jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

1975: La feria de los nuevos mundos

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El álbum The New Worlds Fair

Entrada anterior de Hawkwind: 1974: El álbum Hall Of The Mountain Grill de Hawkwind

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Portada del álbum The New Worlds Fair

Michael John Moorcock (nacido el 18 de diciembre de 1939) es un escritor inglés, particularmente de ciencia ficción y fantasía, que ha publicado una serie de novelas literarias bien recibidas, así como thrillers cómicos, novelas gráficas y no ficción. Ha trabajado como editor y también es un músico exitoso. Es mejor conocido por sus novelas sobre el personaje Elric de Melniboné, que fueron una influencia seminal en el campo de la fantasía en los años 1960 y 70. En 2008, The Times nombró a Moorcock en su lista de "Los 50 mejores escritores británicos desde 1945".

Michael Moorcock

Como editor de la revista británica de ciencia ficción New Worlds, desde mayo de 1964 hasta marzo de 1971 y luego nuevamente desde 1976 hasta 1996, Moorcock fomentó el desarrollo de la ciencia ficción "New Wave" en el Reino Unido e indirectamente en los Estados Unidos, lo que llevó al advenimiento del cyberpunk

Revista New Worlds

La publicación de la novela por capítulos Bug Jack Barron (1969) de Norman Spinrad en la  revista fue notoria. Su lenguaje explícito y su actitud cínica hacia los políticos, así como el hecho de que la revista fue parcialmente financiada por el Consejo de las Artes de Gran Bretaña, enfureció a varios miembros del Parlamento británico.

Portada de la primera edición de la novela Jack Barron

También es músico de sesión, contribuyendo a las bandas Hawkwind, Blue Öyster Cult, Robert Calvert, Spirits Burning y su propio proyecto, Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix. A su proyecto dedicamos este artículo, así como el álbum que publicaron en 1975, The New Worlds Fair.

El álbum The New Worlds Fair

The Deep Fix

The Deep Fix fue la historia principal de una oscura colección de cuentos de Moorcock que publicó bajo el seudónimo de James ColvinMoorcock hace mucho uso de las iniciales "JC"; estas son también las iniciales de Jesucristo. Precisamente Jesucristo fue el tema de su novela ganadora del Premio Nebula de 1967 He aquí el hombre, que cuenta la historia de Karl Glogauer, un viajero del tiempo que asume el papel de Cristo. JC también son las iniciales de varios personajes de Moorcock tales como Jerry Cornelius, Jerry Cornell y Jherek Cornlian

El personaje Jerry Cornelius es un aventurero urbano y una encarnación del concepto de Campeón Eterno del autor. The Deep Fix es el nombre de la banda de Cornelius.

The Deep Fix trataba sobre la liberación del inconsciente y, aunque hacía referencia a William Burroughs, no se refería específicamente a drogas ilícitas. Esto supuestamente le dio a la banda una considerable difusión y le dio a Moorcock lo que él llamó "una gran reputación en la comunidad de drogas", pero hizo que las estaciones de radio desconfiaran de difundir su música, o tuvieran reparos para contratarlos para conciertos.


Moorcock había contribuido con letras a Hawkwind y ocasionalmente actuó con ellos. La canción de Hawkwind "The Black Corridor", por ejemplo, incluía citas textuales de la novela de Moorcock del mismo nombre,  Su mejor trabajo con ellos fue indudablemente "Warriors at the Edge of Time" que consiguió ser certificado oro. En 1974, Andrew Lauder, el representante de A&R de Hawkwind para United Artists Records, le ofreció un contrato discográfico, aunque Moorcock puso como condición que sus compatriotas, el bajista Steve Gilmore y el guitarrista Graham Charnock deberían tener una participación significativa en el proyecto. Así, el trío formó el núcleo de la banda Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix.

 Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix: Steve Gilmore a la izquierda y Graham Charnock a la derecha

El sencillo Dodgem Dude / Starcruiser

El sencillo "Dodgem Dude"/"Starcruiser" había sido grabado justo antes del álbum, pero United Artists abandonó la idea de lanzarlo. El sencillo incluía a Lemmy en el bajo y Moorcock tocando su propio Rickenbacker 330/12. Algún tiempo después, mientras Moorcock visitaba a su ex manager Douglas Smith, con quien estaba en disputa, descubrió las cintas del sencillo en la oficina. Sin el conocimiento de Smith, los tomó, pasándoselos a Frenchy Gloder, quien publicó el sencillo tardíamente en su sello Flicknife Records (FLS200, diciembre de 1980).

A Dodgem Dude     2:48


Coros – Debi Doss, Shirlie Roden
Bajo – Graham Charnock
Batería – Simon King
Guitarra – Michael Moorcock, Steve Gilmore
Saxofón – Nik Turner
Voces – Michael Moorcock

Contraportada del sencillo

Grabación de The New Worlds Fair

El álbum fue grabado en los Jackson's Studios y Pye Studios de Londres entre 1974 y 1975, también en el Majestic Studio de Clapham, y en el Olympic de Barnes.

La grabación del álbum contó con una gran cantidad de músicos invitados, entre ellos los miembros de HawkwindDave Brock (guitarra), Simon King y Alan Powell (batería), Nik Turner (Saxofón) y Simon House (violín, teclados). A destacar también el guitarrista Snowy WhitePeter Pavli (violonchelo) de The Third Ear Band. El propio Moorcock intervino en guitarras, mandolina y banjo.

Simon House

Fue un álbum conceptual, por supuesto, un viaje a través de una feria de diversión distópica, una metáfora de la sociedad misma.

Simon King declaró que originalmente las letras de la canción "Kings of Speed" estaban destinadas a la inclusión en el álbum pero finalmente se hizo en el álbum de HawkwindWarrior on the Edge of Time de ese mismo año.

 Portada del álbum de Hawkwind, Warrior on the Edge of Time de ese mismo año.

Lanzamiento del álbum

El álbum fue publicado en mayo de 1975. La portada fue de Barney Bubbles.  Como comentamos, debido a la falta de promoción, el álbum pasó desapercibido. Solo los fans de Hawkwind apreciaron el álbum. Los críticos no tanto.

Jo-Ann Greene comentó en su reseña para AllMusic:

 Sin embargo, la musicalidad supera con creces el contenido lírico, la gracia salvadora del álbum. Musicalmente, es una mezcla embriagadora que se agita en un poco de glamour, algunos remolinos de folk, un buen baño de R&B y una cucharada de metal. No es tan musicalmente aventurero como cabría esperar del elenco, pero sorprendentemente accesible y fácil de digerir. Más una feria divertida entonces, que una exposición de rock your world.
Jo-Ann Greene

Contraportada del álbum

Lista de temas

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum (incompleta): Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix ‎– The New Worlds Fair (1975) UK Full

Lado uno

1.     "Candy Floss Cowboy" (Michael Moorcock)

2.    "Fair Dealer" (Moorcock)

3.    "Octopus" (Steve Gilmore)

4.    "Sixteen Year Old Doom" (Moorcock)

5.    "You're A Hero" (Graham Charnock)

6.    "Song For Marlene" (Sam Shepard/Gilmore)

Lado dos

1.    "Come To The Fair" (Charnock)

2.    "In The Name Of Rock And Roll" (Charnock)

3.    "Ferris Wheel" (Gilmore)

4.    "Last Merry Go Round" (Moorcock)

  • Michael Moorcock – Guitarra, Mandolina, Voz
  • Graham Charnock – Guitarra, Voz
  • Steve Gilmore – Guitarra, Voz
  • Kuma Harada – Bajo
  • Peter Pavli – Violonchelo

  • Snowy White – Guitarra
  • Herbert North – Guitarra
  • Nik Turner – Saxofón
  • Dave Brock – Guitarra
  • Simon House – Violín, Teclados
  • Simon King – Batería
  • Alan Powell – Batería
  • Shirley Roden – Voz
  • Debi Ross – Voz
Imagen del libreto de la reedición de 2004


El álbum ha recibido múltiples relanzamientos con varios bonus tracks. Fue publicado por primera vez en CD con Dojo en 1995.

Contraportada de la edición de 1995

En 2008 se volvió a reeditar con Esoteric con más bonus tracks.

Contraportada de la edición de 2008

En 2022 fue reeditado en vinilo.

Roller Coaster Holiday

Una segunda versión del álbum New Worlds fue publicada en 2004 bajo el nombre de Roller Coaster Holiday. Esta colección contiene una selección de tomas y / o mezclas alternativas, primeras tomas, versiones instrumentales y acústicas de las sesiones originales del álbum "The New Worlds Fair".

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum completo: Roller Coaster Holiday

Lista de temas

1.    "Candy Floss Cowboy" (Moorcock) – 4:39

2.    "Fair Dealer" (Moorcock) – 5:28

3.    "Octopus" (Gilmore) – 2:27

4.    "Sixteen Year Old Doom" (Moorcock) – 4:28

5.    "You're a Hero" (Charnock) – 4:16

6.    "Song for Marlene" (Gilmore, Shepard) – 4:22

7.    "Dodgem Dude" (Moorcock) – 3:03

8.    "Come to the Fair" (Charnock) – 1:24

9.    "Starcruiser" (Moorcock) – 3:19

10.    "In the Name of Rock and Roll" (Charnock) – 4:34

11.    "Ferris Wheel" (Gilmore) – 5:30

12.    "Last Merry-Go-Round" (Moorcock) – 2:24

13.    "Dude's Dream (Rolling in the Ruins)" (Moorcock) – 5:00

14.    "Candy Floss Cowboy" (early workout) (Moorcock) – 6:04

15.    "Starcruiser" (instrumental) (Moorcock) – 3:43

16.    "Dude's Dream" (acoustic different lyrics) (Moorcock) – 5:15

Contraportada del álbum Roller Coaster Holiday


Candy Floss Cowboy

Candy Floss Cowboy, what's wrong with you?
You are brutal and scared and destroy all the things which bewilder you
And the bells of your town ring out for you
You ain't got your share
You're on the way to the Fair
To find something there
To meet someone
To have some fun
Fairground's all dark and dead
A light flickers on then goes off again
An engine begins to hum
You wait for the thrum
Which will bring you to life for an hour or two
Oh Dude, Dude
I can hear you calling out from inside, from inside, from inside
The whine begins to grow louder now
You laugh, such a cold laugh
Such a lonely laugh
And the music begins
Waiting for a ride, waiting for a ride
Waiting for a turn on the Wall of Death
Taking a whirl on the Merry-Go-Round
Listen to the sound of the Roller Coaster rider
The Helter Skelter slider
The Big Dipper dancer
The Chair-O-Plane chancer
Round and round
Round and round
Round and round
Round and round
I can hear you
I can hear the Cowboy crying
I can hear you Cowboy
I can hear you
Candy Floss Cowboy, fairground buccaneer
All tripped out in your finest here
In your fancy armour, plasti-leather gear
Nobody asks you what you're doing here
Taking a walk to the Castle of Fear
Oh Dude, oh Dude, Dude
I can hear you
I can hear you
I can hear you Dude
I can hear the Cowboy crying
Waiting for a ride
Waiting for a ride
Waiting for a turn on the wall of death
Taking a whirl on the Merry-Go-Round
Listen to the sound of the Roller Coaster rider
The Helter Skelter slider
The Big Dipper dancer
The Chair-O-Plane chancer
Going round and round, round and round
Round and round, round and round
Round and round, round and round
Round and round, round and round

Fair Dealer

See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They think they're having fun

Dealer, Dealer Man, what have you got in your bag today?
What have you got to turn me on again?
What have you got to make me dream
The dreams I dreamed last year, the visions that I see?

I got brass, well it looks like gold
I got silver, but it's turned to rust
I got love, but it's kind of cold
I got ideals, but you cannot trust them now
I got nothing that isn't second-hand
Nothing to make you dream the dreams
You dreamed when I last came to town

See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They think they're having fun

Dealer, Dealer Man, you promised the blind man he would see
You promised the deaf man he would hear again
You promised the dumb man he would speak
You promised me I'd come to life and be myself at last

I got paint, that looks like blood
I got plastic, that could be flesh
I got hate, that could pass for love
I got faith, though it's not too fresh
I got nothing you haven't seen before
So please don't bother me no more
For the hope you had when I last came to town

See them dancing through the land
Following the Dealer Man
They are laughing every one
They think they're having fun
They think they're having fun
They think they're having fun


Feel the motion of the sex machine
Wait until it turns yer green
Round and round and up and down
Slippin', slidin', hit the ground
You're kickin'
You're fixin'

Sitting in the Flying Trapeze
Pretty legs and sexy knees
Banging your caravan, dipping down
Waiting 'til your time comes round
You're flippin'
You're kickin'

Sixteen Year Old Doom

She's sixteen years old with a death rattle in her throat
I said, sixteen years old with a death rattle in her throat
She's hoping to get bad habits
She's got black lace round her coat
She thinks she's a fox but she's really a rabbit
Look out! Here comes the stoat

She's got the doom, she's got the doom
She shares a room with her sister, she shares a room
And all she's hoping for is the Moon
She's got the sweet, she's got the sweet
She's got the sweet little sixteen doom (Nice)

She goes cruising in the evenings with a friend she knows from work
Goes to the café on the corner where she likes to flirt
She goes to the Fairground and she shares her dream
And she wonders if that dream can ever be reality

She's got three friends and they all move arm in arm
With four of them together how can they ever come to harm?
She giggles and she flutters and she sniffs the filth-rich air
Sniffs the oil, the dirt, the hot stuff at the fair (Hahahahahahaha)

She's got the doom, she's got the doom
She shares a room with her sister, she shares a room
And all she's hoping for is the Moon
She's got the sweet, she's got the sweet
She's got the sweet little sixteen doom (Oh)

She's sixteen years old with a death rattle in her throat
I said, sixteen years old with a death rattle in her throat
She's hoping to get bad habits
She's got black lace round her coat
She thinks she's a fox, but she's really a rabbit
Look out! Look out! Look out! Here comes the stoats

You’re a Hero

I've seen you riding on the Wall of Death
You want to know if you passed the test?
I'm here to tell you, boy, you're one of the best
You're a hero to me
And you're a hero
You're a real live hero
And you know where heroes go?
You're Valhalla bound
And you're all heroes
You're all real live heroes
I just want you heroes to know
You're Valhalla bound

I've seen you fighting in a real fist fight
You want to know if you did all right?
I want to tell you, babe, you're outasight
You're a hero to me
And you're a hero
You're a real live hero
And you know where heroes go?
You're Valhalla bound
And you're all heroes
You're all real live heroes (for the moment)
And you know where heroes go?
You're all Valhalla bound

Well, you don't want to live too long
Let me tell you, you should be that strong
You're gonna end up where you belong
You're Valhalla bound
And you're a hero
You're a real live hero
And you know where heroes go
You're Valhalla bound
And you're all heroes
You're all real live heroes
I just want you heroes to know
You're Valhalla bound

Oh, Dude, you know you can't dodge death
Though you try and you try and you try
On the Wall, on the Wheel
How does that Helter Skelter feel?
On the Dipper, on the Diver
Does it make your senses reel?
In the Train, in the Tunnel
You're just rockin'
You're just rollin' on
You're just rockin'
You're just rollin'
You're just rockin'
You're just rollin', rollin', rollin'

Song For Marlene

Marlene Dietrich took my breath away
If I was born in another day
Dogs couldn't keep me from your door
Your dogs couldn't keep me away from your door

Marlene, you're so fine
Marlene, you're so fine

Some silly stars in the skies
They're only there 'cause we got eyes
But I could see a star up on the screen
If I was blind as a bee

Marlene, you're so fine
Marlene, you're so fine

I'd bury my nose in your furs
I'd swallow you whole in your pearls
I'd beat up all your dukes and earls
I'd even give up all my girls for you

Marlene, you're so fine
Marlene, you're so fine

Come to the Fair

Will you let your long hair down?
Will you come to the fair? Come to the fair?
And lie with me beneath the wheel
And lie with me beneath the wheel
And lie with me beneath the wheel
And let the wheel spin round

Will you put your best dress on?
And a comb in your hair, a comb in your hair
Of finest gold to shine in the night
Of finest gold to shine in the night
Of finest gold to shine in the night
And let the light shine on

Will you come with me to the Ball?
At the fair tonight, at the fair tonight
Will you dance with me on the edge of the dark?
Will you dance with me on the edge of the dark?
Will you dance with me on the edge of the dark?
Until the darkness falls

Dude’s Dream

Isn't it delicious, there's a red sun in the sky
Every time we see it rise, another city dies
And the bombs blow up the cemeteries
And the dead give up their graves
But we go on making out, babe, through the short, bleak days
And I really wish you'd tell me if your skin is feeling right
I don't like the way your shoulder peeled last night
And the bombs blow up the houses
And the bombs uproot the trees
And I saw my children carried off on a strange, bright breeze
But there ain't no point in weeping
And there ain't no point in lying
Let's laugh, and make the most of it
After all, we're only dying!

Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
And we know we're bound to go

Since we found the doctor's surgery, I'm feeling rather fine
Send a shot of this and a shot of that up that old main line
And the bombs blow up the churches
And the priests cry out for faith
Kiss my mouth while I still have it, take my hand, and keep it safe
Hear my heart while it's still beating, hear my breath while it can last
And take another roll, dear, but we'd better make it fast
And the bombs destroy our hopes
And the bombs fragment our dreams
And we're bound to pause and wonder if all is what it seems
But there ain't no point in leavin'
For there's nowhere left to go
Just smile and make it tender
Make it kind and make it slow

Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
And we know we're bound to go

Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins
Rolling, we're rolling in the ruins

Dodgem Dude

Spaced out, far out, get another car out
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of the Ring
And he drives his car with style
While he smiles at all the wiles
The cars go round and round and then he hits them

Smash them, crash them, get your chips and cash them
Dodgem Dude don't dare, don't dare to understand
And the music growls and moans
For he knows he can't go home
So he's grinning as the sparks fly when he hits them

Spill them, kill them, have your kicks and thrill them
Race them, chase them, turn the car and face them
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of his brains

Choose them, loose them, slow a while and cruise them
Dodgem Dude is lonely and he will not stand much more
But the impact dulls his brain
So he cannot know his name
And he need not fake tonight when he walks back through the rain

Spill them, kill them, have your kicks and thrill them
Race them, chase them, turn the car and face them
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of his brains
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of his brains
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of his brains
Dodgem Dude is dancing on the desert of his brains


I'll never forget the first Starcruiser I saw
Moving alongside but well spaced out
She was looking for me so I went aboard
It was dark in her hold and almost as cold
As the infinite vacuum itself

We set off in space at a moderate rate
Going faster than light but not worried
I wondered a mite 'bout my forthcoming fate
She was pulsing out fire while her gauges read higher
Than anything I could believe in

She was a Starcruser, Star Starcruiser
Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
She was a mean Starcruiser
And she was cruising me

She was burning me up and squeezing me out
While the universe grew all around us
My eyes filled with silver, there was gold in my mouth
I longed for a drink, I just couldn't think
And the speed, it got faster and faster

We arrived at her base and she showed me her face
Just a glimpse for a second, and then it downed me
I was really knocked out by her sweet ruthless grace
I saw my fate written there, but by now did not care
I was loyal, I loved her, I signed on

She was a Starcruser, Star Starcruiser
Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
She was a mean Starcruiser
And she was cruising me

I flew with that cruiser for almost a year
My mind it had melted and changed so
I had blown out my circuits, I'd gone out of gear
I was hers all that time, so strange were her crimes
Even now I dare not recall them

Starcruisers are bright and they light up the night
And their style it is clean and it thrills you
They are cool at the kill, you can't keep them in sight
They will burn out your drive and they'll drain off your life
And they won't even know they have done it

Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
Starcruiser, Star Starcruiser
She was a mean Starcruiser
And she was cruising me

Imagen de la funda del disco

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1977: Supertramp y Babaji

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