

"Dance of the Just Plain Folks" – 4:40


"This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)" – 0:58

This town
This town
This town we're in is just a
Sealed Tuna Sandwich with the wrapper glued
We get a few in every tour
They're always such a fucking bore


"The Sealed Tuna Bolero" – 1:40

This town
This town
Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich
Sealed Tuna Sandwich
With the wrapper glued
It's by baloney on the rack
It goes for 40 cents a whack
It's just a rancid little snack
In a plastic bag
From a matron in La Habre with a blown-out crack

"Lonesome Cowboy Burt" – 3:54

My name is Burtram
I am a redneck
All my friends,
They call me 'Burt'
(Hi, Burt!)
All my family,
From down in Texas
Make their livin'
Diggin' dirt

Come out here to Californy,
Just to find me
Some pretty girls
Ones I seen
Gets me so horny;
Ruby lips,
'N teeth like pearls!

Wanna love 'em all!
Wanna love 'em dearly!
Wanna pretty girl-
I'll even pay!
I'll buy 'em furs!
I'll buy 'em jewelry!
I know they like me;
Here's what I say:

I'm lonesome Cowboy Burt!
(Speakin' atcha!)
Come smell my fringe-y shirt!
(Reekin' atcha!)
My cowboy pants,
My cowboy dance,
My bold advance,
On this here waitress...

(He's lonesome Cowboy Burt
Don'tcha get his feelings hurt)
Come on in this place,
'N I'll buy you a taste,
You can sit on my face-
Where's my waitress?

Burtram, Burtram redneck
Burtram, Burtram redneck

I'm an awful nice guy!
Sweat all day in the sun!
Roofer by trade,
Quite a bundle I've made,
I'm unionized roofin' old
(He's a unionized roofin' old

When I get off, I get plastered
Drink till I fall onna floor,
Find me some Communist bastard,
'N stomp on his face till he don't
Move no more!
(He stomps on his face till he don't
Move no more!)

I fuss, an' I cuss an' I keep on drinkin',
Till my eyes puff up an' turn red!
I drool on m'shirt,
I see if he's hurt,
Kick him again in the head, yes!
Kick him again in the head, boys!
Kick him again in the head, now!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt!
(Speakin' atcha!)
Come smell my fringe-y shirt!
(Reekin' atcha!)
My cowboy pants,
My cowboy dance,
My bold advance,
On this here waitress...

A-don'tcha get his feelin's hurt)
Yeah... but come on in this place,
An' I'll buy you a taste,
'N you can sit on my face
Where's my waitress?

Imagen del libreto original

Cara 2

"Touring Can Make You Crazy" – 2:54


"Would You Like a Snack?" – 1:23

Went on the road
For a month touring
What a drag
You gotta go
Even if you'd rather be at home
Flaked out
In Hollywood
Drove to Inglewood and then we dumped
All our shit into the plane at five-O-three
(What's it gonna be?)
Chicken, beef or turkey?
La La La La
Would you like a snack?

"Redneck Eats" – 3:02

[JCB:] Hey, who are these dudes? Are you a boy, or a girl?


[JCB:] What the fuck was that? I wonder if that son of a bitch can play something I might even like!


[JCB:] Hey twerp, play me something I can enjoy!

"Centerville" – 2:31

A real nice place to raise your kids up
It's really neat!

And liquor stores

"She Painted up Her Face" – 1:41

She painted up her face
She sat before the mirror
She painted up her face
She drew the mirror nearer

Practisissing, Practiss, Practicing!


(The 'secret stare' she would use
If a worthy-looking victim should appear)

Practisissing, Practiss, Practicing!
Practisissing, Practiss, Practicing!

"Janet's Big Dance Number" – 1:18


"Half a Dozen Provocative Squats" – 1:57

The clock upon the wall
Has struck the midnight hour!
She finishes her call;
Her girlfriend's in the shower

Practisissing, Practiss, Practicing!

Half a dozen provocative squats!
Out of the shower, she squeezes her spots;
Brushes her teeth;
Shoots a deodorant spray up her twat...
(It's getting her, getting her
She's just twenty-four
And she can't get off,
A sad but typical case, yeah
Last dude to do her
Got in and got soft;
She blew it,
And laughed in his face, yeah!
Face, yeah!

"Mysterioso" – 0:48


"Shove It Right In" – 2:32

She chooses all the clothes
She'll wear tonight to dance in!
(She dances, she prances, she dances, she prances
She prances, she prances, she...)
The places that she goes
Are filled with guys from groups,
Waiting for a chance to break her pants in


Well, at least there's sort of a choice there;
Twenty or thirty at times there have been
Somewhat desirable boys there
Dressed really spiffy, with long hair
Waiting for girls they can shove it right in

Well, at least there's sort of a choice there;
Twenty or thirty at times there have been
Somewhat desirable boys there
Dressed really spiffy, with long hair
Waiting for girls they can shove it right in

"Lucy's Seduction of a Bored Violinist & Postlude" – 4:01


Imagen del libreto original

Cara 3

"I'm Stealing the Towels" – 2:15

[Jeff:] I'm stealing the towels!

"Dental Hygiene Dilemma" – 5:11

[Bad Conscience:] Han min noon toon han toon han
[Good Conscience:] No, Jeff!
[Bad Conscience:] Han toon ran toon ran toon fran min han toon ran toon nan toon fram
[Good Conscience:] No no no!
[Jeff:] Man! This stuff is great! It's just as if Donovan himself had appeared on my very own TV with words of peace, love, and eternal cosmic wisdom... ! Leading me. Guiding me. On paths of everlasting pseudo-karmic negligence, in the very midst of my drug-induced nocturnal emission.
[Good Conscience:] Oh, I am your good conscience, Jeff. I know all. I see all. I am a cosmic love pulse matrix, become a technicolor interpositive!
[Jeff:] Okay... Where'd you buy that incense? It's hip.
[Good Conscience:] It's the same and mysterious exotic oriental fragrance as what the Beatles get off on.
[Jeff:] I thought I recognized it... Sniff, sniff... Mmm, what is that, MUSK? Sniff, sniff, sniff... mmmh!
[Good Conscience:] Jeff, I know what's good for you.
[Jeff:] Right. You're heavy.
[Good Conscience:] Yes, Jeff, I am your guiding light. Listen to me. Don't rip off the towels, Jeff!
[Bad Conscience:] Piss off, you little nitwit!
[Jeff:] Hey man, what's the deal?
[Good Conscience:] Don't listen to him, Jeff, he's no good. He'll make you do BAD THINGS!
[Jeff:] You mean, he'll make me sin?
[Good Conscience:] Yes, Jeff. SIN!
[Jeff:] Wow!
[Bad Conscience:] Jeff, I'd like to have a word with you... about your soul.
[Good Conscience:] No, don't listen, Jeff.
[Bad Conscience:] Why are you wasting your life, night after night playing this comedy music?
[Jeff:] You're right, I'm too heavy to be in this group.
[Good Conscience:] Comedy music...
[Bad Conscience:] Jeff, YOUR SOUL!

Too heavy to

[Jeff:] In this group, all I ever get to do is play Zappa's comedy music. HE EATS!
[Good Conscience:] Jeff!
[Jeff:] I get so tense!
[Bad Conscience:] Of course you do, my boy.
[Jeff:] The stuff he makes me do is always off the wall!
[Bad Conscience:] That's why it would be best to leave his stern employ.
[Jeff:] And quit the group!
[Bad Conscience:] You'll make it big!
[Jeff:] That's right.
[Bad Conscience:] Of course!
[Jeff:] And then I won't be SMALL!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha, ha, ha...

[Jeff:] Cough, cough. Ahmet Ertegun used this towel as a bathmat six weeks ago at a rancid motel in Orlando, Florida, with the highest MILDEW rating of any commercial lodging facility within the territorial limits of the United States, naturally excluding tropical possessions... It's still damp. What an aroma! This is the best I ever got off! What can I say about this elixir? Try it on steaks! Cleans nylons! Small craft warnings! It's made for the home! The office! On fruits!
[Bad Conscience:] This is the real you, Jeff. Rip off a few more ashtrays. Get rid of some of that inner tension. Quit the comedy group! Get your own group together. Heavy! Like GRAND FUNK! Or BLACK SABBATH...
[Good Conscience:] No, Jeff...
[Jeff:] Like COVEN!
[Good Conscience:] Peace... Love...
[Bad Conscience:] Bollocks!
[Jeff:] What can I say about this elixir?

[Mark:] Jeff has gone out there on that stuff!
[Bad Conscience:] He should have never have used the elixir and only stuck to the incense. Oh, Atlantis...
[Mark:] That was BILLY THE MOUNTAIN, dressed up like Donovan, fading out on the wall-mounted TV screen. Jeff IS flipping out. Road fatigue! We've got to get him back to normal before Zappa finds out, and steals it, and makes him do it in the movie!
[Bad Conscience:] You have a brilliant career ahead of you, my boy, Just GET OUT OF THIS GROUP!
[Mark:] Howard, that was Studebacher Hoch, dressed up like Jim Pons, giving career guidance to the bass player of a rock-oriented comedy group. Jeff's imagination has gone beyond the fringe of audience comprehension. Jeff, Jeff, it's me, the Phlorescent Leech!
[Howard:] Jeff, Jeff, it's me, Eddie!


[Mark: (right channel)] Put it on your steaks, uh, send it overseas, [?] ground, and put it on you surfboard so you won't slip off. Try it on your [Jim Bean Boy], and on the, the red balloons, you can blow up all balloons with it. Put it on your... heh... on... on your pizza. Put it on your shoes, tie your mic with it, and fill up your tires with it.

[Howard: (center)] Use it to clean your swimming pool, sell it to your mother and tell her it's a Rit tie-dye kit, you won't even believe what'll happen when you starch your shirt with it, ironing goes easier and your car windows never looked better in your whole life. Ladies and gentlemen, you can inhale it, and it makes your voice three keys higher, and you can't even stand what happens when you put it on your hair, as hair tonic. Heh, heh. And if you ever tried it as a...

[Jim Pons: (left channel)] Soak your shirts in it, soak your teeth in it. Let it play the piano. Follow it around the block. Wear it instead of jeans. Bathe your puppies with it. Feed it to your ducks. Use it instead of chlorine in your swimming pool. Breathe it. Love it.

What can I?
What can I say about this?

"Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting to You?" – 2:59


[Bad Conscience:]
Does this kind of life look interesting to you? Night after night, dinners with Herb Cohen. Thrill-packed, fun-filled evenings on the French Riviera at the MIDEM convention. A big tie, the whole bit. Watch Mutt eat, and Leon feed the geese. One thousand green business cards, with your name and the wrong address. Plus six royalty statements, inspected and customized by ran toon tan han toon frammet and dee. Followed by twelve potential suicides as the members of your group, past and present, find out they can't collect unemployment. A dog, a car, an epidemic of body lice with your own record company, your name on the door, electric buzzer to the inner office, Ona's tits, and a three month supply of German bookings with tickets on Air Rangoon. Does this kind of life look interesting to you? As a big rock and roll guitar player in a comedy group?

Hunna hunna hunna

200 Motels
200 Motels
Ran toon han toon
200 Motels

I'm stealing the room!
I'm stealing the room!
I'm stealing the room!

Stealing the room
Stealing the
Stealing the room
(Stealing the room)

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" – 3:11

Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?

She's such a dignified lady
She's so pretty and soft
You can't call her a groupie
It just pisses her off
She got diamonds and jewelry
She got lotsa new clothes
She ain't hurtin' nobody
So that everyone knows
That she knows what she wants

Knows what she likes
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy
Look out... she's got her eyes on you

She left her place after midnight
(La la la la la)
She drove to the club
(La la la la-ee-ah!)
You know that her and her partner
(La la la la la)
Came here lookin' for love
(La la la la-ee-ah!)
They want a guy from a group
(La la la la la)
Who's got a thing in a charts
(La la la la-ee-ah!)
They will give him their hearts

'Cause they know what they want
([?] they know about it)
And they know what they like
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy
Look out... they got their eyes on you


They know what they want
They know what they like
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy... oooh!
Daddy, daddy, daddy
Awright, you got 'em screamin' all night
(La la la la la)
Screamin' all night

Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
(Do it, do it, d'ya wanna-wanna do it, do it?)
It's a hip thing!
Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
(Do it, do it, d'ya wanna-wanna do it, do it?)
Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
(Do it, do it, d'ya wanna-wanna do it, do it?)
It's a Chevy!
Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
(Do it, do it, d'ya wanna-wanna do it, do it?)
You're a big gun!
Ooo-ooo, do you like my new car?
(Do it, do it, d'ya wanna-wanna do it, do it?)
['Cause they're dancin'!]

"Penis Dimension" – 4:37

Penis dimension
Penis dimension
Penis dimension is worrying me
I can't hardly sleep at night
'Cause of penis dimension

Do you worry?
Do you worry a lot?


Do you worry?
Do you worry and moan...
That the size of your cock is not monstruous enough?

It's your penis dimension!
Penis dimension!

Wah ooo-wah ooo-wah ooo-wah
Wah ooo-wah ooo-wah ooo-wah

Hiya friends. Now just be honest about it. Did you ever consider the possiblity that your penis, and in the case of many dignified ladies, that the size of the titties themselves might provide elements of sub-conscious tension? Weird, twisted anxieties that could force a human being to have to become a politician! A policeman! A jesuit monk
[Howard:] [?]
[Mark:] A rock and roll guitar player! A wino! You name it. Or in the case of the ladies, the ones that can't afford a silicone BEEF-UP, may become writers of hot books
[Howard:] "Manuel, the gardener, placed his burning phallus in her quivering quim."
[Mark:] Yes, or they become Carmelite nuns!
[Howard:] "Gonzo, the lead guitar player, placed his mutated member in her slithering slit." Ha ha ha!
[Mark:] Ooh, or racehorse jockeys. There is no reason why you, or your loved one should suffer. Things are bad enough, without the size of your organ adding even more misery to the TROUBLES OF THE WORLD!
[Howard:] Right on, right on!
[Mark:] Now, if your a lady and you've got munchkin tits, you can console yourself with this age-old line from primary school..
[Mark:] And isn't it the truth? And if you're a guy, and one night you're at a party and you're trying to be cool, I mean, you aren't even wearing any underwear, you're being so cool, and somebody hits on you one night, and he looks you up and down and he says, uh...
[Howard:] Eight inches or less?
[Mark:] Well let me tell you, brothers, that's the time when you got to turn around and look that sonofabitch right between the eyes, and you got to tell him these words...

"What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning" – 3:29

What will this evening
Bring me this morning?
What will this evening
Bring me this morning?
Dawn will arrive
Without any warning

What will I say
The next day to whatever
I drag to my hotel tonight?
(If things go right!)

What will I say
The next day to whatever
I drag to my hotel tonight?
(Will she be outa-site?)

What will this evening
Bring me this morning?
What will this evening
Bring me this morning?
A succulent fat one
A mod little flat one
Maybe a hot one (to give me the clap!)
Maybe a freak who gets off with a strap

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
If things go right!
(If things go right!)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
Will she be outa-site?
(Will she be outa-site?)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
If things go right!
(If things go right!)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
Will she be outa-site?
(Will she be outa-site?)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
If things go right!
(If things go right!)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
Will she be outa-site?
(Will she be outa-site?)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
If things go right!
(If things go right!)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
Will she be outa-site?
(Will she be outa-site?)

What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?
(What will I say the next day to whatever I drag to my hotel tonight?)
If things go right!
(If things go right!)

What will I say the next day...

Imagen del libreto original

Cara 4

"A Nun Suit Painted on Some Old Boxes" – 1:08

Why don't you strap on this here bunch
Of cardboard boxes, daddy-o?
Joy of my desiring
You'll certainly look suave and get me hot
Hot, hot, get me hot and
If there's one thing I really get off on
It's a nun suit painted on some old boxes
Some old melodies
An aura
An areola
Pink gums
Stumpy gray teeth
Dental floss
Gets me hot
Wanna watch a dental hygiene movie

"Magic Fingers" – 3:53

Ooh, the way you love me, lady,
I get so hard now I could die
Ooh, the way you love me, sugar,
I get so hard now I could die

Open up your pocketbook,
Get another quarter out,
Drop it in the meter, mama
And try me on for size
Open up your pocketbook,
Get another quarter out,
Drop it in the meter, mama
And try me on for size

Ooh, the way you squeeze me, baby,
Red balloons just pop behind my eyes
Ooh, the way you squeeze me, girl,
Red balloons just pop behind my eyes

Open up your pocketbook,
Get another quarter out,
Drop it in the meter, mama
And try me on for size
Open up your pocketbook,
Get another quarter out,
Drop it in the meter, mama
And try me on for size

Oh, do you really wanna please me?

You know I do, baby

Well, tell me why you do it
I really wanna know

Oh, no, no, I wouldn't be right
For me to tell you tonight

You better tell me right away
Or I pack up and go!

Don't get mad
It ain't no big thing

You better tell me right away,
Don't you treat me cold

Well, there are a lot of reasons why I'd . . . I'd drag a girl such as yourself back to this . . . plastic hotel room and . . . rip you off for spare change to run a . . . to run a vibrating machine attached to this queen-size, bulk-purchase, kapok-infested, do-not-remove-tag-under-penalty-of-law type bed and . . . and make you take off all your little clothes . . . until you are nearly STARK RAVING NUDE! (Save for your chrome-with-heavy-duty-leather-thong Peace Medallion, heh . . . ) And make you assume a series of marginally erotic poses involving . . . a plastic chair and . . . an old guitar strap while I . . . did a wee-wee in your hair and . . . beat you with a pair of tennis shoes . . . I got from Jeff Beck

"Motorhead's Midnight Ranch" – 1:28


"Dew on the Newts We Got" – 1:09

On the newts we got
Newt money dew
It's a payment on the rental for the dewy little
Newts we got
We got 'em dewy
Left 'em in the yard all night
Hope they didn't get uptight
The little vixens
The saucy little vixens
I hope they didn't get pissed off
I hope
That they did not
Did not
I hope
That they did not
Dash off
Into the night

"The Lad Searches the Night for His Newts" – 0:41

The lad searches the night for his newts

"The Girl Wants to Fix Him Some Broth" – 1:10

[Male Tenor:]
The girl wants to fix him some broth.

[Female Soprano:]

Tinselcock, my baby

[Female Soprano:]
Would you like some broth?

[Male Tenor:]
Some nice soup

[Female Soprano:]
Some hot broth?

[Male Tenor:]
Small dogs in it

[Female Soprano:]
Yooooouuuu . . . Do you?

[Male Tenor:]
You like broth?
Dog broth?

[Female Soprano:]
Hot broth?

[Male Tenor:]
You like dog broth hot?

[Female Soprano:]
Hot dogs debris

[Male Tenor:]
How do you like it?
Debris of the four styles offered
Debris broth breath
And the ever popular hygienic
European version


[Male Tenor:]
Which do you choose?

"The Girl's Dream" – 0:54

The girl, in a statement to the press, explains . . .

"Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Corduroy Ponce" – 1:00

Broth reminds me of nuns
(Munch . . . kin)
I see them smashing with rulers
Disciplining munchkin cretins
(Munchkin cretins)
Tortured munchkins
(Munchkin cretins)
Tortured munchkins
Irish Catholic victims
Little green scratchy sweaters
Little green scratchy ones
(Courduroy ponce)
And courduroy ponce
Courduroy ponce
And green scratchy munchkin
Irish Catholic victims
Munchkins get me hot
Munchkins get me, get me hot

Gets her real hot

"Strictly Genteel (The Finale)" – 11:08

[Strictly Genteel]

[Theodore Bikel:]
This, as you might have guessed, is the end of the movie. The entire cast is assembled here at the Centerville Recreational Facility to bid farewell to you, and to express thanks for your attendance at this theater. This might seem old fashioned to some of you, but I'd like to join in on this song. It's the kind of a sentimental song that you get at the end of a movie, it's the kind of a song that people might sing to let you in the audience know that we really like you and care about you, yeah . . . Understand how hard it is to laugh these days, with all the terrible problems in the world!

Lord, have mercy on the people in England
For the terrible food these people must eat
(Errrr . . . excuse me)
And may the Lord have mercy on the fate of this movie
And God bless the mind of the man in the street

Help all the rednecks and the flatfoot policemen
Through the terrible functions they all must perform
God help the winos, the junkies, and the weirdos
And every poor soul who's adrift in the storm.

Help everybody, so they all get some action
Some love on the weekend, some real satisfaction

[Phyllis Bryn-Julson:]
A room and a meal
And a garbage disposal
A lawn and a hose'll
Be strictly genteel

Reach out your hand to the girl in the dog book
The girl in the pig book, and the one with the horse
Make sure they keep all those businessmen happy
And the purple-lipped censors and the Germans of course

Help everybody, so they all get some action
Some love on the weekend, some real satisfaction

A Swedish apparatus
With a hood and a bludgeon
With a microwave oven
"Honey, how do it feel?"

Lord, have mercy on the hippies and faggots
And the dykes and the weird little children they grow

Help the black man
Help the poor man
Help the milk man
Help the door man
Help the lonely, neglected old farts that I know

[Theodore Bikel:]
It's been swell havin' you with us tonight, folks!

But, don't leave the theater yet, 'cause there's still more to come, but before we go on, I want to introduce to you my friend and musical associate, Howard Kaylan, who's going to give us all a final closing benediction

[The Finale]

They're gonna clear out the studio
They're gonna tear down all the . . .
They're gonna whip down all the . . .
They're gonna sweep out all the . . .
They're gonna pay off all the . . .
(Oh, yeah!)

And then . . .
And then . . .
And then . . .
And then . . .

Hey hey hey, everybody in the orchestra and the chorus
Talkin' 'bout every one of our lovely and talented dancers
Talkin' 'bout the light bulb men
Camera men
The make-up men
(The fake-up men)
Yeah, the rake-up men
(Especially Herbie Cohen, yeah . . .)
They're all gonna rise up
They're gonna jump up
I said jump up
Talkin' 'bout jump right up and off the floor
Jump right up and hit the door
They're all gonna rise up and jump off!
They're gonna ride on home
They're gonna ride on home
They're gonna ride on home
They're gonna ride on home
And once again
Take themselves
Seriously, yeeeah!
Two, three, four, seriously
They're all gonna go home (ye-hey!)
Through the driving sleet and rain
They're all gonna go home
Through the fog, through the dust
Through the tropical fever and the blistering frost
They're all gonna go home
And get out of it as they can be, baby
And the same goes for me
(The same goes for me)
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!

And each and every member of this rock oriented comedy group in his own special way
Is gonna get out of it as he can be
We all gonna get wasted
We all gonna get twisted
We all gonna get wasted
We all gonna get twisted
And I am definitely gonna get . . .
'Cause I'm such a lonely
I'm such a lonely
A lonely, lonely, talkin' 'bout a lonely guy!
Oh, and I know tonight, I am definitely . . .
I am positively . . .
I just have to get . . .

[JCB:] A disaster area the size of Atlantic City, New Jersey!

[Howard:] He's making me do this, ladies and gentlemen. I wouldn't do it if it weren't for him. You noticed, all through this material, I've been glancing over toward my left? Well, I'll tell you the reason for that, ladies and gentlemen. HE is over there. HE is over on the left. HE is the guy that is making me do all this shit. Right over there. Now all through this movie, every time we've been on stage, I've had to look over in that direction, right? You saw it . . . you know. Well that's 'cause HE's over there. I've got to watch him for signs. He jumps up and down like a jackass. I can't even believe the guy sometimes. But we gotta watch him. "After all," we said, "it's Frank's movie." Now, we're THE MOTHERS, but it's still Frank's movie. Let's say it, he got to paid for it, he rented the studio, had all these cheesy sets built . . . it's so moche! I can't even stand it . . . He's telling everybody, right now, right over there, to . . .

Imagen del libreto original


El álbum no fue lanzado en disco compacto hasta 1997, como resultado de un acuerdo de licencia entre Rykodisc (en ese momento el licenciatario de todos los otros álbumes de Zappa de Zappa Family Trust (ZFT), que sumaban más de 60 títulos) y MGM que les permitió relanzar numerosas bandas sonoras de películas musicales raras en CD. Con la adición de este título, Ryko finalmente pudo ofrecer el catálogo completo de grabaciones oficiales de Zappa, ya que numerosos procedimientos legales tanto durante la vida de Zappa como después no cedieron la propiedad de los derechos y cintas a ZFT. Esa edición de 2 CD, ahora agotada, contenía extensas notas y obras de arte, así como un pequeño póster para la película, así como bonus tracks que consistían en promociones de radio para la película y la edición para un sencillo de la canción "Magic Fingers"

Imagen del libreto original

Bonus tracks

  1. "Coming Soon! [Cut 1]" – 0:56
  2. "The Wide Screen [Cut 2]" – 0:57
  3. "Coming Soon! [Cut 3]" – 0:31
  4. "Frank Zappa's 200 Motels [Cut 4]" – 0:11
  5. "Magic Fingers [Single Edit]" – 2:57
  6. Archivo de video: Original Theatrical Trailer 3:28

El álbum fue reeditado en 2021, en dos ediciones: el álbum original en 2 CD y una versión extendida en 6 CD. (nuevamente incluyendo un facsímil del póster original de la película)

Portada de la edición de 2021

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Frank Zappa - 200 Motels Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (50th Anniversary) (Full Deluxe Album)

  • Theodore Bikel – Narrador
  • Jimmy Carl Black – Voces
  • George Duke – Trombón, teclados
  • Aynsley Dunbar – Batería
  • Howard Kaylan – Voces
  • Jim Pons – Voces
  • Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Ian Underwood – Teclados, viento
  • Ruth Underwood – Percusión
  • Mark Volman – Voces, fotografía
  • Frank Zappa – Bajo, guitarra, producción
  • Bob Auger – ingeniero
  • David McMacken – diseño, ilustraciones
  • Cal Schenkel – diseño
  • Barry Keene – sobregrabaciones, remezclas
  • Patrick Pending –  Notas del libreto

Interior de la carpeta del álbum

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1977: Supertramp y Babaji

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