lunes, 11 de julio de 2022

1973: Los tres primeros álbumes de Nektar

Contenido de esta entrada:


El primer álbum Journey to the Centre of the Eye 

El segundo álbum A Tab in the Ocean

El  tercer álbum ...Sounds Like This

Siguiente artículo de Nektar: 1973: Recuerda el futuro con Nektar

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Este artículo lo dedicamos a los tres primeros álbumes del grupo de rock progresivo y espacial Nektar: Journey to the Centre of the Eye, A Tab in the Ocean y ...Sounds Like This.


La banda se formó en Hamburgo, Alemania Occidental en 1969. Los miembros fundadores fueron los ingleses Roye Albrighton en guitarras y voz principal, Allan "Taff" Freeman en teclados, Derek "Mo" Moore en bajo, Ron Howden en batería y artistas Mick Brockett y Keith Walters en luces y "efectos especiales". Aunque el concepto de miembros de la banda que no actuaban no tenía precedentes (por ejemplo, el letrista Keith Reid en Procol Harum), era inusual que un tercio de la alineación de Nektar no tuviera ningún papel en la interpretación o escritura de su música. A lo largo de su existencia temprana, la composición de la banda fue acreditada a los seis miembros en las portadas de los álbumes, pero los registros de BMI muestran que la música fue escrita por los cuatro miembros que actuaron. Sin embargo, Brockett co-escribió las letras con Moore, e inventó o contribuyó a los títulos originales del álbum. 

Interior de la carpeta del primer álbum

El grupo se mantuvo activo a lo largo de la década de 1970 hasta principios de la década de 1980, aunque retornó en el año 2000.

El álbum debut de la banda, Journey to the Centre of the Eye (1971), aunque formalmente dividido en 13 pistas, consistió en una sola canción que dura más de 40 minutos, con los últimos 100 segundos del primer lado repetidos al comienzo del segundo lado para mantener la continuidad. Dada su naturaleza narrativa, se le considera un álbum conceptual o una ópera rock. La historia es la de un astronauta que, mientras viaja a Saturno, es abducido por alienígenas que lo llevan a su propia galaxia, donde alcanza el máximo nivel de conocimiento y cordura. Es normalmente interpretado como una crítica a la creciente carrera armamentística nuclear. Contiene texturas sonoras que recuerdan al rock psicodélico.

Lanzado a finales de 1971 en Alemania con el sello Bacillus (BLPS 19064).

Portada de su primer álbum

La revisión retrospectiva de Allmusic fue un delirio, admitiendo "A lo largo de los 13 cortes de Journey, Nektar introduce su propio tipo de surrealismo instrumental que irradiaba tanto de las voces como de la mezcla del trabajo de batería y cuerdas al azar". Elogiaron sin reservas tanto las composiciones como las actuaciones de cada uno de los miembros individuales. 

Imagen del libreto del CD en el que cuentan la historia canción a canción

  • Roye Albrighton - Guitarras, voces
  • Mick Brockett - Liquid lights
  • Allan «Taff» Freeman - Mellotron, pianos, órgano, voces
  • Ron Howden - batería, percusión
  • Derek «Mo» Moore - Mellotron, bajos voces
  • Keith Walters - Static Slides
Imagen del libreto del CD de la edición especial de 2004

Personal adicional
  • Dieter Dierks - Piano adicional

Dieter Dierks

Dieter Dierks había colaborado con As Ra Tempel desde su segundo álbum Schwingungen.

  • Producido por Nektar, Dieter Dierks y Peter Hauke
  • Ingeniero: Dieter Dierks


Lado A

1. "Prelude" 1:25


2. "Astronaut's Nightmare" 6:27

This is Robot 13 speaking
Planet Earth is turning round

Although my mind is gently weeping
I know my hope is coming to an end

Evil is in your heart now
Disillusion is in your soul

Oh my dear god can you really hear me
If so, then please help me find a way

Although my eyes are gently sleeping
I know my mind is coming to an end

3. "Countenance" 3:33


4. "The Nine Lifeless Daughters of the Sun" 2:55


5. "Warp Oversight" 4:10


6. "The Dream Nebula I" 2:14

We searched the ocean
Deep and wide
Looking for our star

Playing with the
Sands of time
You and I

You and I

It's a dream

Lado B

7. "The Dream Nebula II" 2:26

We searched the heavens
Deep and wide
Looking for a star

Playing with the universe
You and I
You and I

It's a dream

8. "It's All in the Mind" 3:22

My mind goes round like a roundabout
Whistles and sings
Darker than darkest night
Sweeter than spring
My mind expands to a great degree
A feeling that must be free
All that's left is you and me
And you're gone

My mind expands to a great degree
A feeling that must be free
All that's left's is you and me
All that's left is you and me
And you're gone

9. "Burn Out My Eyes" 7:50

Where is my day
Where are my nights
They're all gone to sleep
They all said goodnight

Where are my days
Where are my nights
Won't you tell me

Very soon there's gonna come a day
When they're all gonna run away
Leaving only lifeless forms of yesterday

You keep saying the time is almost here
But I know within my mind you only live in fear

Now the sense that stops me going blind
Makes me wish that I was drinking wine
Leaving only lifeless forms that used to be my mind
Destruction of the senses and the burning of my eyes

10. "Void of Vision" 2:02

Once I understood what is life
The sun, it hurts me like a knife

I dug into the past
Saw the things had got to change
Looked ahead
Life is very strange
Can't be dead
Thoughts a-new
Were coming to my head

Start to turn in on myself
Looped through in my own flesh

Turned to keep from screaming
At the glory and the terror
In what I saw
Ice that formed around me
Had to thaw
At the glory and the terror
In what I saw

11. "Pupil of the Eye" 2:47

A great shining eye
Suspended in space
A great shining eye
Shot rays through my face

Making me one
With space and time
To sense in a pulse
Of bright coloured sound

Life is an illusion where you and me
Infinity is reality

Suddenly I saw everything there is to see
I was that eye
Sudden thoughts pushed through my brain
Was I blind or was I insane
Sudden thoughts of ecstasy
Were horrible I saw it all
I felt it all I lived it all
I understood it all
I was afraid

12. "Look Inside Yourself" 0:54

Look with your own eyes
See with your own mind
Look, it's all around
You can see it now

13. "Death of the Mind" 1:57

Although my eyes are gently weeping
I know the world is coming to an end

El segundo álbum de la banda se titula A Tab In The Ocean y fue lanzado por Bacillus Records  (BLPS 19118), en Alemania en noviembre de 1972

El álbum, al igual que el primero, es un trabajo oscuro de rock psicodélico y espacial, qunque se basó en influencias más convencionales de rock y blues. Poco a poco iban ganando seguidores en gran medida al boca a boca.

Este álbum consigue ser publicado en el Reino Unido (por United Artist) y Estados Unidos (por el pequeño sello Passport Records). 

Portada del segundo álbum

Posteriormente, en 1976, se hizo una edición específica para su distribución en EE. UU. donde se recortó la duración de algunos de los temas, así como pequeñas variaciones de calidad de sonido, timbre y afinación. En el año 2004 el álbum fue relanzado en una edición que tenía la versión original y a su vez el remix estadounidense. El año 1984 el grupo de Heavy Metal Iron Maiden publica una canción llamada "King of Twilight" en el sencillo "Aces High", la cual es una versión donde fusionan "Criyng in the Dark" junto a "King of Twilight".

Lista de temas, créditos y enlaces 

Enlace al álbum completo:

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum completo: A Tab in the Ocean (Original 1972 Mix)

Interior de la carpeta del álbum

Lista de temas

Lado A

  • Roye Albrighton – guitarra, voz
  • Mick Brockett – liquid lights
  • Allan Freeman – teclados, coros, Mellotron
  • Ron Howden – batería, percusión, coros
  • Derek "Mo" Moore – bajo, voz
Detalles de los créditos aparecidos en el álbum

  • Productor: Peter Hauke
  • Ingeniero de sonido: Dieter Dierks


Lado A

1. "A Tab in the Ocean" 16:43

Climb aboard, imaginary waves
Of thought beneath the veils of bluey-green
Armoured horses with sparkling sunset eyes
Give a passing glance

Funny creatures with funny plastic lives
Purple thrones are set in deep disguise
Neptune's world around us lies

Wake up, take a chance, climb aboard
Life is changing the oceans floor
The time is near, when nothing's clear
Nothing's left

Falling, I'm only falling
To the answer, to every question
Is it real, or just deception

Taste, touch and find
What it is, that's in your mind
Truth can be yours
So let it come
Just like it did before

Sorrow, there's no tomorrow
And the answer, to every mans question
Is it real, or just deception

Taste, touch and find
What it is, that's in your mind
Truth can be yours
So let it come
Just like it did before

Soon now
As night turns into day
And minds step out to play
In the sun
In the sun
This feeling will be yours
A feel you cannot ignore
It's the one
You've waited for
It's the one
You've seen before

Contraportada del álbum

Lado B

2-3. "Desolation Valley" / "Waves" 5:42 + 2:30

[Desolation Valley]

Take a look around yourself
And see what I see
Persecuted eyes, look down on me
I can't take no more
Of what I took before
Help me please I'm falling down
Desolation valley now

Take a look around yourself
And see what I see
Imagination merged with reality
You won't see no more
Like you did before
Watch yourself you're falling down
Desolation valley now


Wind of change
Tide of time
Is it real
Or is it just my mind
Turn the key
Open your door
Don't make believe you've seen this before

4. "Crying in the Dark" 6:17

I've been trying
Trying so hard
I've been crying
Crying in the dark
Don't forsake me
The time of man is near
Don't ever break me
And the world that brought me here

Sick and lonely
Waiting for you
Sick and lonely
Wondering what to do
Can you hear me
When I say to you
You give me your hand
I'll give mine to you

5. "King of Twilight" 4:27

When the king of twilight shows me
I will take ten steps to see
Forty leaves I pay to freedom
For a chance to be free
For a chance to be free

When the king of twilight calls you
Take a step and you will see
We all need a quick solution
For a chance to be free
Just a chance to be


When the king of twilight shows me
I will take ten steps to see
Forty leaves I pay to freedom
For a chance to be free
For a chance to be...


El álbum se anticipa con el lanzamiento de un sencillo en abril de 1972 con Do You Believe In Magic /  1-2-3-4.

...Sounds Like This, el tercer álbum de la banda sería lanzado en Alemania por Bacillus Records (BDA 7501) en junio de 1973.

Es un álbum doble que sería publicado también en Reino Unido por United Artist pero no en Estados Unidos.

Un intento de recrear el sonido en vivo de la banda, ... Sounds Like This fue en gran parte improvisado y dominado por una extensa improvisación instrumental, en contraste con sus habituales álbumes conceptuales y de composición. El diferente enfoque de la grabación, combinado con una serie de dificultades con la mezcla, dio como resultado que fuera el trabajo más duro de la banda.

Walters dejó la banda antes de la grabación del álbum pero ésta continuó usando sus diseños para las portadas y los shows durante un tiempo.

Antecedentes y grabación

La idea detrás de ... Sounds Like This, concebida por la propia banda, era crear un álbum que recreara el sonido en vivo de Nektar evitando las diversas dificultades de grabación y calidad de sonido inherentes a las grabaciones en vivo. Con este fin, el 12 de octubre de 1972 la banda instaló su equipo en Dierks Studios y actuó durante poco más de una hora ante una audiencia de solo un pequeño grupo de amigos. La mayoría de las canciones ya habían sido escritas antes de que Nektar se hubiera formado, y fueron comúnmente tocadas durante sus shows en vivo antes de la grabación del álbum. Algunos también habían sido grabados en 1970 como "Boston Tapes", pero esas grabaciones nunca fueron lanzadas hasta su inclusión en la edición del 40 aniversario de Remember the Future.

Insatisfechos con el maestro original, Nektar y el productor Peter Hauke optaron por hacer una serie de doblajes y regrabaciones, que tuvieron lugar en febrero de 1973. De las canciones grabadas durante la sesión original de octubre, solo "Wings" apareció en el álbum en su forma original, sin doblaje ni tomas adicionales. Dos canciones de la sesión original ("Sunshine Down on the City" y "It's All in Ya Mind") fueron cortadas del álbum por completo, y se agregaron nuevas canciones que habían sido escritas en los cuatro meses intermedios. Las notas de la carátula original indican que el álbum fue grabado en su totalidad en febrero de 1973, omitiendo la sesión de octubre de 1972. Varias de las grabaciones de la sesión de octubre de 1972 aparecieron más tarde como bonus tracks.


La breve revisión retrospectiva de Allmusic desestimó el álbum... Suena así como "un paso atrás, con canciones más ligeras y menos ambiciosas que no funcionaron tan bien como su sonido de forma larga"

Lista de temas y créditos

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum completo: ... Sounds Like This

Portada del álbum

Lista de temas y enlaces individuales

Lado A

Lado B

Lado C

C2 A Day In The Life Of A Preacher (Preacher) (Squeeze) (Mr. H) 13:05

Lado D

D1 Wings 3:48

D2 Odyssee (Rons On) (Never, Never, Never) (Da-Da-Dum) 14:37

Bonus tracks de la reedición de 2006 (grabaciones de la sesión del 12 de octubre de 1972):


  • Roye Albrighton – guitarra, voz
  • Mick Brockett – liquid lights
  • Allan Freeman – teclados, voz, Mellotron
  • Ron Howden – batería, percusión, coros
  • Derek "Mo" Moore – bajo, voz

  • Productor: Peter Hauke
  • Ingeniero de sonido: Dieter Dierks


Lado A

A1 Good Day 6:46

I looked into the morning what did I see
A face, another place, another way to be free
So I took one big step with my hand on my eyes
And hoped that my mind would be satisfied

Good day, good day
I wish you good day
Good day, good day
I wish you good day

I just took one step when a voice did prevail
Don't you come no closer or you'll wish you had stayed
The voice that I heard, yes, didn't do me no good
Cos' I stepped out too far and now the world knows I should

Good day, good day
I wish you good day
Good day, good day
I wish you good day

Good day my people, good day to you now
I'm gonna leave you forever, good day

Good day, good day
I wish you good day
Good day, good day
I wish you good day

A2 New Day Dawning 5:04

Softly as dawn is breaking
I awake to sounds around me
Sleep has left my eyes and
A new day will be dawning

Help me, save me
Hear my mind crying out, yes ah
Help me
Tell me what it's all about, yeah

Soon now there will be darkness
And your new day will be over
Sleep has filled my eyes and
That new day will be over

Help me
I gotta give to you...
Don't you hear my mind crying out, yes ah
Help me
Tell me what it...
It's all...
What it's all about

I once had a girl or should I say she once had me
She showed me her room isn't it good

Help me
Don't you hear my mind crying out, yes I'm...
Help me
Tell me what it...
Tell me
What it's all about
All about, yeah

Tell me what it's all about

A3 What Ya Gonna Do? 5:25

Woman trouble
Evil's in my heart of mine
Woman trouble
Take me back, (get low?) baby
Dig this

What ya gonna do when your troubles get like mine
And what you gonna do when your troubles get like mine
You're going to sit right down and try to think of peace of mind

Woman here, woman there
Trying to break up my mind
Woman here, woman there, oh yes
They're tryin' to break up my mind
Now get away baby, (get my point and my mind?)

Easy, you gotta make it easy
Easy, you make it easy
Easy, (got better be reassured?)...
Oh yeah

Lado B

B1 1-2-3-4 12:50

Who'll enlist to fight these dirty wars
Sent to die for someone elses cause

Crucified by country and by law
Telegram to say your son has died

B2 Do You Believe In Magic 7:20

Thought I'd lost my way back home
With no directioning at all
Thought I'd have to run and hide
And I won't hurt nobody's pride, oh, yes

Do you believe in magic now
Yes I do, I really do, all the time
Would you say that I was a fool
Yes I would, I really would, and it's true

Now I found my way back home
With no directioning at all
Now I don't have to run and hide
'Cos I won't hurt nobody's pride

Do you believe in magic now
Yes I do, I really do, all the time
Would you say that I was a fool
Yes I would, I really would, and it's true

Take it
Take it
Take it
It won't take it
It won't take it

Lado C

C1 Cast Your Fate 5:46

Take my time and take yours too
We've got time for both of you
I can wait another day
In case that time should pass away

I can see
You are me
Falling down
To the ground

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't need no one

I believe in all that's good
Like the blind man says I should
Pass away this falling day
Come and take it all away

I can see
Truth is mine
For I want
Another time

I show you now, yeah
Oh maybe if we (both?) leave here, yeah
I'm (going?) head back to you
C'mon baby

I know you believe me

They come and they go
The prophets of life
The actors of doom
The virgins of delight

Cast your fate to the wind
Throw your mind to the sea
Take your heart in your hand
And wait like me, yeah
Yeah, yeah, ooh
I know you believe me

I've seen it all
The brave cavalier
The riders of night
The robbers of dawn

Cast your fate to the sea
Throw your mind to the wind
Take your life in your hands
And wait like me, yeah

C2 A Day In The Life Of A Preacher (Preacher) (Squeeze) (Mr. H) 13:05

Blind man, don't you worry
Poor man, don't you worry, no
'Cos it's alright, yeah, yeah
[....] says
It's gonna be alright

Madman, tryin' to fight it
Preacher, tryin' to right it
Yeah, but it's alright, c'mon, yeah
[....] says
It's gonna be alright
Get along, c'mon, get along, c'mon, yeah

Squeeze Me
Squeeze me, you gotta get through
I don't want to die
Don't worry 'bout a thing, the time is alright

Lean on me, oh God, I got to fight it
But don't you be too long
Don't worry 'bout a thing, it'll be always alright

C'mon, yeah

Mr. H
Oh, Mr. H. can you hear me
Bled my life, but still can't believe me
Oh, Mr. H. was a chiller
Froze my brain, (my hand was a killer?)
Oh, Mr. H. can you hear me
Bled my life, but you still don't believe me
Oh, Mr. H. was a chiller
Froze my brain, my hand was a killer, yeah
Oh c'mon baby, yeah, poor me, (I sure gotta blew?) it this morning, baby?

Oh, Mr. H. can you hear me
Bled my life, but you still can't believe me
Oh, Mr. H. was a chiller
Froze my brain, my hand was a killer
Oh, Mr. H. you can't hear me
Bled my life, but still some can't believe me
Oh, Mr. H was a killer
Come on, baby, show me where (I meet him?)
I'm gonna show you, honey, (just like you to omit it?), c'mon
You gotta believe me

I ain't jokin' baby

This is no lie

Oh, yeah

Lado D

D1 Wings 3:48

Never needed time love
Cos' it's the only way
My feet are on the ground
My head is all around

Don't need no wings to fly away
Don't need no love for today

Watching all the world
Floating in the sky
Waiting for the word
To pass the others by

Don't need no wings to fly away
Don't need no love for some sweet day


Don't need no wings to fly away
Don't need no love for some sweet day

D2 Odyssee (Rons On) (Never, Never, Never) (Da-Da-Dum) 14:37

Ron's On


(Spoken words incomprehensible)

Now you'd better believe it



Never Never Never
I take it every day
I take a look at the back of myself
I know I can't delay
Got to find my way outta of this hell
Let me take you home
I never make you find a way
But give it back, I'd swore
Never never never never never today


Take me back again
To a land where it's very hard to go
I need some more of that charge to get off my back, I know
Take me back again
To the land of the people where I've been born
Come on, give me some
I'll never never never never never be blue


Born in a barnyard, sugar, ten thousand years ago
I need sweet lovin' to satisfy my soul
Need your love so bad, any way I can, oh yeah
Sweet Mary, get a hold of my way
I need your sweet lovin' every single minute
Need your love so bad, any way I can, oh yeah

Sweet Mary, get a hold of my way, yeah
I need your lovin' to make a man out of me
I need your love so bad, any way I can, oh dear


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1977: Supertramp y Babaji

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