viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022

1974: El cordero reposa en Broadway (II) - La historia de Rael

Contenido de esta entrada:


La historia de Rael

Entrada anterior de Genesis: 1974: El cordero reposa en Broadway (I)

Entrada siguiente de Genesis: 1974: El cordero reposa en Broadway (y III) - Recepción, sencillos y la gira

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Sitio oficial de Anthony Phillips: The Official Anthony Phillips Website

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Twitter de Anthony Phillips: Anthony Phillips (@antpmusic) / Twitter

Canal oficial de YouTube de Anthony Phillips: AntPhillipsOfficial - YouTube

Sitio oficial de Peter Gabriel: News -

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Instagram de Peter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel (@itspetergabriel) • Fotos y videos de Instagram

Canal oficial de YouTube de Peter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel - YouTube

Facebook de Phil Collins: Phil Collins | Facebook

Instagram de Phil Collins: Phil Collins (@officialphilcollins) • Fotos y videos de Instagram

Canal oficial de YouTube de Phil Collins: Phil Collins - YouTube

Sitio oficial de Steve Hackett: HackettSongs - Steve Hackett Official Website

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Instagram de Steve Hackett: Steve Hackett (@stevehackett) • Fotos y videos de Instagram

Twitter de Steve Hackett: Steve Hackett (@HackettOfficial) / Twitter

Sitio oficial de Mike Rutherford: Mike + The Mechanics : Looking Back (Over My Shoulder) Tour 2019 (

Facebook de Mike Rutherford: Mike + The Mechanics Official | Facebook

Twitter de Mike Rutherford: Mike + The Mechanics (@officialmatm) / Twitter

Contraportada del álbum


En el anterior artículo comenzamos a comentar el álbum The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Como hay mucho material le voy a dedicar varios artículos.

1974: El cordero reposa en Broadway (I) Nos ocupamos en esta primera parte de la grabación, portada y lanzamiento.

Portada del álbum The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

En esta segunda parte continuamos contando la historia de Rael desarrollada para el álbum.

Como recordatorio os dejo de nuevo el listado de canciones:

Enlace al álbum completo:  

Lista de reproducción del álbum completo: 

Lista de canciones

Según los créditos en el álbum, todas las canciones fueron compuestas por Tony Banks, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett y Mike Rutherford.

Disco 1

Título inglés

Título español

Letras por



The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

El cordero yace en Broadway




Fly on a Windshield

Mosca en un parabrisas




Broadway Melody of 1974

Melodía de Broadway de 1974




Cuckoo Cocoon

Nido del cuco




In the Cage

En la jaula




The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging

El gran desfile de los paquetes sin vida




Back in N.Y.C.

De regreso en Nueva York




Hairless Heart

Corazón sin pelo




Counting Out Time

Contando las horas




The Carpet Crawlers

Los que gatean por la alfombra




The Chamber of 32 Doors

La cámara de 32 puertas



Disco 2


Título inglés

Título español

Letras por



Lilywhite Lilith

Lilith, blanca como los lirios




The Waiting Room

La sala de espera





De todos modos




Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist

Aquí viene el anestesista sobrenatural




The Lamia

La Lamia




Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats

Silencioso lamento en botes vacíos




The Colony of Slippermen (Arrival - A Visit to the Doktor - Raven)

La colonia de los hombres resbaladizos (Llegada - Una visita al Doktor - El cuervo)









The Light Dies Down on Broadway

La luz se apaga en Broadway




Riding the Scree

Cabalgando la corriente




In the Rapids

En los rápidos








La historia de Rael

El álbum cuenta la historia de Rael, un joven puertorriqueño que vive en la ciudad de Nueva York, que pasa por experiencias extraordinarias y conoce personajes extraños. Gabriel fue influenciado por la última gira estadounidense de la banda para ambientar la historia en la ciudad de Nueva York. Utilizó la ubicación como una herramienta para hacer que Rael fuera "más real, más extrovertido y violento", eligiendo desarrollar un personaje que sea la persona menos propensa a "caer en toda esta trampa mariquita", y buscando contar una historia que contrastara entre la fantasía y el personaje. Gabriel explicó que a medida que avanza la historia, Rael descubre que no es tan "macho" como esperaba, y sus experiencias eventualmente sacan a relucir un lado más romántico de su personalidad. El final de la historia no está directamente claro ya que Gabriel deliberadamente dejó la conclusión ambigua. Cuando se le pregunta al respecto, Gabriel no declara que Rael muera, aunque comparó el final con la acumulación de suspense y drama de una película en la que "nunca se ve lo que es tan aterrador porque lo dejan en el aire sin ... revelarlo". Varias de las ocurrencias y escenarios de la historia derivaron de los sueños de Gabriel. Collins comentó que todo el concepto era sobre la doble personalidad. Las canciones individualmente también hacen alusiones satíricas a la mitología, la revolución sexual, la publicidad y el consumismo. Gabriel sintió que las canciones por sí solas no eran suficientes para detallar toda la acción en su historia, por lo que escribió la trama completa en la carátula del álbum.

Imagen del libreto de la edición en CD de 1991

A continuación se expone la historia canción a canción. Se adjunta un enlace oficial a la canción correspondiente y las letras por si se quieren seguir a la vez.

Una mañana en la ciudad de Nueva York, Rael sostiene una lata de pintura en aerosol, odiando a todos los que lo rodean. Es testigo de un cordero acostado en Broadway que tiene un profundo efecto en él.


And the lamb lies down on Broadway

Early morning Manhattan
Ocean winds blow on the land
The Movie-Palace is now undone
The all-night watchmen have had their fun
Sleeping cheaply on the midnight show
It's the same old ending-time to go
Get out
It seems they cannot leave their dream
There's something moving in the sidewalk steam
And the lamb lies down on Broadway

Nightime's flyers feel their pains
Drugstore takes down the chains
Metal motion comes in bursts
But the gas station can quench that thirst
Suspension cracked on unmade road
The trucker's eyes read 'Overload'
And out on the subway
Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid
Exits into daylight, spraygun hid
And the lamb lies down on Broadway

The lamb seems right out of place
Yet the Broadway street scene finds a focus in its face
Somehow it's lying there
Brings a stillness to the air
Though man-made light, at night is very bright
There's no whitewash victim
As the neons dim, to the coat of white
Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid
Wipes his gun - he's forgotten what he did
And the lamb lies down on Broadway

Suzanne tired her work all done
Thinks money-honey-be on-neon
Cabman's velvet glove sounds the horn
And the sawdust king spits out his scorn
Wonder women you can draw your blind
Don't look at me! I'm not your kind
I'm Rael
Something inside me has just begun
Lord knows what I have done
And the lamb lies down on Broadway
On Broadway
They say the lights are always bright on Broadway
They say there's always magic in the air

Mientras camina por la calle, ve una nube oscura que toma la forma de una pantalla de cine y lentamente se mueve hacia él, absorbiéndolo finalmente.


There's something solid forming in the air,
The wall of death is lowered in Times Square.
No-one seems to care,
They carry on as if nothing was there.
The wind is blowing harder now,
Blowing dust into my eyes.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And I'm hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway.

Allí observa una explosión de imágenes del presente.


Echoes of the Broadway Everglades
With her mythical Madonnas still walking in their shades
Lenny Bruce, declares a truce and plays his other hand
Marshall McLuhan, casual viewin', head buried in the sand

Sirens on the rooftops wailing, but there's no ship sailing
Groucho, with his movies trailing, stands alone with his punchline failing

Ku Klux Klan serve hot soul food and the band plays 'In the Mood'
The cheerleader waves her cyanide wand, there's a smell of
Peach blossom and bitter almond

Caryl Chessman sniffs the air and leads the parade
He know in a scent
You can bottle all you made

There's Howard Hughes in blue suede shoes, smiling at the majorettes
Smoking Winston Cigarettes
And as the song and dance begins, the children play at home
With needles; needles and pins

Rael despierta en una cueva y vuelve a dormirse.


Wrapped up in some powdered wool- I guess I'm losing touch
Don't tell me this is dying, 'cos I ain't changed that much
The only sound is water drops, I wonder where the hell I am
Some kind of jam?
Cuckoo Cocoon have I come to, too soon for you?

There's nothing I can recognize; this is nowhere that I've known
With no sign of life at all, I guess that I'm alone
And I feel so secure that I know this can't be real but I feel good
Cuckoo cocoon have I come to, too soon for you?

I wonder if I'm a prisoner locked up in some Brooklyn jail
Or some sort of Jonah shut up inside the whale
No - I'm still Rael and I'm stuck in some kind of cave
What could've saved me?
Cuckoo cocoon have I come to, too soon for you?

Rael se despierta y se encuentra atrapado en una jaula de estalactitas y estalagmitas la cual se cierra lentamente hacia él. Mientras intenta escapar, ve a su hermano John y lo llama, pero John se aleja y la jaula súbitamente desaparece.


I got sunshine in my stomach
Like I just rocked my baby to sleep
I got sunshine in my stomach
But I can't keep me from creeping sleep
Sleep, deep in the deep

Rock-face moves to press my skin
White liquid turn sour within
Turn fast - turn sour
Turn sweat - turn sour
Must tell myself that I'm not here
I'm drowning in a liquid fear
Bottled in a strong compression
My distortion shows obsession
In the cave
Get me out of this cave

If I keep my self-control
I'll be safe in my soul
And the childhood belief
Brings a moment's relief
But my cynic soon returns
And the lifeboat burns
My spirit just never learns

Stalactites, stalagmites
Shut me in, lock me tight
Lips are dry, throat is dry
Feel like burning, stomach churning
I'm dressed up in a white costume
Padding out leftover room
Body stretching, feel the retching
In the cage
Get me out of the cage

In the glare of a light
I see a strange kind of sight
Of cages joined to form a star
Each person can't go very far
All tied to their things
They are netted by their strings
Free to flutter in memories of their wasted wings

Outside the cage I see my Brother John
He turns his head so slowly round
I cry out help! Before he can be gone
And he looks at me without a sound
And I shout out 'John please help me!'
But he does not even want to try to speak
I'm helpless in my violent rage
And a silent tear of blood dribbles down his cheek
And I watch him turn away and leave the cage
My little runaway

(Raindrops keep failing on my head, they keep falling on my...)

In a trap, feel a strap
Holding still. Pinned for kill
Chances narrow that I'll make it
In the cushioned straight-jacket
Just like 22nd Street
When they got me by my neck and feet
Pressures building, can't take more
My headaches charge. My earaches roar
In this pain
Get me out of this pain

If I could change to liquid
I could fill the cracks up in the rock
But I know that I am solid
And I am my own bad luck
But outside John disappears and my cage dissolves
And without any reason my body revolves

Keep on turning
Keep on turning
Turning around
Spinning around

Rael se encuentra en el piso de una fábrica y una mujer hace de guía en el área, donde él ve a personas siendo procesadas como paquetes. Él divisa a algunos miembros de antaño de su pandilla de Nueva York y a John con el número "9" estampado en su frente. Temiendo por su vida, Rael huye por el corredor.


"The last great adventure left to mankind"
-Screams a drooping lady
offering her dreamdolls at less than extortionate prices,
and as the notes and coins are taken out
I'm taken in, to the factory floor.

For the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-All ready to use
the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-just need a fuse.

Got people stocked in every shade,
Must be doing well with trade.
Stamped, addressed, in odd fatality.
That evens out their personality.
With profit potential marked by a sign,
I can recognise some of the production line,
No bite at all in labour bondage,
Just wrinkled wrappers or human bandage.

The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-All ready to use
It's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-just need a fuse.

The hall runs like clockwork
Their hands mark out the time,
Empty in their fullness
Like a frozen pantomime.
Everyone's a sales representative
Wearing slogans in their shrine.
Dishing out failsafe superlative,
Brothere John is No. 9.

For the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-All ready to use
It's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-just need a fuse.

The decor on the ceiling
has planned out their future day
I see no sign of free will,
so I guess I'll have to pay,
pay my way,
for the Grand Parade.
for the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-All ready to use
the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
-just need a fuse.

A Rael le viene a la mente un recuerdo de una redada de pandillas en la ciudad de Nueva York 


I see faces and traces of home back in New York City
So you think I'm a tough kid? Is that what you heard?
Well I like to see some action and it gets into my blood
The call me the trail blazer-Rael-electric razor
I'm the pitcher in the chain gang, we don't believe in pain
'Cos we're only as strong, yes we're only as strong
As the weakest link in the chain
Let me out of Pontiac when I was just seventeen
I had to get it out of me, if you know what I mean, what I mean

You say I must be crazy, 'cos I don't care who I hit, who I hit
But I know it's me that's hitting out and I'm not full of shit
I don't care who I hurt, I don't care who I do wrong
This is your mess I'm stuck in, I really don't belong
When I take out my bottle, filled up high with gasoline
You can tell by the night fires where Rael has been, has been

As I cuddled the porcupine
He said I had none to blame, but me
Held my heart, deep in hair
Time to shave, shave it off, it off
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
Off we go. Off we go. Off we go. Off we go

You're sitting in your comfort you don't believe I'm real
You cannot buy protection from the way that I feel
Your progressive hypocrites hand out their trash
But it was mine in the first place, so I'll burn it to ash
And I've tasted all the strongest meats
And laid them down in coloured sheets
Laid them down in coloured sheets
Who needs illusion of love and affection
When you're out walking in the streets with your mainline connection? Connection

As I cuddle the porcupine
He said I had none to blame, but me
Held my heart, deep in hair
Time to shave, shave it off, it off
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
No time for romantic escape
When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No!
No time

Rael tiene un sueño en el que su corazón peludo es removido y afeitado con una navaja de afeitar.


That night he pictured the removal of his hairy heart and to the
accompaniment of very
romantic music he watched it being shaved smooth by an anonymous
stainless steel razor.

Tiene un recuerdo de su primer encuentro sexual.


I'm counting out time,
Got the whole thing down by numbers.
All those numbers!
Give my guidance!
O Lord I need that now.

The day of judgement's come,
And you can bet that I've been resting,
for this testing,
Digesting every word the experts say.
Erogenous zones I love you.
Without you, what would a poor boy do?

Found a girl I wanted to date,
Thought I'd better get it straight.
Went to buy a book before it's too late.
Don't leave nothing to fate.
And I have studied every line, every page in the book,
And now I've got the real thing here, I'm gonna take a look, take a look.

This is Rael!

I'm counting out time, hoping it goes like I planned it,
'cos I understand it. Look! I've found the hotspots, Figs 1-9.
-still counting out time, got my finger on the button,
"Don't say nuttin-just lie there still
And I'll get you turned on just fine."
Erongenous zones I love you.
Without you, what would a poor boy do?

Touch and go with 1-6.
Bit of trouble in zone No. 7.
Gotta remember all of my tricks.
There's heaven ahead in No. 11!
Getting crucial responses with dialation of the pupils.
"Honey get hip! It's time to unzip, to unzip. Whipee!"
-Move over Casanova-

I'm counting out time, reaction none to happy,
Please don't slap me,
I'm a red blooded male and the book said I could not fail.
I'm counting out time, I got unexpected distress from my mistress,
I'll get my money back from the bookstore right away.
Erongenous zones I question you-
Without you, what would a poor boy do?
Without you, mankind handkinds thru' the blues.

El recuerdo de Rael termina, y se encuentra en un corredor adornado con una larga y roja alfombra, en la cual hay gente arrastrándose hacia su salida por una puerta de madera. Rael pasa corriendo junto a ellos y sale por una escalera de caracol.


There is lambswool under my naked feet.
The wool is soft and warm,
-gives off some kind of heat.
A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed.
Imaginary creatures are trapped in birth on celluloid.
The fleas cling to the golden fleece,
Hoping they'll find peace.
Each thought and gesture are caught in celluloid.
There's no hiding in my memory.
There's no room to void.

The crawlers cover the floor in the red ochre corridor.
For my second sight of people, they've more lifeblood than before.
They're moving in time to a heavy wooden door,
Where the needle's eye is winking, closing in on the poor.

The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
"We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in, to get out."

There's only one direction in the faces that I see;
It's upward to the ceiling, where the chambers said to be.
Like the forest fight for sunlight, that takes root in every tree.
They are pulled up by the magnet, believing that they're free.

The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
"We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in, to get out."

Mild mannered supermen are held in kryptonite,
And the wise and foolish virgins giggle with their bodies glowing bright.
Through a door a harvest feast is lit by candlelight;
It's the bottom of a staircase that spirals out of sight.

The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
"We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in, to get out."

The porcelain mannikin with shattered skin fears attack.
And the eager pack lift up their pitchers- they carry all they lack.
The liquid has congealed, which has seeped out through the crack,
And the tickler takes his stickleback.

The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
"We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get in, to get out."

En lo alto, Rael entra en una cámara con 32 puertas, rodeado de gente e incapaz de concentrarse. 


At the top of the stairs, their's hundreds of people,
running around to all the doors.
They try to find themselves an audience;
their deductions need applause.

The rich man stands in front of me,
The poor man behind my back.
They believe they can control the game,
but the juggler holds another pack.

I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.
I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.

I'd rather trust a countryman than a townman,
You can judge by his eyes, take a look if you can,
He'll smile through his guard,
Survival trains hard.
I'd rather trust a man who works with his hands,
He looks at you once, you know he understands,
Don't need any shield,
When you're out in the field.

But down here,
I'm so alone with my fear,
With everything that I hear.
And every single door, that I've walked through
Brings me back here again,
I've got to find my own way.

The priest and the magician,
Singing all the chants that they have ever heard;
They're all calling out my name,
Even academics, searching printed word.

My father to the left of me,
My mother to the right,
Like everyone else they'er pointing
But nowhere feels quite right.

And I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.
I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.

I'd rather trust a man who doesn't shout what he's found,
There's no need to sell if you're homeward bound.
If I chose a side,
He won't take me for a ride.

Back inside
This chamber of so many doors;
I've nowhere to hide.
I'd give you all of my dreams, if you'd help me,
Find a door
That doesn't lead me back again
-take me away.

Encuentra a una mujer ciega que lo lleva afuera de la cámara hacia otra cueva.


The chamber was in confusion-all the voices shouting loud.
I could only just hear, a voice quite near say, "Please help me
through the crowd"
'Said if I helped her thru' she could help me too, but I could
see that she was wholly blind.
But from her pale face and her pale skin, a moonlight shined.

Lilywhite Lilith,
She gonna take you thru' the tunnel of night.
Lilywhite Lilith,
She gonna lead you right.

When I'd led her through the people, the angry noise began to grow.
She said "Let me feel the way the breezes blow, and I'll show
you where to go."
So I followed her into a big round cave, she said "They're coming
for you, now don't be afraid."
Then she sat me down on a cold stone throne, carved in jade.

Lilywhite Lilith,
She gonna take you thru' the tunnel of night.
Lilywhite Lilith,
She gonna lead you right.

She leaves me in my darkness,
I have to face my fear,
And the darkness closes in on me,
I can hear a whirring sound growling near.
I can see the corner of the tunnel,
Lit up by whatever's coming here.
Two golden globes float into the room
And a blaze of white light fills the air.

La mujer le lleva a otra cueva, la sala de espera. En la otra cueva queda atrapado por un montón de rocas que caen desde arriba.


He panics, feels around for a stone and hurls it at the brightest point.
The sound of breaking glass echoes around the cave.
As his vision is restored he catches sight of two golden gloves
about one foot in diameter hovering away down the tunnel.
When they disappear a resounding crack sears across the roof, and it collapses all around him.
Our hero is trapped once again.

"This is it" he thinks, failing to move any of the fallen rocks

Mientras está atrapado por las rocas, recibirá la visita de la muerte.


All the pumping's nearly over for my sweet heart
This is the one for me
Time to meet the chef
O boy! the running man is out of death
Feel cold and old, it's getting hard to catch my breath
's back to ash, now, you've had your flash boy
The rocks, in time, compress
Your blood to oil
Your flesh to coal
Enrich the soil
Not everybody's goal

Anyway, they say she comes on a pale horse
But I'm sure I hear a train
O boy! I don't even feel no pain
I guess I must be driving myself insane
Damn it all! does earth plug a hole in heaven
Or heaven plug a hole in the earth - "how wonderful to be so profound
When everything you are is dying underground"

I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
I could have been exploding in space
Different orbits for my bones
Not me, just quietly buried in stones
Keep the deadline open with my maker!
See me stretch; for God's elastic acre
The doorbell rings and it's
"Good morning Rael
So sorry you had to wait
It won't be long, yeh!
She's very rarely late"

La muerte es el anestesista sobrenatural. Rael logra escapar de la cueva.


Here comes the supernatural anaesthetist.
If he wants you to snuff it,
All he has to do is puff it
-he's such a fine dancer.

Rael termina en una piscina con tres lamias, hermosas criaturas con aspecto de serpiente, y tiene relaciones sexuales con ellas, pero mueren después de beber un poco de la sangre de Rael.


The scent grows richer, he knows he must be near
He finds a long passageway lit by chandelier
Each step he takes, the perfumes change
From familiar fragrance to flavours strange
A magnificent chamber meets his eye

Inside, a long rose-water pool is shrouded by fine mist
Stepping in the moist silence, with a warm breeze he's gently kissed

Thinking he is quite alone
He enters the room, as if it were his own
But ripples on the sweet pink water
Reveal some company unthought of

Rael stands astonished doubting his sight
Struck by beauty, gripped in fright
Three vermilion snakes of female face
The smallest motion, filled with grace
Muted melodies fill the echoing hall
But there is no sign of warning in the siren's call
"Rael welcome, we are the Lamia of the pool
We have been waiting for our waters to bring you cool"

Putting fear beside him, he trusts in beauty blind
He slips into the nectar, leaving his shredded clothes behind
"With their tongues, they test, taste and judge all that is mine
They move in a series of caresses
That glide up and down my spine

As they nibble the fruit of my flesh, I feel no pain
Only a magic that a name would stain
With the first drop of my blood in their veins
Their faces are convulsed in mortal pains
The fairest cries, "We all have loved you Rael"

Each empty snakelike body floats
Silent sorrow in empty boats
A sickly sourness fills the room
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom
Looking for motion I know I will not find
I stroke the curls now turning pale, in which I'd lain entwined
"O Lamia, your flesh that remains I will take as my food"
It is the scent of garlic that lingers on my chocolate fingers

Looking behind me, the water turns icy blue
The lights are dimmed and once again the stage is set for you

Sale de la piscina en un bote.



The Arrival

Se encuentra en un grupo de Slippermen, hombres distorsionados y grotescos que han tenido la misma experiencia con los Lamia, y descubre que se ha convertido en uno de ellos

A Visit to the Doktor

 Rael encuentra a John entre los Slippermen, quien revela que la única manera de volver a ser humano es visitar al Doktor Dyper y ser castrado.


Ambos son castrados y mantienen sus penes extraídos en recipientes alrededor de sus cuellos. El contenedor de Rael es robado por un cuervo y lo persigue, dejando a John atrás.



I wandered lonely as a cloud,
Till I came upon this dirty street.
I've never seen a stranger crowd;
Slubberdegullions on a squeaky feet,

Continually pacing,
With nonchalant embracing,
Each orifice disgracing
And one facing me moves to say "hellay".

His skin's all covered in slimy lumps.
With lips that slide across each chin.
His twisted limbs like rubber stamps
Are waved in welcome say 'Please join in.'

My grip must be flipping,
Cos his handshake keeps slipping,
My hopes keep on dipping
And his lips keep on smiling all the time.

"We like you, have tasted love.
Don't be alarmed at what you see,
You yourself are just the same
As what you see in me."

Me, like you? like that!

"You better watch it son, your sentence has only just begun
You better run and join your brother John."


"You're in the colony of slippermen.
There's no who? why? what? or when?

You get out if you've got the gripe
To see, Doktor Dyper, reformed sniper-
he'll whip off your windscreenwiper

John and I are able
To face the Doktor and his marble table.

[The Doktor:]
Understand Rael, it's the end of your tail.

"Don't delay, dock the dick!"
I watch his countdown timer tick......


He places the number into a tube,
A yellow plastic "shoobedoobe".
It says: "Though your fingers may tickle
You'll be safe in our pickle."
Suddenly, black cloud comes down from the sky.
It's a supersize black bird that sure can fly.

The raven brings on darkness and night
He flies right down, gives me one hell of a fright.
He takes the tube right out of my hands
Man, I've got to find out where that black bird lands.

"Look here John, I've got to run
I need you now, you going to come?"
He says to me.

"Now can't you see
Where the raven flies there's jeopardy.

We've been cured on the couch
Now you're sick with your grouch.
I'll not risk my honey pouch
Which my slouch will wear slung very low."

He walks away and leaves me once again.
Even though I never learn,
I'd hoped he'd show just some concern.

I'm in agony of Slipperpain
I pray my undercarriage will sustain.
The chase is on, the pace is hot
But I'm running so very hard with everything I've got.
He leads me down an underpass
Though it narrows, he still flies very fast,
When the tunnel stops
I catch sight of the tube, just as it drops.
I'm on top of a bank, to steep to climb,
I see it hit the water, just in time,
to watch it float away.

El cuervo deja caer el contenedor en un barranco y en un río subterráneo.


He follows a small path running along the top,
and watches the tube bobbing up and down in the water
as the fast current carries it away

Mientras Rael camina junto al río, ve una ventana en el banco sobre su cabeza que revela su casa en medio de las calles.


As he walks along the gorge's edge
He meets a sense of yesteryear
A window in the bank above his head
Reveals his home amidst the streets

Subway sounds, the sounds of complaint
The smell of acid on his gun of paint
As it carves out anger in a blood-red band
Destroyed tomorrow by an unknown hand
- My home
Is this the way out from this endless scene?
Or just an entrance to another dream?
And the light dies down on Broadway

But as the skylight beckons him to leave
He hears a scream from far below
Within the raging water, writhes the form
Of brother John, he cries for help

The gate is fading now, but open wide
But John is drowning, I must decide
Between the freedom I had in the rat-race
Or to stay forever in this forsaken place
Hey John!
He makes for the river and the gate is gone
Back to the void where it came from
And the light dies down on Broadway

Ante la opción de regresar a casa a través de la ventana, ve a John en el río debajo de él, luchando por mantenerse a flote. Rael debe tomar la decisión entre rescatar a su hermano o quizás tomar su única oportunidad para volver a su antigua vida en Nueva York. A pesar de ser abandonado dos veces por John, Rael se sumerge para salvarlo y la puerta de entrada a Nueva York desaparece. 


He rushes to the cliff and scrambles down the rocks.
It takes him a long time to get down to the water, trying to keep up with the current at the same time.
As he nears the water's edge he sees John losing strength.

Struggling down the slope,
There's not much hope.
I begin to try to ride the scree
but the rocks are tumbling all around me.

If I want John alive,
I've got to ditch my fear - take a dive
While I've still got my drive to survive.

Evel Knievel you got nothing on me.
Here I go!

Rael rescata a John y arrastra su cuerpo a la orilla del río y lo da la vuelta para que lo mire de frente, solo para ver su propio rostro.


Moving down the water
John is drifting out of sight
It's only at the turning point
That you find out how ya fight

In the cold, feel the cold all around
And the rush of crashing water
Surrounds me with its sound

Striking out to reach you
I can't get through to the other side
When you're racing in the rapids
There's only one way, that's to ride

Taken down, taken down
By the undertow
I'm spiralled down the river bed
My fire is burning low

Catching hold of a rock that's firm
I'm waiting for John to be carried past
We hold together, hold together
And shoot the rapids fast

And when the waters slow down
The dark and the deep
Have no-one no-one no-one no-one
No-one left to keep
Hang on John!
We're out of this at last
Something's changed, that's not your face
It's mine! It's mine!

Su conciencia luego se desplaza entre ambos cuerpos, y ve que el paisaje circundante se derrite en una neblina. Ambos cuerpos se disuelven, y el espíritu de Rael se convierte en uno con todo lo que lo rodea.


When it's cold, it comes slow.
it is warm, just watch it grow.
-all around me.
it is here. it is now.

Just a little bit of it can bring you up or down.
Like the supper it is cooking in your hometown.
it is chicken, it is eggs,
it is in between your legs.
it is walking on the moon,
leaving your cocoon.

it is the jigsa. it is purple haze.
it never stays in one place, but it's not a passing phase,
it is in the single's bar, in the distance of the face,
it is in between the cages, it is always in a space
it is here. it is now.

Any rock can be made to roll,
If you've enough of it to pay the toll.
it has no home in words or goal,
Not even in your favourite hole.
it is the hope for the dope.
When you ride the horse without a hoof.
it is shaken, not stirred;
Cocktails on the roof.

When you eat right fru it you see everything alive,
it is inside spirit, with enough grit to survive
If you think it's pretentious, you've been taken for a ride.
Look across the mirror, before you chose de cide
it is here. it is now
it is Real. it is Rael

'cos it's only knock and knowall, but I like it.

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