lunes, 15 de agosto de 2022

1972: Zappa y los álbumes Just Another Band from L.A. y Waka/Jawaka

Contenido de esta entrada:


Just Another Band from L.A.


Anterior artículo de Frank Zappa: 1971: Frank Zappa y las madres en 200 moteles. 200 Motels, el álbum y la película

Siguiente artículo de Frank Zappa: 1972: Frank Zappa y el gran Wazoo

Portada del álbum Waka/Jawaka

Enlaces interesantes sobre Frank Zappa:


Después de 200 Motels, Frank Zappa con The Mothers salió de gira, lo que resultó en dos álbumes en vivo, Fillmore East - June 1971 y Just Another Band From L.A.; este último incluyó la canción de 20 minutos "Billy the Mountain", la sátira de Zappa sobre la ópera rock ambientada en el sur de California. Esta canción fue representativa de las representaciones teatrales de la banda en las que las canciones se utilizaron para construir bocetos basados en escenas de 200 Motels, así como nuevas situaciones que a menudo retratan los encuentros sexuales de los miembros de la banda en la carretera. De este último álbum, Just Another Band From L.A publicado en 1972 nos ocupamos en este artículo.

En diciembre de 1971, hubo dos serios reveses. Mientras tocaban en el Casino de Montreux de Suiza, el 4 de diciembre el equipo de The Mothers fue destruido cuando una persona del público arrojó una bengala hacia el techo del escenario y se incendió el lugar, que precisamente era el sitio en donde iba a empezar a grabar Deep Purple al día siguiente el álbum Machine Head.​ Este hecho fue inmortalizado en la canción "Smoke on the Water" de Deep Purple. El humo del incendio sobre el lago Leman inspiró la letra de la canción a Ian Gillan. Adjunto un video de Deep Purple tocando la canción precisamente en Montreux:

El hecho y las consecuencias inmediatas se pueden escuchar en el álbum bootleg Swiss Cheese/Fire!, publicados legalmente por Zappa como parte de la recopilación "Zappa's Beat the Boots II".

Lista de temas

00:00 - - - 1-1— Intro (…l)
09:40 - - - 1-2— Peaches En Regalia 
13:08 - - - 1-3— Tears Began To Fall/She Painted Up Her Face/Half-A-Dozen Provocative Squats 
19:12 - - - 1-4— Call Any Vegetable
29:03 - - - 1-5— Anyway The Wind Blows
32:46 - - - 2-1— Magdalena/Dog Breath
42:34 - - - 2-2— Sofa
1:00:21 - - - 2-3— A Pound For A Brown (On THe Bus)
1:07:45 - - - 2-4— Wonderful Wino/Sharleena/Cruisin' For Burgers
1:20:22 - - - 2-5— King Kong
1:21:43 - - - 2-6— Fire!*
1:23:45 - - - 2-6— End

Imagen del casino de Montreaux ardiendo

Tras una semana de descanso, The Mothers tocaron en el Rainbow Theatre, Londres, con un equipo de alquiler. Durante el bis, un miembro del público empujó a Zappa fuera del escenario y cayó en el suelo de cemento del foso de la orquesta. La banda pensó que Frank había muerto. Había sufrido fracturas graves, traumatismo de cráneo y lesiones en la espalda, las piernas y el cuello, además de un golpe en la laringe que le hizo perder un intervalo musical de una tercera mayor, es decir, dos tonos en su registro, después de su recuperación.​ Este accidente lo obligó a usar una silla de ruedas durante un período prolongado, lo que le alejó de la carretera durante más de medio año. A su regreso a los escenarios en septiembre de 1972,  todavía llevaba un aparato ortopédico para las piernas, tenía una cojera notable y no podía permanecer de pie por mucho tiempo mientras estaba en el escenario. Zappa señaló que una pierna se curó "más corta que la otra" (una referencia que más tarde se encontraría en las letras de las canciones "Zomby Woof" y "Dancin Fool'"), lo que le provocó dolor de espalda crónico.​ Mientras tanto, The Mothers se quedaron en el limbo y, finalmente, partieron por su cuenta formando el núcleo de la banda de Flo and Eddie.

Durante 1971-1972 Zappa lanzó dos LP en solitario fuertemente orientados al jazz, Waka / Jawaka y The Grand Wazoo, que fueron grabados durante el abandono forzado de las giras de conciertos, utilizando alineaciones flotantes de músicos de sesión y ex alumnos de Mothers. Musicalmente, los álbumes eran similares a Hot Rats, ya que presentaban pistas instrumentales extendidas con solos extendidos. Del primer álbum nos ocupamos también en este artículo.

Just Another Band from L.A.

El 26 de marzo de 1972 se publicó el álbum Just Another Band from L.A. en Estados Unidos con Bizarre (MS 2075) y en el Reino Unido con Reprise. Alcanzó el puesto 85 en la lista Billboard 200.

Portada del álbum Just Another Band from L.A.

Fue grabado en vivo el 7 de agosto de 1971 en Pauley Pavilion en el campus de UCLA en Los Ángeles. 

Originalmente  fue planeado para su lanzamiento como un doble LP con los solos "Studebaker Hoch" y "The Subcutaneous Peril" ocupando la mayor parte del segundo LP, además de parte de "Billy the Mountain" pero finalmente se quedó en un solo disco. A menudo pasado por alto por los críticos, este álbum marca un período importante en la carrera de la banda que pronto terminó por las graves lesiones de Zappa como hemos comentado tras ser empujado fuera de un escenario. La canción "Eddie, Are You Kidding?" se refiere a Edward Nalbandian, mientras que "The Subcutaneous Peril", aparecería más tarde, en forma editada, en el álbum Finer Moments (2012).

Una versión íntegra del tema"Billy the Mountain" se publicó en 1992 en el álbum Playground Psychotics.

El álbum fue reeditado en CD con una masterización muy defectuosa y sin créditos de composición por Rykodisc en 1990 y reempaquetado con el mismo audio pero con los créditos de composición restaurados en 1995. En 2012 Universal/UMe publicó una edición debidamente remasterizada en CD.

Contraportada de la edición de 2012

La banda uruguaya de rock La Tabaré adaptó la imagen de tapa para la portada de su álbum Chapa, pintura, lifting.

Como su anterior álbum, el álbum se publicó en una carpeta desplegable.

Interior de la carpeta del álbum

Lista de canciones del álbum

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Billy The Mountain (Live At Pauley Pavilion, UCLA, Los Angeles, 1971)

Cara uno

  1. "Billy the Mountain" (Zappa) – 24:47

Cara dos

1. "Call Any Vegetable" (Zappa) – 7:22

2. "Eddie, Are You Kidding?" (Kaylan, Seiler, Volman, Zappa) – 3:10

3. "Magdalena" (Kaylan, Zappa) – 6:24

4. "Dog Breath" (Zappa) – 3:39


Adjunto un video de Call Any Vegetable interpretado por Zappa Plays Zappa, la banda de Dweezil, el hijo de Zappa:

Y uno de Dog Breath del 15-12-1970 en el Gaumont Palace, Paris, Francia:


Billy The Mountain

[incluye cutas de Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D major (Edward Elgar), Johnny's Theme (Paul Anka), Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder (Crawford), O Mein Papa (Paul Burkhard), Over The Rainbow (Harburg/Arlen), Star-Spangled Banner (Smith/Key), Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (Stephen Stills)]

One, two, three...

BILLY the Mountain
BILLY the Mountain
A regular picturesque
Postcardy mountain
Residing between lovely
Rosamond and Gorman
With his stunning wife ETHELL,
A tree!
A tree!

BILLY was a mountain
ETHELL was a tree
Growing off of his shoulder

BILLY was a mountain
(BILLY was a mountain!)
ETHELL was a tree
Growing off of his shoulder
(ETHELL was a tree growing off of his shoulder)
(hey, hey hey!)

Billy had two big
Caves for eyes,
With a cliff for a jaw
That would go up 'n down,
And whenever it did,
He'd puff out some dust,
And hack up a boulder
Hack up a boulder
Hack up a boulder
Up a boulder

Now, one day, now I believe it was on a Tuesday, a man in a checkered double-knit suit drove up in a large El Dorado Cadillac, leased from BOB SPREEN...

("Where the freeways meet in Downey!")

. . . And he laid a HUGE, BULGING ENVELOPE right at the corner of BILLY THE MOUNTAIN, that was right where his 'foot' was supposed to be.

Now, BILLY THE MOUNTAIN, he couldn't believe it! All those postcards he'd posed for, for ALL OF THOSE YEARS, and finally, now, AT LAST, his Royalties!

Royalty check is in, honey!

Yes, BILLY THE MOUNTAIN was RICH! Yes, and his eyeball-caves, they widened in amazement, and his jaw (which was a cliff), well it dropped thirty feet!

A bunch of dust puffed out! Rocks and boulders hacked up, (hack! hack!) crushing 'The LINCOLN'!

I gave him the money
He acted real funny
He hocked up a rock and
It TOTALLED my car!

Oh, do you
Know any trucks
Might be bound for THE VALLEY?
I don't wanna stand here
All night in this bar
(Dear Lord)

I don't wanna stand here
All night in this bar
(No shit!)

I don't wanna stand here
All night in this bar!

By two o'clock, when the bars are already closed down, BILLY had broken 'THE BIG NEWS' to ETHELL. And with dust and boulders everywhere, BILLY, choked with excitement, announced...

"ETHELL, we're going on a VACATION!"

Yes, and they WERE going on a vacation! (Oh, and ETHELL, ETHELL, ETHELL, like every little woman, she of course was very excited! She creaked a little bit, and some old birds flew off of her.) BILLY told ETHELL they were going to... Yes! They were going to NEW YORK!

"ETHELL, we're going to... New York!"

But first they were gonna stop in LAS VEGAS...

It's off to LAS VEGAS
to check out the lounges
Pull a few handles,
And drink a few beers,

ETHELL, my darling,
you know that I love you!
I'm glad we could have a
Vacation this year!
(Oh, NEET-O!)

Glad we could have a
Vacation this year!

They left that night, crunchin' across the Mojave Desert... their voices echoing through the canyons of your minds (POO-AAH!)

"ETHELL, wanna get a cuppa cawfee?"

(Howard Johnson's! Howard Johnson's!
Howard Johnson's! Howard Johnson's!)

"Ahhh! there's a HOWARD JOHNSONS! Wanna eat some CLAMS?"

The first noteworhty piece of real estate they destroyed was EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE...

And TO THIS VERY DAY, 'Wing Nuts' and Data Reduction Clerks alike, speak in reverent whispers about that fateful night when TEST STAND #1 and THE ROCKET SLED ITSELF... (We have ignition!)... got LUNCHED! I said LUNCHED! (Lunched!) By a FAMOUS MOUNTAIN-IN and his SMALL, WOODEN WIFE.

"Word just in to the KTTV News Service undeniably links THIS MOUNTAIN and HIS WIFE to drug abuse and pay-offs as part of a San Joaquin Valley SMUT RING! However, we can assure parents in the Southern California area that a recent NARCOTICS CRACK-DOWN, in Torrance, Hawthorne, Lomita, Westchester, Playa Del Rey, Santa Monica, Tujunga, Sunland, San Fernando, Pacoima, Sylmar, Newhall, Canoga Park, Palmdale, Glendale, Irwindale, Rolling Hills, Granada Hills, Shadow Hills,Cheviot Hills, will provide the SECRET EVIDENCE the Palmdale Grand Jury has needed to seek a CRIMINAL INDICTMENT, and pave the way for STIFFER LEGISLATION, increased FEDERAL AID, and AVERT A CRIPPLING STRIKE of Bartenders and Veterinarians throughout the INLAND EMPIRE..."

WITHIN THE WEEK, Jerry Lewis had hosted a Telethon ("Wah wah wah, nice lady!") to raise funds for the injured (injured...) and homeless (homeless...) in Glendale, as BILLY had just levelled it, and, a few miles right outside of town, BILLY caused a 'Oh Mein Papa' in the Earth's crust, right over the SECRET UNDERGROUND DUMPS (right near the 'Jack-In-The-Box' on Glenoaks) where they keep the POOLS OF OLD POISON GAS, and OBSOLETE GERM BOMBS, just as a FREAK TORNADO cruised through...

Yes, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon when little Howard Kaplan was sitting on his porch ( "Toto...!") just playing ( "Come on, Toto...!") and having a nice time with his little accordion ("Toto...!"), and this weird wind came up ("Toto...!"), direct from Glendale ("Toto...! Toto...!"), blowing these terrible germs in his direction ("Come here, Toto...!"), and all of this caused ("Toto...!") by a huge mountain ("Aunty Em!")!

"Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly..."

...sucking up two thirds of it (SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!) for UNTIMELY DISPERSAL over VAST STRETCHES of WATTS!!!

Now, unless I misunderstood, it was right outside of Columbus, Ohio when BILLY received his NOTICE TO REPORT for his INDUCTION PHYSICAL. Now, lemme tell ya, ETHELL said, now ETHELL, ETHELL said she wasn't gonna let him go!

"I'm not gonna let you go, BILLY!"

"THAT'S RIGHT! We now have CONFIRMED REPORTS from an INFORMED ORANGE COUNTY MINISTER, that ETHELL is still an ACTIVE COMMUNIST, and it is This Reporter's Opinion that she also practices (COVEN!) WITCH-CRAFT!"

It was about this time that the telephone rang inside of the SECRET BRIEFCASE belonging to THE ONE MORTAL MAN who might be able to stop all of this senseless destruction and save 'AMERICA HERSELF'! (And I'm sorry to disappoint some of you, it was not Chief Reddin) This one MAN was STUDEBAKER HOCH, fantastic new SUPER HERO of the CURRENT ECONOMIC SLUMP.

(Oh) Now, some folks say he looked like (he was like, he was like) ZUBIN MEHTA (Zubin Mehta); still others say (others say he), bullshit, honey (bullshit, man) he's just another greasy guy who happened to be born next to the Frozen Beef Pies at BONEY'S MARKET. (Others say he was just a, just a) Still others say, John, piss on you, Jack! (crazy Italian) He's just a crazy Italian who drove a RED CAR. You see (nobody knows for sure 'cause he was so), nobody ever really knew for sure, because STUDEBAKER was so-o-o-o-o-o mysterious (mysterious)...

(He was so, he was so!)

(He was so, he was so!)

'Cuz when a person gets to be
Such a HERO, folks,
You can never REALLY TELL
(Whether he's really a NICE PERSON
Or if he just SMILES A LOT),
Or if he has a son named 'PINOCCHIO',
Or what?

Whether he's really a NICE PERSON or if he has a son named 'PINOCCHIO' or what?

Some men say he could FLY
Some men say he could SWIM
Others say he could SING (like NEIL SEDAKA),
And all the girls in FLUSHING
Would be AMAZED of HIM
(Two, Three!)

Time passes...
January, February, March, July...
...2:30 in the afternoon, Sunday, Monday...
Funny Cars!
City of Industry...
Big John Mazmanian!

So when the phone rang
In the secret briefcase,
A strong masculine hand
With a Dudley Do-Right wristwatch
And flexy bracelet
And answered
In a deep, calmly assured voice:

"So... ah... yeah, yeah, hello already... what?... Well, yeah?... Ah, are you kidding...? You're not kidding... a mountain...? With a tree growing off of its shoulder...? Aw, you're fulla shit, man... ah, listen, by the way, before I go on; did you get those white albums I sent ya with the pencil on the front...? Yeah...? Yeah, you should move some of those for me, we're having a lot of... listen, so kiss little Jakee on the head... and, ah, how's your wife's hemorrhoids? Oh, that's too bad... Listen... so you've got a mountain, with a tree, listen, causing... oh, my! Well, let me write this down... sorta take a few notes here... yeah...? To El Segundo, huh? Causing UNTOLD DESTRUCTION? (my baby, my baby) Wanted for DRAFT EVASION? An expense account? And per diem, too?"


They said he could DANCE, and, of course, THEY were right! Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it: THE STUDEBAKER HOCH DANCING LESSON & COSMIC PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE featuring Aynsley Dunbar, hit it!

Hey! Twirly, twirly, twirly, twirly, twirly!
Fillmore, Fillmore, Fillmore, Fillmore...Hey!


Fillmore, Fillmore, Fillmore, Fillmore...

NOBODY can DANCE like STUDEBAKER HOCH! So many rumors have spread about STUDEBAKER HOCH! (A rumor... a rumor...) Consider this rumor (a rumor...), which was published (a rumor...) about three weeks ago in ROLLING STONE!

Oh, it's gotta be true!

STUDEBAKER HOCH can write THE LORD'S Prayer on the head of a pin!


Doot-doot-do DO DO DO!
Doot-doot-do DO!

(I'm so HIP!)


He was born next to the BEEF PIES,
Underneath JONI MITCHELL'S autographed picture,
Right beside ELLIOT ROBERTS' big Bank Book,
Next to the boat
Where CROSBY flushed away all his stash
And the cops
Got him in the boat and drove away
Where Neil Young slipped another disc

FROZE-ing by the PIES!
FROZE-ing by the PIES!
FROZE-ing by the PIES!

(And that was the main influence on HIM!)

The influence of a Frozen Beef Pie!

Boldly springing into action, he phoned his wife (who ran a modeling school), WHEREUPON HE... yes, HE ran around the back of 'THE BROADWAY' at Hollywood Boulevard and Vine to see if he could find himself some big large, un-used cardboard boxes (no shit!)

After which, he hit up the RALPH'S on Sunset for some 'AUNT JEMIMA SYRUP', some 'KAISER BROILER FOIL', and a pair of blunt scissors! Hey-hey!

Yes! Yes, and in the parking lot of RALPH'S, where "no prizes are lower prizes than RALPH'S," in the parking lot of RALPH'S (in between a pair of customized trucks where nobody was looking), he cut out some really, really, really NICE WINGS, and he covered them thoroughly with foil!

Thorough-LY wi-TH (e-e-e-e-e) FOIL-L-L!

Then he took those 'WINGS' and wedged one under each of his powerful arms and sneaked into a telephone booth...

YES!! Yes! And then he SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR! And he pulled down his blue denim policeman type trouser pants, and he spread even amounts of AUNT JEMIMA maple syrup all over the inside of his legs!

Soon the booth was filling with flies!

(Help me, help me, help me!)

He held open the legs of his boxer shorts so they could all get in (Yes! Yeah!), and when each and every one of those little cocksuckin' flies had gone into his pants, and they were lapping up all that maple syrup, he bent over and he put his head between his legs and he said in a very clear, impressive, RON HUBBARD-type voice...


...and the booth and everything lifted up, out of the parking lot, and into the sky!



He's coating his legs
With AUNT JEMIMA syrup up and down!

His shorts'll be filled with flies
That will be buzzing all around!

Stoodlabaker Hoch:
He's really outa sight!
Stoodlabaker Hoch:
He does it every night!
Stoodlabaker Hoch:
He treats the flies all right
That's why they never bite, hey!

(Please to New York!
Fly to New York!)

He could be a DOG

(Fly to New York!)

He could be a NARK

Or he might play dirty!
(Getting old? Say! I don't know!)

His peculiar attire
And the flies he require
Keep leading him on
'Cause ETHELL is gone
They keep leading him on
'Cause ETHELL is gone
And THE MOUNTAIN she's on

And speaking of mountains, we'll join STUDEBAKER HOCH on the edge of BILLY THE MOUNTAIN's mouth. Take it away:

"Ah...ya, ya, ya, hey-ah BILLY, ah, listen...I've come to REASON with you! Our GREAT COUNTRY needs you in the Armed Forces! Your NUMBER came can't go on running like this forever."

Oh! But ETHELL just shook her twigs angrily, but STUDEBAKER HOCH, calm, cool, collected, and UN-ferturbed, continued...

"Ya, well listen, you (cough cough)... listen, you COMMUNIST SON-OF-A-BITCH! You better get your ass down there for your fuckin' physical, or I'll see to it that you get used for FILL DIRT in some impending New Jersey MARSH RECLAMATION... and your girl-friend there will wind up disguised as a series of brooms, primitive ironing boards (or a DOG HOUSE)... get the (cough, cough), GET THE PICTURE?"

Yeah, well, BILLY just laughed:

"HO, HO, HO! If they think they're gonna draft ME, they're CRAZY!"

Unfortunately, because STUDEBAKER HOCH was standing on the edge of BILLY THE MOUNTAIN's mouth when the giant mountain laughed, STUDEBAKER HOCH lost his footing and fell, screaming, two hundred feet into the rubble below!

"Aaahhhhh... oh fuck, I'm gonna need a TRUSS..."

Oh, listen, that only goes to show you, and it'll show you once again that...

A Mountain is something
You don't wanna fuck with
You don't wanna fuck with
Don't fuck around
(Don't fuck around)

Don't fuck with BILLY (No!)
And don't fuck with ETHELL
(You saw what just happened
To the guy with the flies!)



Biddilly, Biddilly
Biddilly, Biddilly, Biddilly


(Eddie, are you kidding?)

Eddie, are you kidding?

[FZ:] Oh, I forgot to mention this is where we take our intermission, we'll see you in a few minutes...
(Thank you!)

[FZ:] We'll be back!

Contraportada del álbum

Call Any Vegetable

Cheesy, cheesy!

(This is a song about vegetables... they keep you regular; they're real good for ya.)

Call any vegetable
(Call any vegetable)
Call it by name
(Call any vegetable)
Call one today
(Call any vegetable)
When you get off the train
(Call any vegetable)
Call any vegetable
And the chances are good
Ooooh! The vegetable
Will respond to you

(Some people don't go for prunes... I dunno... I've always found that if they...)

Call any vegetable
(Call any vegetable)
Pick up your phone
(Call any vegetable)
Think of a vegetable
(Call any vegetable)
Lonely at home
(Call any vegetable)
Call any vegetable
And the chances are good
That a vegetable will respond to you-hoooo


(A prune isn't really a vegetable. Cabbage is a vegetable.)

No one will know
If you don't want to let 'em know
No one will know
'Less it's you that might tell 'em so
Call and they'll come to you
Covered with dew
Vegetables dream
Of responding to you
Standing there
Shiny & proud by your side
Holding your hand
While the neighbors decide
Why is a vegetable
Something to hide?

Eddie, Are You Kidding?

[incluye una cita de 16 Candles (Dixon/Khent)]

Eddie, are you kidding?
I've seen you on my TV
Eddie, are you kidding?
The people always ask me
I saw your double knits
I thought they were the pits
You threw it in a bag
And then you sent me home
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!

Eddie, are you teasing
About your rancid garments?
Eddie, are you teasing
About your sixty tailors?
I'm coming over shortly
Because I am a portly
You promised you could fit me
In a fifty dollar suit
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!

[Howard:] Eddie, my friends ask me, Eddie, Eddie, are you kidding? I wanna tell you something, my friends: I am not kidding. Here at Zachary All we have sixty tailors in the back room. We have the west's largest selections of portly's, regulars, longs, extra longs, and cadets. And my friends say to me: Eddie, Eddie, what do you think of the new Double Knits?
[Mark:] Eddie, what do you think of the new Double Knits?
[Howard:] And I tell them: I'll tell you something frankly, my friends- When the new double knits first came out, I was not impressed. But as you can see, these pants I'm wearing are double knit. They stretch in all the right places. They're the most comfortable. Our model Twiggy here will demonstrate. I have this lovely little
Seersucker... wait a minute


I need the knits
The double knits
I need the knits
They are the pits
I need the knits
The double knits
I'm coming over shortly
Because I am a portly
You promised you could fit me
In a fifty dollar suit
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!
Eddie, are you kidding?
No, no!
Eddie, are you kidding me?
Eddie, are you kidding me?
Eddie, are you kidding me?

[Howard:] No, my friends, I'm not kidding, right here on the miracle mile we have the west's largest selections of...

And long

And not only that
My brother Jake and Little Emil, and...

Sixty tailors!


[incluye una cita al Violin Concerto in D (Stravinsky)]


There was a man
A little ole man
Who lived in Montreal
With a wife and a kid
And a car and a house
And a teenage daughter
With a see-thru blouse
Who loved to grunt and ball
And her name was Magdalena


The little ole man
Came home one night
To his house in Montreal.
He caught his daughter
In the blouse by the light
And he said to himself:
"She looks all right!"
And he reached for a tit
And grabbed it tight
And threw her up
Against the wall

My daughter dear,
Do not be concerned when your
Canadian daddy comes near.
My daughter dear
Do not be concerned when your
Canadian daddy comes near.
I work so hard,
Don't you understand,
Making maple syrup
For the pancakes of our land.
Do you have any idea?
What that can do to a man?
What that can do to a man?
Do you have any idea?
What that can do to a man?
What that can do to a man?

The little ole man
With the grubby little hand
Who lived in Montreal
Was drooling a bit
As he reached for her tit
And he said to himself:
"This is gonna be it!"
But the girl turned around
And said: "Go eat shit!"
And ran on down the hall.
Right on, Magdalena!

My daughter dear,
Do not be concerned when your
Canadian daddy comes near.
My daughter dear
Do not be concerned when your
Canadian daddy comes near.
I work so hard,
Don't you understand,
Making maple syrup
For the pancakes of our land.
Do you have any idea?
What that can do to a man?
What that can do to a man?
Do you have any idea?
What that can do to a man?
What that can do to a man?
(Tell 'em!)

Magdalena, don't you tease me like this
Right in the hallway with your blouse and your tits
If your mommy ever finds us like this
She'll call a lawyer, oh how mom will be pissed


Magdalena, Magdalena, Magdalena, Magdalena,
daughter of the smog-filled winds of Los Angeles,
I'd like to take you in the closet and take off your little clothes
until you are virtually stark raving nude,
spread mayonaise
and kaopectate all over your body
and take you down to Hollywood Boulevard
and we can,
we can walk down the streets
by the stars that say Jon Provost and Leo G. Carroll together, baby.
We can go dancing up at the Cinegrill
can't you see it: Frank Pernell and us, until dark,
don't you understand, my baby?
I didn't mean, I didn't need, I mean...
it was so hard for me...
I just...
I saw you standing under the Shell pest strip late last night,
in the light,
with your little nipples protruding through your little see-thru thingie,
and I just said:
'My god, my god, I gave my sperm to this thing!'
And now I just,
oh, you got me so hard, I just,
I don't know what to do, Magdalena, don't you understand?
So I grabbed you, but,
but don't hold it against me, I mean,
your mom will never know, baby,
and I wantcha to come back to me,
I mean... do you understand me? I want you to...
I'm down on my knees to ya, Magdalena!
I wantcha ta walk back to me, baby,
I wantcha to turn around by the Sparkletts machine.
That's it! That's it!
In the little chartreuse hallway with the little neon Jesus picture on the wall,
and I want you to step, baby,
I want you to walk back in your five inch spike heels that you got at Frederick's,
same time you and your mommy got that crotchless underwear last year for Christmas,
and I want you to stroll back to me, baby
Walk back, baby, don'tcha understand me, baby?
I want you to walk back
I'm down on bended knees, baby
I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I wanna take off your little training bra
Don't you understand me?
I'm gonna take off you little maroon hot pants
I'm gonna get down on my knees, baby,
dont'cha understand what I'm saying to you?
Your mom will never know,
she's playing bridge with the girls,
and you and I...
you and I go sucking som'thing, baby,
it's just you and I, don'tcha understand?
We can make love all night long,
nobody will ever know,
come on, Magdalena!
Please, little girl,
walk back to your daddy,
what did I do that was so wrong?
My God, I was only following the sexual impulse like I heard on the Johnny Carson Show
from a book or something I wrote,
I didn't know what I was doing
I got carried away
What can I say like... like...
walk back, baby,
come on,
oh, please, you gotta walk back, baby, walk back,
walk back to your daddy!
Come on, Magdalena, to your daddy, baby,
you gotta walk back, baby, walk back,
walk back, baby, walk back,
your mom will never know,
your mom will never know,
walk back, baby, walk back,
walk back, baby, walk back,
Magdalena, come back,
come back to you daddy,
walk back, baby,
walk back, baby,
walk, walk, walk, walk,
Walk to your daddy,
come on down, stroll it around of me,
I'm down on my knees, don't you understand?
Your mom will never know,
I told you so...
(I love you, Magdalena!)
You know what...
I said...

Dog Breath


Primer mi carucha (Chevy '39)
Going to El Monte Legion Stadium
Pick up on my weesa (she is so divine)
Helps me stealing hub caps
Wasted all the time

Fuzzy Dice
(Fuzzy Dice...)
Bongos in the back
My ship of love
(My ship of love...)
Is ready to attack

Paint me a carucha (Chevy '39)
Going to El Monte Legion Stadium
Pick up on my weesa (she is so divine)
Helps me stealing hub caps
Wasted all the time

Fuzzy Dice
(Fuzzy Dice...)
Bongos in the back
My ship of love
(My ship of love...)
Is ready to attack
Won't you please hear my plea
Won't you please hear my plea
Hear my plea
Hear my plea
Hear my plea
Hear my plea


Hear my plea
Hear my plea
Hear my plea
Hear my plea

Thank you very much! Yeah!


  • Frank Zappa – guitarra, voz
  • Mark Volman – voz
  • Howard Kaylan – voz
  • Ian Underwood – instrumentos de viento, teclados, voz
  • Aynsley Dunbar – batería
  • Don Preston – teclados
  • Jim Pons – bajo, voz


Waka/Jawaka (también conocido como Waka/Jawaka - Hot Rats) es el cuarto álbum en solitario de Frank Zappa, lanzado en julio de 1972 con Bizarre (MS 2094). El álbum es el precursor influenciado por el jazz de The Grand Wazoo (noviembre de 1972), y como indica la portada, es una especie de secuela del álbum Hot Rats de 1969. Según Zappa, el título "es algo que apareció en una tabla de ouija".

Contraportada del álbum


"Big Swifty" es una melodía de jazz-fusión, similar a muchas de las piezas de Zappa del período de jazz. Cuenta con muchas trompas para lograr un sonido de metal fuerte, así como espacio para la improvisación y el uso de múltiples compases. La melodía inicialmente alterna entre compases 7/8 y 3/4, pero pronto se decidirá por un 4/4 para dar sensación de swing en varios solos extendidos. Las versiones en vivo grabadas conocidas expandieron la diversificación rítmica a 11/8 y  rubato (por ejemplo, en Texas, 1973).

La canción "It Just Might Be a One-Shot Deal" es una extraña historia de alucinaciones cantadas por Sal Márquez y Janet Ferguson (la groupie "de mente dura" en 200 Motels). La guitarra hawaiana de Jeff Simmons establece una calidad onírica y suave, pero con las palabras "pero deberías estar atento mientras está sucediendo porque podría ser la única oportunidad de hacero", aunque se toca en tiempo real en lugar de lograrse con un empalme, suena como si la música hubiera comenzado a correr hacia atrás.

Imagen del libreto de la edición de 1995 en CD


Fue reeditado en una versión remasterizada digitalmente en CD por Rykodisc en 1986 (con mucha reverberación digital añadida y faltando la contraportada) y en 1995 (restaurando la contraportada, pero con idéntico sonido). En 2012, Universal Music lanzó un CD que contenía una versión remasterizada de la mezcla de vinilo original.


Reseñando en Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the Seventies (1981), Robert Christgau escribió: "Con Sal Márquez tocando 'muchas trompetas' en todo 'Big Swifty', hay veces que puedes soltar la aguja y pensar que estabas escuchando a Miles Davis de esa misma época. Eso es ciertamente lo que Zappa ha estado haciendo. Pero donde Davis es ocasionalmente demasiado flojo, Zappa siempre está demasiado apretado: parece percibir solo lo que es extraño y alienante en sus influencias, nunca lo que es humano. Además, Sal Márquez no toca la trompeta tan bien como Miles".

Imagen de la edición de 1995

Lista de temas

Enlace al álbum completo:


ZAPPA - Waka/Jawaka LP 1972 Full Album


Frank Zappa - Waka/Jawaka (Full Album)

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Waka/Jawaka

Todas las canciones compuestas por Frank Zappa.

Cara A

1. "Big Swifty" – 17:22

Cara B

1. "Your Mouth" – 3:12

2. "It Just Might Be a One-Shot Deal" – 4:16

3. "Waka/Jawaka" – 11:18



Cara A

1. "Big Swifty" – 17:22


Cara B

1. "Your Mouth" – 3:12

Your mouth is your religion
You put your faith in a hole like that?
You put your trust and your belief
Above your jaw, and no relief
Have I found

I heard your story when you come home
You said you went to see your sister last night
Well, you might loose a bunch of teeth
And find a funeral wreath
While you'll be laying in the ground
All alone

So tell me where are you coming from
With all them lies
As you stumble in at the breakin' of the day.
Where are you coming from, my shot-gun say
Because it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away

An evil woman, can make ya cry
If you believe her every time she lies
Well you can be a big fool
If she makes you loose your cool, and so
I've got me some advice you should try

Just let her talk a little
Oh, just let her talk a little more
Just... just let her talk a little more
And when she runs out of words
Just say the same thing that I told you before

Now tell me where are you coming from
With all them lies
As you stumble in the breakin' of the day
Where are you coming from, my shot-gun say
Because it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away
'Cause it just might wanna blow you away

2. "It Just Might Be a One-Shot Deal" – 4:16

If the froggy come up
A-with his satchel in his hand,
Then he reach in the front
And dump a mile of sand
Across the rug, along the hall
Up to the umbrella stand
That you've been watchin' all the time
Watchin' all the time

And if a forest grows up
From the dirt on the floor,
That the frog with the satchel
Had just dumped beside the door
You're just startin' to get worried,
You ain't going out no more
And it's confusin' to your mind-

Just consider this:
You can be scared when it gets too real
You can be scared when it gets too real
But you should be diggin' it
While it's happening
(Yes! You should be diggin' it while it's happening!)
'Cause it just might be a one-shot deal

You can be lost
And you can wanna be found
But keep an eye on that frog
Whenever he jump around
Just keep a-watchin' him
You oughta be watchin' him
Just keep a-watchin' him
You wanna be askin' him
(And see if he's brought along a little bag for you, rant!)

3. "Waka/Jawaka" – 11:18




  • Frank Zappa – guitarra, percusión, muelles de la cama eléctricos
  • Tony Duran – guitarra slide, voz
  • George Duke – piano
  • Sal Marquez – trompeta, voz, fliscorno,
  • Erroneous (Alex Dmochowski) – bajo, voz,
  • Aynsley Dunbar – batería, pandereta
  • Chris Peterson – voz
  • Joel Peskin – saxofón tenor
  • Mike Atschul – saxofón barítono, flauta, clarinete, saxofón tenor
  • Jeff Simmons – guitarra hawaiana, voz
  • Sneaky Pete Kleinow – guitarra
  • Janet Ferguson – voz
  • Don Preston – guitarra, Minimoog
  • Bill Byers – trombón, cuerno
  • Ken Shroyer – trombón, cuerno

  • Productor: Frank Zappa
  • Ingenieros: Marshall Brevitz, Kerry McNabb
  • Masterización: Frank Zappa
  • Supervisor: Marshall Brevitz
  • Concepto: Sal Marquez
  • Consultor creativo: Sal Marquez
  • Diseño: Cal Schenkel
  • Diseño portada: Cal Schenkel
  • Ilustración portada: Marvin Mattelson
  • Ilustraciones: Marvin Mattelson
  • Fotografía: Philip Schartz
  • Contraportada: Philip Schwartz

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