domingo, 16 de julio de 2023

1975: Las canciones del álbum Warrior On The Edge Of Time

Contenido de esta entrada:


Lista de canciones, opinión, créditos y reediciones

Entrada anterior de Hawkwind: 1975: El guerrero en el borde del tiempo

Siguiente entrada de Hawkwind: 

Sitio oficial de Hawkwind: Hawkwind Mission Control

Facebook de Hawkwind: Hawkwind | Facebook

Twitter de Hawkwind: Hawkwind (@HawkwindHQ) / Twitter

Carpeta del álbum desplegada

Hawkwind es una banda de rock inglesa conocida como uno de los primeros grupos de rock espacial (space rock).  Desde su formación en noviembre de 1969 en Ladbroke Grove, Londres, Hawkwind ha pasado por muchas cambios en su formación y ha incorporado muchos estilos diferentes en su música, incluyendo hard rock, rock progresivo y rock psicodélico. También son considerados como una influyente banda proto-punk. Sus letras contienen temáticas acerca de lo urbano y la ciencia ficción; de hecho, el escritor Michael Moorcock ha colaborado en las letras de algunos temas.

Muchos músicos, bailarines y escritores han colaborado con la banda desde sus inicios. Los músicos notables que han participado en Hawkwind incluyen a Lemmy, Ginger Baker, Robert Calvert, Nik Turner y Huw Lloyd-Langton. Sin embargo, la banda está más estrechamente asociada con su fundador, cantante, compositor y guitarrista Dave Brock, que es el único miembro original que continúa.

Hawkwind son mejor conocidos por la canción "Silver Machine", que se convirtió en un éxito número tres en el Reino Unido en 1972, de la que nos ocupamos en un anterior artículo (1972: La máquina plateada de Hawkwind) pero conseguirían más éxitos con "Urban Guerrilla" (otro éxito Top 40) y "Shot Down in the Night" que veremos en futuros artículos. La banda tuvo una serie de veintidós de sus álbumes en las listas de éxitos en el Reino Unido desde 1971 hasta 1993

En el anteriores artículos revisamos su segundo álbum X In Search of Space. Le dedicamos dos artículos  1971: Hawkwind a la exploración del espacio (I) y 1971: Hawkwind a la exploración del espacio (y II). Fue un álbum con un sonido más comercial con el intento de ganar seguidores.

Portada del segundo álbum de Hawkwind

Otro anterior artículo lo dedicamos a su tercer álbum Doremi FaSol Latido: 1972: Doremi FaSol Latido de Hawkwind.

Portada del tercer álbum de Hawkwind

Un anterior artículo lo dedicamos a su cuarto álbum The Space Ritual Alive in Liverpool and London (comúnmente conocido como Space Ritual), su primer álbum en vivo publicado en 19731973: Ritual espacial en vivo con Hawkwind.

Portada del álbum Space Ritual

En un anterior artículo continuamos su historia hasta la publicación del que sería su cuarto álbum de estudio, Hall Of The Mountain Grill, en 1974. Es considerado por muchos críticos como un punto culminante de su carrera: 1974: El álbum Hall Of The Mountain Grill de Hawkwind

Portada del álbum Hall Of The Mountain Grill

En un anterior artículo nos ocupamos del sencillo Kings of Speed / Motorhead publicado en 19751975: El sencillo Kings of Speed / Motorhead de Hawkwind.

Portada del sencillo Kings of Speed en el Reino Unido

En 1975, los miembros de Hawkwind colaboraron en el álbum The New Worlds Fair de Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix. A él dedicamos el artículo: 1975: La feria de los nuevos mundos

Portada del álbum The New Worlds Fair

En un anterior artículo comenzamos a comentar su quinto álbum de estudio, Warrior on the Edge of Time, publicado en 19751975: El guerrero en el borde del tiempo. Esta parte la dedicamos a la historia, grabación, lanzamiento y recepción.

En este artículo continuamos comentando el álbum con las canciones del álbum.

Lista de canciones, opinión, créditos y reediciones

Enlace al álbum completo:

Enlace a la lista de reproducción del álbum: Warrior on the Edge of Time

Lista de canciones

Lado A

1. "Assault and Battery (Part 1)" (Dave Brock) 5:35
2. "The Golden Void (Part 2)" (Brock) 4:35
3. "The Wizard Blew His Horn" (Michael Moorcock, Simon House, Alan Powell, Simon King) 2:00
4. "Opa-Loka" (Powell, King) 5:40
5. "The Demented Man" (Brock) 4:20

Lado B

6. "Magnu" (Brock) 8:40
7. "Standing at the Edge" (Moorcock, House, Powell, King) 2:45
8. "Spiral Galaxy 28948" (House) 3:55
9. "Warriors" (Moorcock, House, Powell, King) 2:05
10. "Dying Seas" (Nik Turner) 3:05
11. "Kings of Speed" (Moorcock, Brock) 3:25


A1 Assault and Battery (Part 1)



Lives of great men all remind us
We may make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time
Of hewn stones the sacred circle
Where the wizard sages sat
Let us try to remember
All the times where they were at

So your thoughts, they were expecting
Assault and battery on the human anatomy
Assault and battery on the human anatomy, man

Lives of great men all remind us
We may make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time

So your thoughts, they were expecting
Assault and battery on the human anatomy
Assault and battery on the human anatomy, man

Lives of great men all remind us
We may make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time
Of hewn stones the sacred circle
Where the wizard sages sat
Let us try to remember
All the times where they were at

So your thoughts, they were expecting
Assault and battery on the human anatomy
Assault and battery on the human anatomy, man


A2 The Golden Void (Part 2)



The golden void speaks to me
Denying my reality
I lose my body, lose my mind
I blow like wind, I flow like wine
Down that corridor of flame
Will I fly so high again?
Is there something wrong with me?
I cannot hear, I cannot see
Down a corridor of flame
Down a corridor of flame
Down a corridor of flame
Down a corridor of flame

So you think the time is past
The life you lead will always last
Chaotic fusions of your soul
Down below that rocky knoll
Through the clouds an open sky
The wind flows through your watering eyes
The sounds are pitched to draw you on
Your never-ending journey on
The edge of time
On the edge of time
On the edge of time
On the edge of time
On the edge of time
On the edge of time
The edge of time

A3 The Wizard Blew His Horn



The Great Hound barked
And the world turned white
The Great Hound sighed
And the forest died
The Wizard blew his horn
The Wizard blew his horn

The snow snake hissed
And the world turned round
The snow snake grinned
In his fine cold sin
When the Wizard blew his horn
The Wizard blew his horn

The horse wept blood
And the earth did groan
The tall horse reared
From a lake of tears
To seek a Champion
To seek a Champion

The world was bleak
And the Earth did fear
The Wizard's horn
Of magic born
So it screamed for a champion
It screamed for a champion

The eagle laughed
And the world grew black
It stretched giant claws
And it snatched the Law
And the Champion stirred in sleep
The Champion stirred in sleep


A4 Opa-Loka

A5 The Demented Man



The questions asked but never known
The feeling governs which way I'll go
Endless circles on my mind
Spiralling a downward climb which way I'll go
The thoughts are there for you to find
But you never know which way I'll go

Those flashing lights are warning me
But ever bidding voices see
You're caught in a web of emptiness
The tales told the path you tread
Does it lead into your head?
Or back to a world of emptiness?

Smiling faces watching me
Helping hands just wait and see which way I'll go
White walls stretching in the sun
Was it here that I began which way I'll go?
Faintly voices plead with me
Ever asking, ever see which way I'll go

Those flashing lights are warning me
But ever bidding voices see
You're caught in a web of emptiness
The tales told the path you tread
Does it lead into your head?
Or back to a world of emptiness?


B1 Magnu



Magnu, horse with golden mane
I want your help yet once again
Walk not the earth but fly through space
As lightning flash or thunders race
Swift as the arrow from the bow
Come to me so that no one can know
Sunbeams are my shafts to kill
All men who dare imagine ill
Deceit that fears the light of day
Fly from the glory of my ray
Good minds open and take new light
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night

A burning brand was seen to fall
It lit the darkness of the hall
The flying hoofbeats circling in
Come to me and let us spin

Sunbeams are my shafts to kill
All men who dare imagine ill
Deceit that fears the light of day
Fly from the glory of my ray
Good minds open and take new light
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Reign of night
Reign of night
Reign of night

Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night
Until diminished by the reign of night


B2 Standing at the Edge



We're standing on the edge
On the edge of time
On the edge of time
And it is dark
It is dark
It is dark
It is dark, so dark on the edge of time
And we're tired of making love

We are the lost
We are the ravaged
We are the unkind
We are the soldiers at the edge of time
And we're tired of making love

Where are our children?
Where are our fathers?
Where is desire?
It is cold, so cold on the edge of time

Where is our joy?
Where is our hope?
Where is our fire?
It is cold, so cold on the edge of time

We are the lost
We are the forgotten
We are the undying
We are the soldiers at the edge of time
The veterans of a thousand psychic wars
We are the soldiers at the edge of time

The victims of the savage truth
We are the soldiers at the edge of time
And we're tired
We're tired
We're tired
We're tired
We're tired
We're tired of making love

B4 Warriors



We are the warriors at the edge of time
We are Humanity's scythe to sweep this way and that
And cut the Enemy down as weeds
We are Humanity's spade to dig up the roots wherever they have grown
We are Humanity's fire to burn the waste to the finest ash
We are the wind which will blow the ash away
As if it had never existed
We will destroy those Enemies
But we must first know the Enemies
And the Enemies are the devils that hide in our minds
And make us less than happy
They make us less than happy
We are the warriors at the edge of time
We are the veterans of a savage truth
We are the lost
We are the last
We are the betrayed
We are the betrayed
We are betrayed

B5 Dying Seas



We've flotsam been, and the jetsam
In highness being, gonna get some
On the water walking, it's easy to be
Centralized then into infinity

For ourselves only have we to thank
To fool you now would be to walk the plank
Eternity to spend in mime
Drowning in the dying seas of time

With galleon astral, sail is set
And with the tide we sail her yet
By light propelled, Karma our guide
The shores spatial pass we beside

Past rotting hulks of culture drifting
Lost souls ghostly trawl nets lifting
Themselves against the man-made crime
Drowning in the dying seas of time

B6 Kings of Speed



Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed

Between you and me, Mr C
I think we have what we both need
Step this way lads, it ain't no lie
Try your luck and maybe hit the sky

Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed

You're gonna get a tasty trip
On Frank and Beasley's rocket ship
The biggest attraction, the brightest star
Boys, you're going fast and far

Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed

Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed

We guarantee the sweetest ride
You'll go so far you'll think you've died
Step this way lads, it ain't no lie
Try your luck and reach the sky

Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed
Kings of speed, kings of speed
We're gonna make you kings of speed


Mi opinión personal sobre el álbum:

En este álbum continúo observando la evolución del sonido de Hawkwind hacia el sinfonismo gracias al creciente protagonismo de los teclados. Con los expertos en electrónica Dik Mik y Del Detmarr abandonando la nave nodriza, fueron las texturas más exuberantes de Simon House de Mellotron, violín y sintetizador EMS VCS3 las que dominaron el paisaje sonoro. Eso hace que sea el álbum que más me gusta de Hawkwind. Lemmy sigue aportando el lado heavy metal, aunque será la última ocasión y lo tenemos brillando en 'Assault And Battery' y en Motorhead. Opa-Loka es un guiño al krautrock de Neu!.  The Demented Man me recuerda en cambio a Pink Floyd. Y el álbum cierra con Kings of Speed, un rock&roll que presagia el punk. En resumen, una buena mezcla de estilos que no defraudará a nadie. 


Dave Brock – guitarra, teclados, voz, bajo ("Opa-Loka")

Nik Turner – saxofón, flauta, voz ("Standing at the Edge", "Dying Seas")

Lemmy (Ian Kilmister) – bajo, voz ("Motorhead")

Simon House – violín, Mellotron, VCS3, teclados

Simon King - batería, percusión

Alan Powell – batería, percusión

Personal adicional

Michael Moorcock – voz ("The Wizard Bloww His Horn" y "Warriors")


Fue publicado por primera vez en CD en 1992 con Dojo. Una segunda versión fue lanzada en 1993 en el sello canadiense Griffin Music, masterizada a partir de una copia de primera generación del master original. Este master fue la cinta Atco utilizada para el lanzamiento en vinilo norteamericano de 1975, e incluyó el tema "Kings of Speed". El master Atco utilizado por Griffin fue creado originalmente en Olympic Studios y no tenía ningún desvanecimiento en las pistas. Un conjunto de notas de acompañamiento escritas por Dave Brock en 1975 se utilizaron para recrear los fundidos originales cuando Griffin creó su maestro digital. No se utilizó ningún ecualizador cuando se creó el maestro digital Griffin. La transferencia se realizó para que coincida con el vinilo original lo más cerca posible.

Portada de la edición de 1993 de Griffin

En mayo de 2013, Cherry Red reeditó el álbum, junto con un nuevo estéreo y una mezcla 5.1 de Steven Wilson, en el sello Atomhenge administrado por Esoteric Recordings. También se confirmó que se utilizaron las cintas maestras originales.

Contraportada de la edición de 2013

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