miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022

1973: Ritual espacial en vivo con Hawkwind

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Historia y grabación

Lanzamiento y recepción

Enlaces, letras y opinión personal

Entrada anterior de Hawkwind: 1972: Doremi FaSol Latido de Hawkwind

Siguiente entrada de Hawkwind: 

Sitio oficial de Hawkwind: Hawkwind Mission Control

Facebook de Hawkwind: Hawkwind | Facebook

Twitter de Hawkwind: Hawkwind (@HawkwindHQ) / Twitter

Portada del álbum Space Ritual

Hawkwind es una banda de rock inglesa conocida como uno de los primeros grupos de rock espacial (space rock).  Desde su formación en noviembre de 1969 en Ladbroke Grove, Londres, Hawkwind ha pasado por muchas cambios en su formación y ha incorporado muchos estilos diferentes en su música, incluyendo hard rock, rock progresivo y rock psicodélico. También son considerados como una influyente banda proto-punk. Sus letras contienen temáticas acerca de lo urbano y la ciencia ficción; de hecho, el escritor Michael Moorcock ha colaborado en las letras de algunos temas.

Muchos músicos, bailarines y escritores han colaborado con la banda desde sus inicios. Los músicos notables que han participado en Hawkwind incluyen a Lemmy, Ginger Baker, Robert Calvert, Nik Turner y Huw Lloyd-Langton. Sin embargo, la banda está más estrechamente asociada con su fundador, cantante, compositor y guitarrista Dave Brock, que es el único miembro original que continúa.

Hawkwind son mejor conocidos por la canción "Silver Machine", que se convirtió en un éxito número tres en el Reino Unido en 1972, de la que nos ocupamos en un anterior artículo (1972: La máquina plateada de Hawkwind) pero conseguirían más éxitos con "Urban Guerrilla" (otro éxito Top 40) y "Shot Down in the Night" que veremos en futuros artículos. La banda tuvo una serie de veintidós de sus álbumes en las listas de éxitos en el Reino Unido desde 1971 hasta 1993

En el anteriores artículos revisamos su segundo álbum X In Search of Space. Le dedicamos dos artículos  1971: Hawkwind a la exploración del espacio (I) y 1971: Hawkwind a la exploración del espacio (y II). Fue un álbum con un sonido más comercial con el intento de ganar seguidores.

Portada del segundo álbum de Hawkwind

Otro anterior artículo lo dedicamos a su tercer álbum Doremi FaSol Latido: 1972: Doremi FaSol Latido de Hawkwind.

Portada del tercer álbum de Hawkwind

Este artículo lo dedicamos a su cuarto álbum The Space Ritual Alive in Liverpool and London (comúnmente conocido como Space Ritual), su primer álbum en vivo publicado en 1973.

Historia y grabación

Las actuaciones en directo de Hawkwind se estaban haciendo cada vez más famosas, gracias a la espectacularidad y excentricidad de las puestas en escena, mezcla de lisergia hippie con dureza heavy metal, incluyendo efectos cósmico-psicodélicos, y a la sensacional bailarina Stacia, quien bailaba al son ácido de las canciones del grupo, y terminaba desnudándose en escena.

Imagen del libreto del CD de 2001

Tras la publicación del álbum Doremi FaSol Latido el 24 de noviembre de 1972 iniciaron la gira de promoción de éste que se llamó Doremi FaSol Latido Space Ritual. El espectáculo intentó crear una experiencia audiovisual completa, representando temas desarrollados por Barney Bubbles y por el poeta sudafricano y amigo de la banda Robert Calvert, continuando la temática desarrollada en álbumes anteriores. Los espectadores a los conciertos recibían  un programa (reproducido en el CD remasterizado de 1996) que contaba con una breve historia de ciencia ficción desarrollada por Bubbles que contaba la historia de los Starfarers en su regreso a la Tierra en animación suspendida viajando a través del tiempo y el espacio con el concepto de la música de las esferas. 

El principio básico estelar y del "ritual del espacio" está basado en el concepto pitagórico del sonido. Para exponerlo brevemente: este [concepto] percibió al Universo como un inmenso y único acorde, con su única cuerda, tensada entre espíritu absoluto, y su más baja contraparte (materia absoluta). Junto a esta cuerda se posicionan los planetas de nuestro Sistema solar... a cada una de estas esferas, según giran en el cosmos, se le ha atribuido un sonido (tono) particular, causado por su desplazamiento en el éter. Estos intervalos y sonidos se dieron en llamar la "Armonía de las esferas", siendo el intervalo entre La Tierra y las estrellas fijas el más perfecto de ellos.
Barney Bubbles
Imagen del libreto de la edición en CD de 2001

El espectáculo contó con un escenario montado por Bubbles, las bailarinas Stacia y Miss Renee que normalmente actuaban en topless o usando solo pintura corporal, el artista de mimo Tony Carrera , Calvert recitando poesía y un espectáculo de luces diseñado por la empresa Liquid Len.

Cartel de una actuación en Zurich

Aprovecharon la gira para grabar el que sería su primer álbum en directo. El doble álbum Space Ritual fue grabado en el Liverpool Stadium, el 22 de diciembre de 1972 y en el Brixton Sundown, el 30 de diciembre de 1972 por el ingeniero Vic Maile usando el equipo móvil Pye Mobile. El álbum fue producido por Hawkwind y mezclado por Vic Maile y Anton Matthews en los Olympic Studios de Barnes.

El álbum incluyó temas nuevos: "Born To Go", "Upside Down" y "Orgone Accumulator". Las canciones están intercaladas por piezas electrónicas y habladas, haciendo de esta una actuación continua. Su reciente éxito que había sido publicado en sencillo "Silver Machine" no fue incluido en el álbum, y solo se incluyó "Master of the Universe" de sus dos primeros álbumes.

La mezcla final presentaba cortes y sobregrabaciones, las notas de la funda explicaban que "Tuvimos que recortar  Brainstorm y Time We Left porque eran demasiado largas", pero el álbum Space Ritual Volume 2 de 1985 contiene las versiones completas sin editar. Una versión editada inédita de "You Should't Do That" (seguida con una versión no incluida en la lista de "Seeing It As You Really Are") de este concierto fue incluida en el álbum recopilatorio Roadhawks de 1976, luego incluida como bonus track en el CD remasterizado de 1996. La versión completa sin editar de la canción se puede encontrar en el álbum Hawkwind Anthology. En junio de 2007 se lanzó una remasterización de EMI con 2CD con diferentes pistas adicionales y un DVD-audio - esta remasterización sería reeditada en 2013, menos el DVD-audio.

"Sonic Attack" había sido escrito por el autor de ciencia ficción Michael Moorcock, quien a menudo actuaba con la banda cuando era conveniente y Calvert no estaba disponible. Aquí es recitado por Calvert y fue programado para su lanzamiento en sencillo, las copias promocionales se distribuyeron en una funda de tela, pero nunca recibió un lanzamiento completo.

Lanzamiento y recepción

Al igual que en X In Search of Space y Doremi Fasol Latido, el arte gráfico corrió por parte del artista Barney Bubbles, siendo la portada, la culminación visual-temática de los discos anteriores.

El álbum fue publicado el 11 de mayo de 1973 en el Reino Unido.  Alcanzó el número 9 en la lista de álbumes del Reino Unido permaneciendo 5 semanas en lista. Fue uno de los álbumes más relevantes de Hawkwind. Alcanzó el puesto 179 en el Billboard 200.

Pantallazo de la lista británica

En la edición especial de Q & Mojo Classic Pink Floyd & The Story of Prog Rock, el álbum llegó al número 8 en su lista de "40 Cosmic Rock Albums". El álbum también fue incluido en el libro 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die en el puesto #276.

Enlaces, letras y opinión personal

Enlace al álbum completo:

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Space Ritual

Lista de canciones

Lado A

  1. "Earth Calling" (Robert Calvert) – 1:44
  2. "Born to Go" (Calvert, Dave Brock) – 9:56
  3. "Down Through the Night" (Brock) – 6:16
  4. "The Awakening" (Calvert) – 1:32

Lado B

  1. "Lord of Light" (Brock) – 7:21
  2. "Black Corridor" (Michael Moorcock) – 1:51
  3. "Space Is Deep" (Brock) – 8:13
  4. "Electronic No. 1" (Dik Mik Davies, Del Dettmar) – 2:26
Lado C
  1. "Orgone Accumulator" (Calvert, Brock) – 9:59
  2. "Upside Down" (Brock) – 2:43
  3. "10 Seconds of Forever" (Calvert) – 2:05
  4. "Brainstorm" (Turner) – 9:20

Lado D
  1. "7 By 7" (Brock) – 6:11
  2. "Sonic Attack" (Moorcock) – 2:54
  3. "Time We Left This World Today" (Brock) – 5:47
  4. "Master of the Universe" (Nik Turner, Brock) – 7:37
  5. "Welcome to the Future" (Calvert) – 2:04


A1 Earth Calling



Intelligent life is so very rare
The rarest thing in creation
And the most precious

It is the only thing
That gives meaning to the universe
Without it nothing begins and nothing ends

This is Earth calling
This is Earth calling

A2 Born to Go



We were born to go
We're never turning back
We were born to go
And leave a burning track
We were born to go
And leave no star unturned
We were born to grow
We were born to learn

We're breaking out of the shell
We're breaking free
We're hatching our dreams into reality

We were born to blaze
A new clear way through space
A way out of the maze
That held the human race
We were born to go
As far as we can fly
We were born to go
To blow the human mind

We're breaking out of the shell
We're breaking free
We're hatching our dreams into reality

A3 Down Through the Night



Down, down and down
Down, down and down

As we spin through the night
With ever increasing might
Down, down and down
Down, down and down

Returning volumes of sound
Into the blackness we drown
Round, round and round
Round, round and round

As we lay in our sleep
The appointment we keep
Down, down and down
Down, down and down

Only the rushing is heard
Onward flies the bird
Deep, deeper, deep
Must we sink in our sleep

Down, down and down
Down, down and down
Round, round and round
Round, round and round
Round, round and round
Returning volumes of sound
Returning volumes of sound

A4 The Awakening



I would rather the fire-storms of atmospheres
Than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dream
Into the starkness of the capsule
Where two of our crew still lie suspended cool
In their tombs of sleep
The nagging choirs of memory
The tubes and wires worming from their flesh
To machinery
I would have to cut

Such midwifery is but one
Function of the leader here
Floating in a sac of fluid dark
A clear century
Of space away from Earth
While one man stirs from the trauma of his birth
Attending to the hypno-tapes
Assuring him that this is reality
However grim
Our journey's end

Landing itself was nothing
We touched upon a shelf of rock
Selected by the automind
And left a galaxy of dreams behind


B1 Lord of Light



The elements that gather here
Upon this hill shall cast no fear
Lines that march across the world
Travel which no man has ever heard

Moon that shines its beam so bright
Stones that measure the silvery light
Of energy that travels here
It happens on the seventh year

A day shall come, we shall be as one
Perhaps to die, it has begun
From the realms beyond the sun
Here our lifetime has begun

What can I be?
What can I be?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
Will it be me?
Will it be me?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?
What can I see?

The elements that gather here
Upon this hill shall cast no fear
Lines that march across the world
Travel which no man has ever heard

Moon that shines its beam so bright
Stones that measure the silvery light
Of energy that travels here
It happens on the seventh year

A day shall come, we shall be as one
Perhaps to die, it has begun
From the realms beyond the sun
Here our lifetime has begun

Flying is trying is dying
Flying is trying is dying
Flying is trying is dying
Flying is trying is dying

The elements that gather here
Upon this hill shall cast no fear
Lines that march across the world
Travel which no man has ever heard

Moon that shines its beam so bright
Stones that measure the silvery light
Of energy that travels here
It happens on the seventh year

A day shall come, we shall be as one
Perhaps to die, it has begun
From the realms beyond the sun
Here our lifetime has begun

B2 Black Corridor



Space is infinite, it is dark
Space is neutral, it is cold
Stars occupy minute areas of space
They are clustered a few billion here
And a few billion there
As if seeking consolation in numbers
Space does not care, space does not threaten
Space does not comfort
It does not speak, it does not wake
It does not dream
It does not hope, it does not fear
It does not love, it does not hate
It does not encourage any of these qualities

Space cannot be measured, it cannot be angered
It cannot be placated
It cannot be summed up, space is there
Space is not large and it is not small
It does not live and it does not die
It does not offer truth and neither does it lie
Space is a remorseless, senseless, impersonal fact
Space is the absence of time and of matter

B3 Space Is Deep



Space is dark, it is so endless
When you're lost it's so relentless
It is so big, it is so small
Why does man try to act so tall?

Is this the reason deep in our minds?

It does not feel, it does not die
Space is neither truth nor lies
Into the void we have to travel
To find a clue which will unravel

Is this the reason deep in our minds?

The secret lies with our tomorrow
In each of us is a hidden sorrow
Path goes onwards through the night
Beyond the realms of ancient light

Is this the reason deep in our minds?

B4 Electronic No. 1





C1 Orgone Accumulator



I've got an orgone accumulator
And it makes me feel greater
I'll see you sometime later
When I'm through with my accumulator

It's no social integrator
It's a one man isolator
It's a back brain stimulator
It's a cerebral vibrator
Of orgones
Severe[?] orgones

Energy stimulators
Just turn your eyeballs into craters
But an orgone accumulator
Is a superman creator

It's no social integrator
It's a one man isolator
It's a back brain stimulator
A cerebral vibrator
Of orgones
Of orgones

I've got an orgone accumulator
And it makes me feel greater
I will see you sometime later
When I'm through with my accumulator

It's no social integrator
It's a one man isolator
It's a back brain stimulator
A cerebral vibrator
Of orgones
Of orgones
Of orgones
It's all gone
It's all gone
It's orgones
It's orgones

C2 Upside Down



When I stand upside down
Can't get a thing together and I don't know why
Oh dear, you look so good
Don't you think it's heaven like you knew you would?
Oh dear what shall I do?
I think that there's a reason but it's up to you
I stand upside down
Can't get a thing together and I don't know why

You know you look so fine
Can't get a thing together and I don't know why
I stand upside down
Can't get a thing together and I don't know why
Oh dear what shall I do?
I think that there's a reason but it's up to you
I stand upside down
Can't get a thing together and I don't know why

C3 10 Seconds of Forever



In the tenth second of forever
I thought of the sea and a white yacht drifting

In the ninth second of forever
I thought of a leaf, a stone
The plastic fragment of a child's toy

In the eighth second of forever
I remembered a warm room where voices played

In the seventh second of forever
I thought of the life I would not lead

In the sixth second of forever
I saw your mouth whispering something I could not hear

In the fifth second of forever
I thought of the vermilion deserts of Mars
The jewelled forests of Venus

In the fourth second of forever
I could remember nothing that I did not love

In the third second of forever
I thought of rain against a window, I thought of the wind

In the second second of forever
I thought of the pair of broken shades lying on the tarmac

In the first and final second of forever
I thought of the long past that had led to now
And never... never... never... never

C4 Brainstorm



Standing on the runway waiting to take-off
I wanna fly, wanna watch me flake off
I can't move 'cause the man has the brake on
You gotta help me, help me to shake off

This body of mine – I've gotta get out of this void
Body of mine – 'cause I don't wanna be destroyed
Body of mine – and I don't wanna turn android
Body of mine – you gotta help me avoid that

Brainstorm – here I go
Brainstorm – flying low
Brainstorm – I'm gonna miss it
Brainstorm – you bet I'd kiss it

Can't get no peace 'til I get into motion
Sign my release from this planet's erosion
Paranoia police have sussed out my potion
You gotta help me or there'll be an explosion

In this body of mine – I've gotta get out of this void
Body of mine – 'cause I don't wanna be destroyed
Body of mine – and I don't wanna turn android
Body of mine – you gotta help me avoid that

Brainstorm – here I go
Brainstorm – flying low
Brainstorm – I'm gonna miss it
Brainstorm – you bet I'd kiss it

I'm breaking up
I'm falling apart
I'm floating away

Can't get no peace 'til I get into motion
Sign my release from this planet's erosion
Paranoia police have sussed out my potion
You gotta help me or there'll be an explosion

In this body of mine – I've gotta get out of this void
Body of mine – 'cause I don't wanna be destroyed
Body of mine – and I don't wanna turn android
Body of mine – you gotta help me avoid that

Brainstorm – here I go
Brainstorm – flying low
Brainstorm – I'm gonna miss it
Brainstorm – you bet I'd kiss it

I'm breaking up, man
I'm floating again
I'm floating away


D1 Seven by Seven



Lost am I in this world of timelessness and woe
Can I find the doorway through which I must go?
Is the key to this plane too much for me to try to gain?
Is the passport to this world my astral soul?

Seven signs rode on seven stars
Seven ways to find the long lost bards
Seven days became seven years
While Pocus laughed and called foul jeers
Seven times he cursed seven tears
Each one became their seven fears
What is lost is never gained again
I've cast the spell that eternity chained
No more to cry o mortal soul
The astral path is now your fortuitous role

Lost am I in this world of timelessness and woe
Can I find the doorway through which I must go?
Is the key to this plane too much for me to try to gain?
Is the passport to this world my astral soul?

D2 Sonic Attack



In case of Sonic Attack on your district
Follow these rules
If you are making love, it is imperative to bring all bodies to orgasm simultaneously
Do not waste time blocking your ears
Do not waste time seeking a soundproof shelter
Try to get as far away from the sonic source as possible
Do not panic
(Do not panic)
Use your wheels, it is what they are for
Small babies may be placed inside the special cocoons and should be left, if possible, in shelters
Do not attempt to use your own limbs
If no wheels are available metal, not organic, limbs should be employed whenever possible
Remember, in the case of Sonic Attack, survival means every man for himself
Statistically more people survive if they think only of themselves
(Only themselves)

Do not attempt to rescue friends, relatives, loved ones
You have only a few seconds to escape use those seconds sensibly or you will inevitably die
Do not panic
(Do not panic)
Think only of yourself
(Only yourself)
Think only of yourself
(Only yourself)

These are the first signs of Sonic Attack:
You will notice small objects, such as ornaments, oscillating
You will notice vibrations in your diaphragm
You will hear a distant hissing in your ears
You will feel dizzy
You will feel the need to vomit
There will be bleeding from orifices
There will be an ache in the pelvic region
You may be subject to fits of hysterical shouting
Or even laughter
These are all sign of imminent Sonic destruction
Your only protection is flight
If you are less than ten years old remain in the shelters and use your cocoon
Remember: you can help no-one else
(No-one else)
You can help no-one else
(No-one else)
Do not panic
(Do not panic)
Do not panic
(Do not panic)
Think only of yourself
(Only yourself)
Think only of yourself
(Only of yourself)
Think only of yourself
(Only yourself)
Think only of yourself

D3 Time We Left This World Today



Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
So many people (seem to say)
So many people (seem to say)
So many people (far away)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (who you meet)
They watch you as you (far behind)
Brain police are (not far behind)
Brain police are (not far behind)
Brain police are (not far away)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
Cast sly glances (at who you meet)
Cast sly glances (at who you meet)
Cast sly glances (at who you meet)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)

World today
World today
World today
World today

They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
Time we left (this world today)
They watch you as you (walk the street)
They watch you as you (walk the street)

D4 Master of the Universe



I am the center of this universe
The wind of time is blowing through me
And it's all moving relative to me
It's all a figment of my mind
In a world that I've designed
I'm charged with cosmic energy
Has the world gone mad or is it me?

I am the creator of this universe
And all that it was meant to be
So that we might learn to see
The foolishness that lives in us
And stupidity that we must suss
How to banish from our minds
And if you call this living I must be blind

D5 Welcome to the Future



Welcome to the oceans in a labelled can
Welcome to the dehydrated lands
Welcome to the self-police parade
Welcome to the neo-golden age
Welcome to the days you've made
You are welcome
You are welcome
Welcome welcome
You are welcome
You are welcome

Mi opinión personal sobre el álbum:

La evolución a un sonido más duro se observa en este álbum al ser un álbum en directo. No nos meteremos en su extravagante show en el escenario y nos ceñiremos exclusivamente en la música, que es lo que nos interesa en este resumen. El sonido de la grabación no es muy bueno, lo que empaña el resultado. El álbum hay que tomarlo en global lo que resulta en una obra maestra. Se nota la influencia de Black Sabbath en temas como Born To Go y Time We Left This World Today. Los temas que más me gustan son Down Through The Night, Orgone Accumulator y 7 By 7. Los siguientes serían Lord of Light, Brainstorm y Master of the Universe.


Dave Brock – guitarras, voz

Nik Turner – saxofón, flauta, voz

Lemmy (Ian Kilmister) – bajo, voz 

Dik Mik (Michael Davies) –  generador de audio, efectos electrónicos

Del Dettmar – sintetizador

Simon King - batería

Robert Calvert -  poesías, voz

Imagen de la edición en CD de 2001

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